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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 137
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 03, 2001 09:38 PM

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Whats up girls! Just thought I'd venture down to the better half of the elitefitness board for a change.
I have a serious question that I was wondering what you ladies thought about. I know I'd get flamed or get machoistic remarks if i put this on the anabolic board so here it is:

My girlfriend who I adore more than anything in the world (I'm 22 years old and I still get butterflies when I'm around her!) had a terrible thing happen to her. Her mom (she has no Dad and her and her mom live by themselves together---they are extremely close) got into a car accident recently and broke her neck. 1 cm over to the left or right of the break, she would've been dead (according to the doctors)

So obviously this is a huge matter. My girlfriend is home now taking care of her mom who just got out of the hospital. Here's my question. How should I go about this? I completely understand how she now must devote time to her ailing mother, and I would NEVER ask her to put her family before me, but I miss being with her and talking to her.

She's been depressed recently and we havent talked much or seen each other. Everytime I call it seems like I'm bothering her and she always cuts our conversation short. I dont want to be a nuisance during this time of crisis, but I also want to be there for her (I've told her that numerous times that I was here for her if she wanted to vent frustration or anger). What would make her the happiest? Please, suggestions are very welcome right now, i'm depressed cuz she's so sad..Plus this clomid isnt helping me very much with my emotions and hormonal levels!



"I'll always be number one to myself"....Moses Malone

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Posts: 2202
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted January 03, 2001 09:44 PM

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Bro, I know I'm not a girl, but It sounds like it is time for you to order take out and get a movie and go by her house and enjoy the evening on her couch with her and her mother. Sure sound like you in love. Thing will work out. her mother will get better and she will be closer to you for sticking with her through this. You give up a lot now, but I bet you will bet a lot back later.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 137
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 03, 2001 09:51 PM

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Yeah I thought about that but here's what happened. I said, "I know this sounds shady of me to ask (this is over the telephone), but when can I see you again" And I mean shady in that I might have come off sounding selfish but I didnt want to. She replied without even hesitating FRIDAY which is the last night I am home for xmas break. Saturday I have to go back to school which is 4 hours away from her. Thats why this sucks super bad


"I'll always be number one to myself"....Moses Malone

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 231
From:Philly, PA, USA
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 03, 2001 09:56 PM

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Dude, I ain't a girl either but what the Cpt said is the best way to go about this. Flowers always do wonders [Damn man I worked in the shop too long. Thats my solution for everything] or send her a card something that she'll have time to open cause if ya call at a bad time and shes already frustrated interupting her might only make it worse and she might take it out on you. Hope I helped some.

BTW man I ain't trying to bust your balls but where ya said 'I would never ask her to put her family before me', I think ya meant I would never ask her to put me before her family. Hope she gets better soon.

-Plan for the worst; Pray for the best.
-I'm funny?...How? I mean funny, like I'm a clown?...I amuse you? I make you laugh?

[This message has been edited by Rex (edited January 03, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 137
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 03, 2001 10:00 PM

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Woops my bad..your right Rex..i meant i would never ask her to put me in front of her family. Good the way, on a lighter side of things, GO FUCKING EAGLES!!! They arent the ones I use to love back in the day, but its very intriguing watching Donavan McNabb (a nobody last year) lead a very hard working, blue collar team like this years Eagles.


"I'll always be number one to myself"....Moses Malone

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 231
From:Philly, PA, USA
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 03, 2001 10:04 PM

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Fuckin A man.

-Plan for the worst; Pray for the best.
-I'm funny?...How? I mean funny, like I'm a clown?...I amuse you? I make you laugh?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 231
From:Philly, PA, USA
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 03, 2001 10:08 PM

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Ain't it crazy how a cm can make such a huge difference or that any small number could mean the matter of life or death. A couple years back my grandmother had to get surgery and they said if she had smoked one more cigarette she would've died. She quit cold turkey [God bless her soul]

-Plan for the worst; Pray for the best.
-I'm funny?...How? I mean funny, like I'm a clown?...I amuse you? I make you laugh?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 137
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 03, 2001 10:18 PM

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Yeah Rex that is nuts. Human life is so fragile. Its ridiculously conceited of us to think we run the world. There are so many things that can take our lives away. It's sad. Just look at people like Dennis Byrd (blast from the past!) who was just playin some football and almost lost the use of his legs!

Life is cruel sometimes. But I guess thats why they say "That's life...." When something fucked up happens..


"I'll always be number one to myself"....Moses Malone

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 137
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 04, 2001 04:54 PM

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I appreciate everybody's help and concern. Just want people to know that its nice to know that there are still some good hearted people out in this cruel world who can empathize with me for my girlfriend and her mom. I guess we arent just weight room meatheads huh?



"I'll always be number one to myself"....Moses Malone

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 64
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 04, 2001 05:21 PM

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I think the idea of going over there with dinner and a movie is great. You guys were on the same wavelength as this gal.
You could also let her know that you would be willing to go with her to the grocery store, this would give you some time alone with her. Or you could even do it for her if she would just make a list for you. Get all of the food they would need for at least a week.
From the way it sounds, she has definately got her hands full.
Another thing you could get her is a blank book with lines in it-A journal. This would give her something to write her thoughts in. That is just a suggestion though because she may not like to write.
It sounds as if you are doing exactly what you need to be doing, and that is just being there for her. Believe me, that will mean more to her than anything else you could do.

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