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  How many of us here are really into working out? (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   How many of us here are really into working out?


Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:37 PM

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I cannot help but wonder what some people are doing here on a "fitness, bodybuilding site." I am constantly reading posts about people doing recreational drugs, smoking cigarettes, smoking weed etc.

Now don't get me wrong, I do not have a "holier than thou" attitude, but I am serious about being in shape and bodybuilding. Don't remember the last time I drank. I hate to miss a workout, and I never do rec. drugs. I watch what I eat, drink atleast a gallon of water a day, and take protein supplements. I was just wondering who else is really into it. Even with all this my gains come slowly, I cannot imagine how it would be if I tore my body down all weekend too.


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Posts: 3551
From:Norway, the land of the vikings
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:43 PM

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i am a natural bodybuilder


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:dallas, tx
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:48 PM

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not everyone on here is super hardcore. not everyone on here does steroids. i don't walk around life with a gallon of water by my side.
i'm sure a significant percentage of people on here are like me. i smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, and drink a couple times a week but i'm also in the gym hitting squats and deads as often as i can. i'm all about maintaining and occasionally increasing my strength, but i'm also 25 years old and still looking to have some fun before i get married and have kids. believe me when i'm in the gym i work just as hard if not harder than the next guy, but i'm not so focused that i'm going to sacrifice things i enjoy in an attempt to get a body i'm in all likelihood never going to have. i don't have the fucking badass genetics to take me there. i just have a good time, lift, and eat much cleaner than the average person. at the end of the day i look pretty good. for me that's enough.

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Posts: 3516
From:Houston, TX, USA
Registered: Apr 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:48 PM

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I usually will go dancing and have a few drinks on the Saturday.. I don't smoke, never took X, coke is my big problem, but that's really under control, and as long as I stay away from the people who do it I can have control.

I lift on Mon - Fri, and usually just do cardio or rest on the weekend.

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Thick dog


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posted January 08, 2001 04:50 PM

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I have lifted weights hard for 10 years, since I was 14. I used to mainly lift for sports, but now I am more into bodybuilding. I am thinking of possibly entering some powerlifting meets for fun in the future if I can bring up my squat a little. I usually drink on the weekends, I know it's not good, but I have a little bit of an alcoholic gene in me. Luckily, I hav ean extremely fast metabolism which allows me to maintain a ripped physique and less than 8% bodyfat no matter what kind of party favors I partake in. I smoke weed a few times a month and take some ecstacy about once every 2 months or so. What can I say, I like fucking girls while rolling on X.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:North America
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posted January 08, 2001 04:52 PM

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Never smoked. no drugs. I don't even supplement creatine. Just eat right,get my water, take a vit/mineral supp, and train. It is also how I feed and house my wife and child. I do drink half a glass of dark red wine every night I don't workout. It's good and it will help blood pressure when I get older.

Life is short.
Work smart, Play hard,Take the Risks that make you Happy!
Don't worry about the rest.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 04:53 PM

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I drink and smoke weed in vice is cigarettes. I like to work out, but it is and always will be second to sometimes it suffers. We were on hiatus over the holidays, so working out got to take priority.

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:54 PM

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I cannot knock those that drink, it is a fun activity, and I have done my share in the past, I just see a lot of people here talking about doing heavy drugs etc.

I have found as I get older lifting is becoming more and more of a priority to me. I don't honestly care what people do, but I really do question how some people stumbled upon a lifting site and don't even really lift.


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Posts: 4231
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 08, 2001 04:57 PM

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Lifting is a priority with me. I have always been into the drink and smoke (among other things) but I find the older I get the more I focus on the lifting, and the less on partying. I love to have a good time, but sometimes gets in the way of building a better body (New Years vacation was a perfect example).

- If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people. -

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:03 PM

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I think you would be surprised by the number of even pro bodybuilders that use rec. drugs. I cant speak for all of them but I know a handfull of national level comp. and a few pros that use more shit then you could fucking imagine. Speed-E-Painkillers--Painkillers -----Ghb----coke---weed. Fuck didnt you see pumping Iron, Arnold was smoking a bone. Bodybuilders are not the healthiest people. It is an illusion for most!

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Thick dog


Posts: 2662
Registered: May 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:04 PM

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I 'm gonna try and compete in a local contest in the late spring, which gives me a few months to train. There is a contest in my area that consists of the squat and bench press, which I want to enter. I only do stiff legged deads now becuase my back is a little tender. I'd like to hit a 420 bench and 460-470 squat at a 205-210 bodyweight. I'm only 200 right now. The bench is close, but the squat needs a little work. As I get close to that time, I'll get real serious and cut out the drinking and other drugs for a month before and focus, then get hammered afterward.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 737
From:Hartford, WI
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:06 PM

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I work out. I'm natural for now but that will most likely change because I am a very imatient person and am sick of my skinny arms.


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 05:08 PM

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I know just about every person that is into fitness in my city is also into drugs. I would have to say atleast 80% of the people I know that are into fitness also use recreational drugs on a daily basis. I even know a guy that has been to the NPC Nationals that has done his fair share of drugs and partying. If you think that every person that is into fitness doesn't use recreational drugs then you are dead wrong!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 05:29 PM

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I keep going thru one of two different cycles.
1.a Cycle/bulk/exercise religiously
b. diet religiously and arobics halfheartedly
c. Looking Good! Socialize more, get laid a lot
d. Gain weight, loose muscle
e. Start over
2.a Cycle/bulk/exercise religiously
b. get hurt and have to stop
c. Gain weight, loose muscle
d. Start over

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 05:32 PM

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I am 16 and have honestly never done any drugs or smoked. I get a lot of motivation from the shit heads at school. All they care about is getting enough hours at work and getting stoned on the weekends. I get offers to go out on the weekends but then I remember that I have leg day on Fridays and Back and shoulders on Saturdays. Thats good enough an excuse to skip out on partying.

Once I drive I may do more but right now I have to get to the gym whenever possible.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 05:45 PM

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I can't do anything except for drink, because of my "condition". I don't even do that much. I am much like a Magwie,(in that if you feed or give me a controlled substance after Midnight, i turn into a Gremlin).


Because of my title I was the first to enter here.
I shall be the last to go out.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 833
From:greensburg,pa USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:47 PM

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Originally posted by Sailor_Girl:
I work out. I'm natural for now but that will most likely change because I am a very imatient person and am sick of my skinny arms.

Are we gonna have to change your name to SAIzen Girl soon? Email me if you need any help.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Nashville, TN
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:52 PM

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I am a natural bodybuilder and I try to compete in at least two shows per year. As I am sure many natural bodybuilders will agree, you have to dedicate you life to it. There is no room for screwing around with this or that.

Because I want to . . . Because I have to . . . Because I need to . . . Because I can!

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:52 PM

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Sailor girl, ever see that chick in Scary Movie with the hairy chest? She must have gotten impatient too. HaHa


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:greensburg,pa USA
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posted January 08, 2001 05:53 PM

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Well, I dont really think that dudes who work out & want to have a few drinks on the weekend, or light up a bone 1 time a month or so are defeating the purpose of their training. Lets face it we ALL need that extra little bit of escape every now & then that these things provide. Now(that being said)if you are lighting bones everyday, or smoking cigarettes OR at the bar everyday after work & are working out as well, I say WHY BOTHER to those invividuals. I also train 4 days/week, Cardio, diet, supplements, etc, etc., but dont mind the OCCASIONAl hit of ganja or a drink on the weekend.

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Posts: 2334
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:55 PM

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Bro, I'm goin to stay strong, but I do not make money of BB and never will, so I am going to have a little fun in my life. I bet I'm still stronger than 99% of the males on this earth and It may be a little higher than that.

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 08, 2001 05:58 PM

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I just feel that if I am going to fry my liver it ought to be by building muscle. I don't even take the orals though. I have heard pros are into drugs too, but how can people go raving all night on X and then hit the gym a day later and expect to do well? Or lift when hungover?
I stress when I have to lift and might be dehydrated from being outside and sweating or having had drank like two pops with the caffeine.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 06:05 PM

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i like to work out...just a little bit.

i'm 17, decided to stay on steroids year round, am currently on winny/anadrol/insulin about to start DNP. i use nicorette gum as a pre-workout stimulant and will probably add a gram a week of testosterone to my stack w/ some arimidex as soon as i get a bit more cash.

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Posts: 2334
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:18 PM

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MP. I can say with the honest truth that the first time I bench 405lbs 9years ago or so I had drank a 12 of coors light the night before and I was at the gym at 10am the next morning to set that PR. Maybe all the empty carbs helped or maybe they hurt and I could of bench 415lbs if I had not drank. Who knows?

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:24 PM

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I believe you. That is a big number on bench. Maybe I am a little to anal or devoted, whatever.
I miss one workout and I feel skinny.
It seems like all everyone does here is talk about rec drugs and booze, and to be honest, some of the photos I see here look like beginners.


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Posts: 2334
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:38 PM

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Go look at my photo. I am far from a beginner. It was posted by special_bill under the name checkspics.

I do know what you are saying though.

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Posts: 3516
From:Houston, TX, USA
Registered: Apr 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:40 PM

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i feel i'm one of the beginners.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 06:41 PM

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Originally posted by Checkmatebloated:
Go look at my photo. I am far from a beginner. It was posted by special_bill under the name checkspics.

I do know what you are saying though.

I tried to see them but they aren't in the archives....


Because of my title I was the first to enter here.
I shall be the last to go out.

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Posts: 2334
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:48 PM

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Is there anyway to bring them back. Mods can you help are are the gone?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Syd, NSW, Australia
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:56 PM

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everyone has at least one vice, and there's always someone who wants to talk about it...personally i drink very sparsely, certainly don't smoke, weed is my vice, no other drugs at all. at the same time, i can't remember the last time i didn't eat at least 6 times a day.

maybe there's a cut between the devoted and the neophyte that i just don't make.


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Posts: 2372
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 08, 2001 06:57 PM

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Personally, you can all drink and smoke (just not in the same room w/me, thank you) and do recreational drugs till your heads explode...just DO NOT get behind the wheel of a car - that might be my husband that you paralyze.

Having said that (mom thing, couldn't help myself)...Sailor Girl, you are 17 correct?
I'm not trying to preach or anything, but A/S IS NOT MAGIC. I mean how big do you want to get?

Not that I'm your mother or anything, but unless you intend to compete, why would you even consider A/S? You are young and have a good metabolism (it would seem), you've not had your body ravaged by time or childbearing, what is it would make you even remotely consider A/S?

------------------ knows no pain.

[This message has been edited by bikinimom (edited January 08, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:greensburg,pa USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 08, 2001 08:37 PM

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Originally posted by bikinimom:
Personally, you can all drink and smoke (just not in the same room w/me, thank you) and do recreational drugs till your heads explode...just DO NOT get behind the wheel of a car - that might be my husband that you paralyze.

Having said that (mom thing, couldn't help myself)...Sailor Girl, you are 17 correct?
I'm not trying to preach or anything, but A/S IS NOT MAGIC. I mean how big do you want to get?

Not that I'm your mother or anything, but unless you intend to compete, why would you even consider A/S? You are young and have a good metabolism (it would seem), you've not had your body ravaged by time or childbearing, what is it would make you even remotely consider A/S?

Mommy...I agree with you about the age thing but, being that you are into fitness obviously, I find it hard to believe that you would question as to why Sailor Girl would want to consider hormones. I mean its pretty simple right...To look better, To feel better about herself, etc. What does competing have to do with anything?? I guess that us "non-competitors" are not supposed to succumb to the EXACT same temptations as you stage posers right? I dont get where your coming from at all?? So you believe that hormones should not be used for cosmetic purposes obviously, yet you have done the whole plastic surgery thing plenty of times, which carries just as many risks. Is this an anti-drug speach or what??

[This message has been edited by roidog420 (edited January 08, 2001).]

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Posts: 2372
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 08, 2001 09:12 PM

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Peel yourself off of the ceiling there, puppy.

First off, Sailor Girl and I are two completely different people. I neither condone nor condemn A/S use. I believe that education is paramount REGARDLESS of what we do.

I know that you will find this difficult to believe but the woman depicted in the photo in my sig (or ANY photo in my sig)DID NOT use A/S (Yes, that is me). It was not necessary in order for me to achieve that look. If I could've achieved the physical result WITHOUT COSMETIC SURGERY I WOULD HAVE.

All that I am trying to say is that if Sailor Girl (or anyone else for that matter) has not put the time and effort into training, eating, resting, etc A/S is NOT A MAGIC BULLET that will give her the physique that she desires simply because she ingests it.

The reason that I mentioned competition is because the average person who lifts recreationally usually does not have the desire or dedication to utilize the benefits of A/S to their fullest extent. Also the side effects can be GREAT - especially for women. I just can't see the point of taking such risks for what? Their won't be any real gains made with the A/S if the dedication to eating, training etc are not also in place.

The reason I have always said is that I would never compete on anything other than a local level is because I am just not willing to do what is necessary in order not to get laughed off of the stage - PERIOD.

I earn a living by how I look and yet I still do NOT NEED A/S, if I did would it make my muscles any less "real"? NO. I am only stating these facts to let Sailor Girl and others like her what can be achieved w/out A/S. If I had a body like FC (OH MY GOD IS SHE AMAZING!) and said, "You too can look like this w/out A/S." Then, of course, I could see how you would be getting your underoos in a bind.

I am not passing judgement. I am not saying that I am better because I did not use A/S. But when someone as young as Sailor Girl makes the comment (even though I'm sure that she was making it tongue in cheek) that she may try A/S because she is getting impatient w/her skinny arms I feel that I must speak up.

------------------ knows no pain.

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Cool Novice

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posted January 08, 2001 09:14 PM

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In my pursuit of health and fitness, there are two milestones:

-Giving up smoking about eight years ago with the aid of patches. I would light up first thing in the morning, last thing at night and even would sneak out of the gym halfway through my workout for a puff.
Hardly touch grass,as it doesn't do sfa for me.
-Attaining my second millennial visit at the gym I go to. They compute your name each time you visit and have a list on the wall (which is changed monthly) with the munber of your visits on. No big deal maybe, but for someone like myself who is very undisciplined and who doesn't like too much sweat and toil, I feel secretly proud of the fact that I've clocked up over 2200 visits. In the early days I worked out far too much, but now workout 4 or 5 days a week, doing cardio on the others.
You would expect me to be a freak by now - well, I'm not - but I'm toned and defined, and if I do start a cycle this year, I'll have the foundation for good results.

Amen to you,MP5. You're right on the mark. I take it all very seriously too. One of my biggest nightmares would be if I were unable to get to the gym for my daily fix.
Having said that, if someone offered me a free E, I think I would take it.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 09:14 PM

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MP5 I also was surprised by the people who use drugs in the sport. I do not now or ever.
I am very committed to working out 4-5 days a week. I won't say that I never have a beer or two on saturday (my cheat day) with my meal, but I couldn't tell you the last time I was drunk. Vice's...mine is copenhagen. I don't care what others do (but mind bikini mom NO Driving)and some say I am a little over board on my working out, nutrition, etc.

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Posts: 2334
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 08, 2001 09:29 PM

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(yes that is me)? what's is up with that statement BF. I will still like and respect you, but you think because we use roids it is not us?

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posted January 08, 2001 10:21 PM

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Originally posted by Sailor_Girl:
I work out. I'm natural for now but that will most likely change because I am a very imatient person and am sick of my skinny arms.

Sailor, even though you won't take my word for it, I believe it's an EXTREMELY bad idea for a 17 year old girl to use steroids.

Anyway, I am extremely serious about working out, probably more than most on the chat. And about the weed thing, MP5, I was CONSIDERING ingesting a small amount of marijuana once a month or so after work on Saturdays to enjoy playing team fortress.

I have done the research and I doubt it have any negative effect on my training at all. However, I don't have the funds to do it right now so maybe some other time. It was just an idea.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Hartford, WI
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 08, 2001 10:28 PM

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Wow.....lots of comments on me! Anywho....I am going to try protein shakes for now. If I try steroids it won't be until next year. I want to be VERY strong when I'm in the Navy. I want to be one of the toughest females in the branch. Bikinimom....did you ever use anything....not steroids I know, but any supplements or anything?


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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posted January 08, 2001 10:38 PM

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Sailor baby, in about 3 months I shall have plenty of test in me, so if you want, you can use the special extraction method of fellatio to supplement yourself with some of my extra test as well as protein. In fact, I won't even charge you for it.

Seriously, use creatine, heavy sets with 4-6 reps, eat more and you should be fine.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 10:55 PM

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im w/ mp5. the occasional drink during bulking but not now since im losing some BF. If i miss a workout I feel skinny and I get pissed if i ahve to miss a meal or a shake.

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Tom Zenk

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 08, 2001 10:56 PM

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It makes me sick to see the amount of posts about everyone drinking, partying and using drugs. Then many of these same people post pictures of themselves and it looks like they never worked out a day in their lives.

Also, there are way too many kids here that use or talk about using steroids. Instead of turning to drugs for instant gratification, first try busting your ass in the gym for about 6 or 7 years without any layoffs, eat right and forget about the partying.

If you enjoy going out on Friday nights and getting drunk or high them bodybuilding is not a priority in your life. People with this lack of discipline have no business using or even contemplating steroid use. The gym is packed almost every night of the week except Friday and Saturday night. You go in there during the evenings on the weekend and those are the people that take their training seriously.

I'm sure that the majority of the people that post on this board won't be found in the gym on a Friday or Saturday night.

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Hugh Gellatts

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posted January 08, 2001 11:46 PM

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Tom: maybe you should try recreational drugs. It might help loosen up that twig rammed up your ass.

MP5: Was the gym teacher in Scary movie Tom Platz? It certainly looked like him...and he has made some movie cameos in the past.

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posted January 09, 2001 12:06 AM

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Originally posted by Tom Zenk:
It makes me sick to see the amount of posts about everyone drinking, partying and using drugs. Then many of these same people post pictures of themselves and it looks like they never worked out a day in their lives.

Also, there are way too many kids here that use or talk about using steroids. Instead of turning to drugs for instant gratification, first try busting your ass in the gym for about 6 or 7 years without any layoffs, eat right and forget about the partying.

If you enjoy going out on Friday nights and getting drunk or high them bodybuilding is not a priority in your life. People with this lack of discipline have no business using or even contemplating steroid use. The gym is packed almost every night of the week except Friday and Saturday night. You go in there during the evenings on the weekend and those are the people that take their training seriously.

I'm sure that the majority of the people that post on this board won't be found in the gym on a Friday or Saturday night.

Whats that? Sorry I was shooting up....

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Posts: 2372
From:LaLa Land
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posted January 09, 2001 12:51 AM

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Sailor Girl, I understand your need to be physically strong. EAT LIKE A FUCKING HORSE and TRAIN LIKE A MOFO and YOU WILL GET STRONG, NO, IFS, ANDS or BUTS!

I have used on occasion a Universal creatine product called Lava and I don't know if it made me stronger, but I got some craaaaaazy pumps. I do supplement w/MRP (I use Universal products because they are pretty good and I can get them wholesale, hehe)...and NO, I don't work for them. I wish!

Don't worry too much about cardio and train hard and heavy with good form and BE CONSISTENT, get plenty of rest and drink A LOT OF WATER!

------------------ knows no pain.

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posted January 09, 2001 08:44 AM

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I couldn't live w/o my fitness/weight-training lifestyle. I've grown so accustomed to the training, eating, giving/receiving advice, etc. the list goes on and on....


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posted January 09, 2001 09:14 AM

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I take it serious. I very occasionally drink - say once or twice a month (not at all when on a cycle). I diet very well, all year round and have train regularly 4-5 times p/w. I don't smoke cigs but I have one little vice. I smoke a little weed in the evenings when I get home from the gym (after my protein and meal of course). I don't smoke it in the day at all though unless it is my day off, co-inciding with weekend.

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posted January 09, 2001 10:57 AM

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Bikini always mom's tend to be...."education is Paramount"

I have to say I'm not too hyped about steriods, especially in females....alot of women I have met just don't understand how big they can get if they learned to push themselves. It is totally genetics however. Alot of woman can get a very large physic with diet and intense training alone. Some can get much larger than alot of boys.

The thing that flames me about roids is alot of people I know on them, went on them without pushing themselves both physically and nutritionaly before starting. They started because they are lazy and wanted big results without big effort. I'm just as lazy as the next person, however, I wouldn't feel right with my accomplishment if I got the majority of my body just from needles and pysical condition to me is not only a pursuit for health, but also a challenge I strive to acheive utilizing only my own body and soul....

Strictly my opinion.....on the flip side I"ve met some very well educated body builders who have pushed and pushed and wanted more and went to steriods...more power to them Its your body you decide whats right for you....

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
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posted January 09, 2001 11:23 AM

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I do not know why everyone rips on Zenk, his comments are right on the money. I guess it is best summed up in that if you are thinking of juicing, then you should be serious enough about the sport to not be missing workouts, meals, and you shouldn't be camping out at the bar every weekend. My friends never understood why when we went to the bar I would drink water.
I even have a friend who wants me to get him gear. He works out sporatically, drinks like a fish, and eats wrong, so i won't hook him up. I told him if he is on gear he should not drink even a little and he won't give up partying so obviuously lifting and bodybuilding is not priority to him.

Sailor girl is about 7 years from even being close to hitting juice. first you are a girl, and you are pumping drugs into your system that are basically making you a man. No woman should cross that line unless they are competing in either fitness, or bodybuilding on a higher level (or certain sports).

And Bikini Mom, no one "needs" gear, but you do get to a level when you are stuck, strength wise and size wise after years of lifting so gear is an option. Technically no one "needs" to lift weights at all. When do humans ever need to use their pecs? No one needs surgery for that matter, maybe for something like a birth defect or a nose job that you have no control over. Hell, I think implants are a violent and completely un-natural surgery there is. i watched a show on it and I could not understand how any woman could stuff that crap under your skin. That is like some guy having a rubberhose placed under the skin on his bicep to make it look like a big vein...sick.


[This message has been edited by MP5 (edited January 09, 2001).]

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posted January 09, 2001 11:32 AM

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I hope you are not referring to me Mr. Zenk.
I would venture to bet that I am more dedicated then even you in this sport because there is nothing I could be doing right now to help my progress that I am not already doing. (naturally)

However, I am not going to train for 5 more years naturally and be unhappy about being maybe 200 lbs. or so and then realize down the road that if I had juiced 5 years ago I would still be perfectly healthy only 30 lbs. bigger than I am.

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From:your nightmares
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posted January 09, 2001 11:44 AM

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frackal, you are way to impatient. I gained 40 pounds since highschool before I even touched any test. 18? You are still a boy, damn.


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posted January 09, 2001 12:26 PM

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Yawn. I started off at a lean 157 and ended up at exactly 194, probably 2-3% higher bodyfat.

I'll be 19 when I start. This is getting old however, so let's drop it.

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posted January 09, 2001 12:28 PM

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Gut busting hard work, dedication, and complete commitment -- if you want to grow then each factor needs to apply. However, most people don't have a clue as to what those words mean.

Because I want to . . . Because I have to . . . Because I need to . . . Because I can!

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posted January 09, 2001 01:07 PM

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drugs and alcolhol doesnt mean that you arent hard the way, I just heard this, might be totally false, but a friend of mine told me that he watchedsome Arnold video where he said he usedto smoke weed after workouts to relax his muscles...also, are you saying that the behemoths who play D-I and professional football who are massive and are tremendous athletes whgo train year round are not hardcore because alot of them get plastered after games? I dont feel you man

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From:your nightmares
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posted January 09, 2001 01:13 PM

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I wouldn't say they aren't hardcore, but are they bodybuilders?


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posted January 09, 2001 01:14 PM

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MP5....I'm with you brother. I agree 100%. Yeah, I have a cigarette smoking problem but that's it. The whole reason I'm on this website is to gain information to help better my bodybuilding techniques. Sure, sometimes we play around, but 95% of the time our dicussions are regarding fitness.

Frackal....what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Ask yourself that question before you start juicing. My specific plan was and is to gain enough lbm each cycle that I can naturally keep on. What good does it do you if you can only keep lbm when on juice? I don't want to be on AS my whole life. There are certainly implications to long term AS use and I don't care what anybody says. Testosterone and GH therapy are one thing, but to be on a gram of test a week is another.

Anyways, I do believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with drug use, etc. being discussed on a a fitness board. Sure, AS can be classified as an illegal substance but it is in no way comparable to ecstacy, acid, weed, etc. AS use is for performance, fitness and BB performance.

"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

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posted January 09, 2001 03:06 PM

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MP5, the reason I would consider any football player at the collegiate or professional ranks a bodybuilder is because with the exception of about a week or two week break to heal up after a season is over, the goal for the rest of the year until the next season begins is to get bigger, stronger, and more explosive. almost every college and professional team puts their players on a strict strength, diet, and conditioning program and if all specifications are met then I see no real doifference between a football player who trains rigorously year round to get bigger and stronger and a bodybuilder, except maybe that bodyfat is not as important in football

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
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posted January 09, 2001 04:43 PM

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I don't agree that the ball players are the same as bodybuilders. That is like saying a power lifter is a bodybuilder, they are not the same. If a sports athlete is training for looks, like a bodybuilder then their strength coach is training them wrong. Athletes should stick to power movements. I train for looks, and to stay in shape, getting stronger keeps you motivated but in no way do I consider myself a powerlifter. I don't even do a lot of the same lifts as they do. What is going to help a ball player out more, big arms, or strong legs?


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posted January 09, 2001 05:23 PM

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aight I see where your at now...I guess my point was that as long as using weed or alcolhol doesnt mess up your workouts, then I dont see a problem

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posted January 09, 2001 06:41 PM

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I used to compete, now just do it more for my mind other then anything else. I like the look of alot of muscle. I thought that the chat/conversation site was about anything, and not just bodybuilding. I was into the whole party thing even while training 5 days aweek. I had alot of good times and would not change a thing. I learned alot about people and myself through those times. I wont judge anyone for doing any kind of drug or anything else. Because someone does some kind of drug then he is not into training--Thats a joke---I like the honesty of some of the guys here. I went to my high school reunion and my wife and I could not believe the people who were all out of shape. I probably had more beers then anyone their(not that Im proud of it) but I walked in their at 6'2 240 at 9% and most were blown away by it. Saying wow I cant believe your still into that. Guys telling me that they just started working out again(as I look down at their 40' waist) Most people work out to get notice and thats a fact-- some guys will say I do it for myself and I agree to a point but when people tell you that you look good.. That is what drives most--

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posted January 09, 2001 08:02 PM

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I train to stay in shape and feel good, feel strong....good as in physically fit and as in feeeling good about myself and my appearance.

I got into bodybuilding for a while, but I know now that it is basically a contest of pharmaceuticals.

I do admire those that are dedicated enough to do it, but acheiving a look you can keep for one day does not appeal to me.

I don't do rec drugs...never have...and I don't drink right now because I am quite busy...but I'll drink on the weekends whenever I damn well please.

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Tom Zenk

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posted January 09, 2001 10:08 PM

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MP5, you don't have to stick up for me but thanks. It makes me laugh when I see these people get mad over my honest comments. These same people that take offense to my comments are the same ones that lack the discipline needed to be a bodybuilder. If anyone here has ever competed in a show and had to go through 12 weeks or more of dieting they know what true discipline is. During this time there is no time for drinking booze, partying or just goofing off.

For me bodybuiling is my life and everything else comes second including work, friends and social life. Many people don't understand what it truely means to be hardcore.

For a 19 year old child with minimal training experiance to turn to steroids, he is an impatient fool. Whe gains have slowed or stopped, its time to re-evaluate diet and training before turning to drugs at such a young age. When he finshes that cycle and loses a good portion of the gains once the anabolic effect has worn off, he will be an emotional wreck. And then what? Start another cycle and then another?

Its a shame but I've seen and know many natural bodybuilders that are huge and strong (not pro bodybuilder huge, but huge by normal standards). It just took them longer to make that progress but its much easier for them to keep that type of size and symmatry than a gear user. Time, patience and dedication is all it takes. Most people do not have that.

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posted January 09, 2001 10:27 PM

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Ugh. Wait for what zenk, another 10 lbs in 5 years? No thank you. And yes, I understand what will happen when I go off, thank you.

My goal is to be a lean 220-230 lbs. max. Even though my genetics are not that great, this might be achievable for me without steroids, maybe by the time I am 40 or so.

Honestly though, my goal is not crazy, so it won't require crazy dosages.

Seriously, what can I expect in the next 5 years as a natural. 10 lbs? 15 if I'm lucky?

Just curious Zenk, have you ever used AS?

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posted January 09, 2001 10:45 PM

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I respect that you cannot bodybuild while using drugs or alcolhol, but that doesnt mean that everyone cannot handle these while bodybuilding, does it?

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Tom Zenk

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posted January 09, 2001 10:46 PM

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Frackal, yes I do use steroids but I trained natural for almost 8 years before I started my first cycle at the age of 24.

At 19 years old, you can gain much more than 15 pounds naturally over the next 3 or 4 years. Don't be a pessimist assuming this can't be done without the use of drugs.

Like I said, re-evaluate your diet if your gains have slowed or stopped. Consume more calories than you burn to gain weight. Very simple but so very few people understand this.

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Cool Novice

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posted January 09, 2001 10:53 PM

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Please Sailor Girl dont do a/s,you may regret the permanent side effect!! unless you want to grow a huge clit!!

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posted January 09, 2001 11:38 PM

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Originally posted by seeseerider:
Please Sailor Girl dont do a/s,you may regret the permanent side effect!! unless you want to grow a huge clit!!

Im for that!

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posted January 10, 2001 02:18 AM

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I just work out my chest on bench press about 3 x's a week and i drink and smoke.But im quittin smokin soon

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posted January 10, 2001 02:43 AM

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Be all that you can be.... In the Naaaayyyyyveeeeeeee!!!!

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posted January 10, 2001 03:58 AM

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Originally posted by COCKSTRONG:
I just work out my chest on bench press about 3 x's a week and i drink and smoke.But im quittin smokin soon

god damn I hope your kidding. bench press is the most worthless "mass building" exercise in the universe (well not really, but every bench press junkie I know has jack shit for a physique, and even less for mass)

bodybuilding is about symmetry, powerlifting is about strength in the entire body, bench press junkie's are NOTHING.

"I must not fear, fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
"the hardest most painful rep is the easiest to remember."

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posted January 10, 2001 04:02 AM

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Originally posted by seeseerider:
Please Sailor Girl dont do a/s,you may regret the permanent side effect!! unless you want to grow a huge clit!!

I had sex with a girl that had a large clit with small lips about 2 months ago. so tight I needed "help" to stick it in, her clit literally stuck to my bladder while I was fucking her. making a very cool "sloop" noise the whole time.

oh that was great.

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Posts: 1508
From:your nightmares
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posted January 10, 2001 11:58 AM

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Zenk, you cannot tell a 19yr old anything. They have the answer to the world.

If any 19 yro thinks that all they will gain in 5 years is 10-15 pounds, they are crazy.The metabolism slow down and they won't believe it until they experience it. I gained 40 since highschool graduation over the years before any juice. Eat big, grow big.

If I was 18-19 I would take creatine, go to college and party, get on chicks, and lift. After I got all the drinking till dawn out of my system I would continue to eat big, lift hard then see about a cycle, maybe by age 22.


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posted January 10, 2001 01:08 PM

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I know of two top 10 pro bodybuilders that started taking AS before their 18 birthday and Im sure their are alot more--They certainly did not react their peak by then and if they decided not to take AS they would not be where they are now at such a young age. To say you have to react a limit naturally before doing them is fucking bullshit. If you are a natural bodybuilder and have reacted what you call your limits --- you are just fucking lying to yourself and everyone else---There are millions of diff. ways of training and dieting that have not even been done before...Just because someone states --wow I cant grow anymore so now its ok for ME to use them but tells other people that they shouldnt because they havent reacted a certain level that YOU feel they have reached. Those comments are selfish and egotistcal. Let people do what they feel is right for themselves without fucking judging them. Because you reached a certain level naturally --Big fucking deal--Pat yourself on the fucking back and get over yourself. Juice can make someone who probably wont react a certain level because of his willingness to do so naturally feel better about their themselves and anytime someone feels better about themselves and doesnt hurt anyone else by doing so, I am all for it..You only have to answer to yourself and not some of you fucking pricks who think their all that because you have reacted a certain level so-called naturally!

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posted January 10, 2001 01:09 PM

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Well, let's see what my options are here.
I can listen to the two of you, who have never seen me, don't know my genetics or how I train, and have basically been rude as hell in the past. And who assume many things. It's ludicrous for you to tell me that I will be able to gain such and such without even seeing me.

Or I can do what I believe to be correct and
use a conservative cycle to accelerate my progress to or past my genetic potential, which done wisely will have little to no sides.

I can either go to college as a swol motherfucker, or graduate college as a struggling natty ectomorph.

Anyway, it's too late now. I've already got something special coming in the mail.

And no MP5, I realize I don't know everything, but I believe to be correct in this instance, and since you are so concerned, I'll be sure to let you know how it all goes.

PS- About the 40 lb. gain, don't tell me that
after getting to 194 from 157 that it's realistic to think I can gain any more than 20 lbs. MAX in the 5 years. Anyway, I hope we can be through with this discussion.

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posted January 10, 2001 01:16 PM

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Guys, if the kid is that hellbent on doing it, then go ahead, juice it up Frackal.

But don't come whining when your youth and lack of patience causes you problems down the road.

You've made your bed..I hope it s a comfortable one.

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From:your nightmares
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posted January 10, 2001 01:21 PM

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Wombat, in general no one needs juice at a young age. If you believe differently then you are ignorant. Why would anyone hit the gear while they are still growing and gaining? That is what is meant by hitting your natural limit. Half the fucking people here have lifted for 2 years and want to hit the juice. Juice is a powerful drug and it can fuck up your hormonal balance. And taking at an early age can cause a better risk for gyno cause the natural test levels are already peaking. So I don't want to here some whiney 18 year old hear bawling about limp dick, gyno, acne and crashing so hard they actually weigh less than when they started. So you don't have to be a dick. I am not judging Frackal, if I didn't give a shit about him fucking himself up then I would not voice an opinion.

So Wombat, go on being proud of yourself, you are a true Guru. Ever though of giving a seminar?

From now on I am going to recommend that all lifters do juice, be it 16 years old or female. It is the only answer.


[This message has been edited by MP5 (edited January 10, 2001).]

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