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  Human Growth Hormone- Superior to steroids?

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Author Topic:   Human Growth Hormone- Superior to steroids?

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 69
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 25, 2000 10:06 AM

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I understand there's some mystique surrounding GH. It seems to stimulate muscle-building and fat-burning simultaneously and all(or if not almost all) gains could be kept. Seems like it could well be an all-rounded anabolic?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 25, 2000 10:15 AM

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I know GH is expensive, but I wanna hear from you guys who got it how much u pay for.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 25, 2000 10:58 AM

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I feel HGH may be worth the money for anti-aging purposes, but not really for bodybuilding. It causes an increase of lean mass, but not much of the lean mass is muscle. Alot of it is connective tissue, organ size increase (liver etc). It can have some permenant sides : weird nose, thickened jaw and eyebrows, intestine growth causing a protruding stomach, etc. Dollar for Dollar testosterone is a much better buy. People taking testosterone and NOT exercising will still tend to put on muscle and lose fat. The sides (water retention,etc) are often not permenant, and the sides that can be permenant (hair loss, gyno etc) can be predictable and treated (proviron, clomid, etc). I have taken HGh for a year now for anti-aging purposes. I had a knee that clicked due to a torn piece of cartilage I had in it since 1997. They recommended arthroscopic surgery. But after being on HGH, the knee has healed with no more clicking. The HGH seems to have causes new growth and healing in the cartilage. I had disability recommended to me in 1997, but did not take it. An MD recommended HGH and testo for me and it has worked wonders. I use to have constant back pain, now can deadlift a huge amount.

HGh is mostly good for anti-aging. It is way overrated for bodybuilding. It might be of benefit to the IFBB pro's who are stacking it (dangerously) with insulin and don't care if they look like a neanderthal man afterwards, but for any level less (national, natural, poolside, disco bodybuilders) stick with testo. You will save your money and grow huge with few sides.

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Cool Novice

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From:staten island new york U.S.A
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 25, 2000 11:25 AM

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i will disagree.hgh is great if you can afford it.yes it will only reduce fat at a small dosage.2iu a day is usually used for antiaging.to actually see muscle building effects you need at least 6iu a day.of course you will need to combine it with anabolics.insulin is not necessary if you spike your level naturally.you can achieve this by eating 6-7 meals a day.dont go into using hgh half-assed, either spend the money and do it right or dont do it at all.it will cost about 700-1000 dollars a month on gh alone.then you will need steroids lets say 400 a month hten food 400 a month.your lookik at about 3000 dollars give or take.depends where you buy everyting from.hope this helps

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Posts: 1950
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posted December 25, 2000 12:02 PM

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I haven't tried it but its on a future menu for me. Overall, I've never heard any bad things about GH from users, the sides are well known and discussed above. . .I agree to a certain extent with both the posts above. You don't really need GH to look good on the beach, but if money is no object who am I to say not to. I believe it may be a safer and more effective drug than AS. . .as for doing it right or not at all, there is much wisdom in that statement, not only due to the price but this is true for all AS and hormones. . .if your not committed, disciplined and knowledgable you will regret getting into this game. 2 thumbs up for GH.


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posted December 25, 2000 12:20 PM

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Let me throw my two cents in here. I am on it now and i have just finished my first kit. My obsevations are as follows. First and foremost my appettite is way down, and i am constantly nausesous. I mention this because I have other friends that have used it and have mentioned the same thing. The second thing that I have noticed is that it does keep you somewhat lean while bulking. Even though the old stomach doesnt want it I have been eating as much as possible and my bf has gone up slightly. I am however retaining water. This is due to the gram of sus and the d-bol mostly, but i can tell the difference between water retention and fat. Keep in mind this stuff works very slowly as far as muscle building goes, I have been told you wont see much in that regard until you are into the second kit. I am noticing a slight increase in vacularity around the chest area. I am hoping it helps to heal my back as i injured it and have not been able to do any squats or deadlifts at all during this cycle. As i look in the mirror there is no startling differences, however there is a difference i just cant pin point what it is. Maybe the fat burning is starting to kick in. All in all i feel in the end it will be worth the investment




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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 25, 2000 01:40 PM

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I will agree that the real changes from Gh didn't really take place for me till the second kit...I notice some fat loss at the end of the first kit, but by the time I was finishing the second kit....wow..!! my fat was just melting away and I was getting bigger and stronger too...Too bad I didn't start on a third kit...Anyway, I have started some Nutropin AQ now and have 3 serostim kits on the way...I'll let you guys know what happens after the third kit....


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Cool Novice

Posts: 42
From:staten island new york U.S.A
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 25, 2000 03:14 PM

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how many ius are you guys taking.my future cycle will be 6iu a day.i will do either 4-5 on and the rest off.this will continue for two months straight.

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Posts: 5713
From:Me, To You
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 25, 2000 03:38 PM

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You need gear, GH, T3 and insulin to get the best results.

They all are inferior by themselves (relatively speaking).

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Posts: 1540
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posted December 25, 2000 06:34 PM

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Batman- I am relaivel new to gh, and have a few questions for you bro as you seem to have used it already. HOW MUCH DID YOU USE? Also - i am following a bulking diet for this, high in carbs did you do the same?
2thick- you are correct, however i will not use slin just yet, and i will be adding t3 shortly at 12.5 mcg a day, or maybe even 25 mcg. Unless i wait for the third kit and use the last 5 weeks of the cycle to cut. I am undecided- any ideas from you experienced gh useres is appreciated. Steroids i know gh, not so well heh heh.




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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 11:03 AM

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Seem like the effects are subtle. And it needs to be taken over a period of time, i.e six months to see anabolic effects. I have read that unlike AS, which either curtail natural production of test or thyroid hormones, GH does not lower natural IGF levels at all. Side effects of GH are rare apparently.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 11:19 AM

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Decaman.....,the 1st time that I did GH I did 3i.u.'s a day. I was taking serostim. It worked great..I was basically cutting, so I was dieting pretty hard. I was on the GH, Sostenon, and winny....kept carbs real low...when I started my second kit of GH I was getting too lean...believe it or not I was looking freaky... not really a good freaky either,I mean I was just too lean and didn't really look like the shredded look I was trying to achieve...The GH just KICKED in so hard when I started the second kit...I decided then to start bulking back up. I take it that this is what you want to do right..? Well, I don't know what gear you have but I would just try to stack Sostenon with the GH or a good test mix of some sort. Maybe even some primo or Winny would be nice too. Anyway, I was eating everything in site...but I still would watch those CARBS(250-300gms daily)...I was taking in over 400gms of protein dailey...The thing about growth is that you really can't overtrain or over eat protein. I just got big and shredded. It was great. I was only at 4i.u.'s a day too. That's it...you don't need anymore than that. If you do some intense research on HGH you'll find that taking over 5i.u.'s a day is not going to get you twice the results as maybe 3 or 4 i.u's. Anyway, hope this helps. GH is the best ever....I love it.....Now, I'm going to stay on it for 6 months and switch up my gear every 60 days while on it. Let you know what's up then...


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Posts: 1540
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posted December 26, 2000 12:01 PM

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Interesting- I am taking in twice as many carbs as that , but i was thinking about bringing them down myself. The stack I am using includes the following:
1000mg sus p/w
50mg d-bol p/d
400mg deca p/w
4 iu's gh p/d
1/2 tab arimidex p/d
I am going to add t3 starting today, with the second kit
protein I like to keep around 300 grams.
Thanks for the info bro. I am using serostism also.




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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 12:08 PM

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Batman said it right, in my own experience I just finished my cycle of cyp, prop, deca, primo, GH and insulin. I am harder and more vascular than ever. But GH won't work alone, you need the gear and insulin. I was in fat burning mode the first four weeks until I added insulin, then I just blew up in size, no water bloat at all.

Overtraining ceased to exist for me then. I couldn't get sore no matter how hard I trained. And I was training hard.

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posted December 26, 2000 01:01 PM

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For optimal effect t3 , slin and androgens are needed. So yes you guys have a point. However no slin for me, gear and t3 yes. Thanks for the replys bros




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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 01:05 PM

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How do you take the GH?
One shot daily? at the night? or you spread it?.
Thanks for your knowledge!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 01:30 PM

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Well, that depends on how much you are taking and your goals for the GH...
I know that most people with take a minimum of 3i.u.'s a day/1.5i.u's in the morning and 1.5i.u.'s right before bed. I mean you could take more or less but I would definelty spread that out into 2 dosages.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 01:32 PM

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Thanks Bro!!

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Posts: 1540
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posted December 26, 2000 01:34 PM

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See thats interesting because i heard take it all first thing in the morning, so i have been, honestly its out so fast i am not sure it matters.




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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 26, 2000 01:36 PM

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I think I've read it all. (this board and others) Some say split it up. (morning and before bed) I've heard not to take it before bedtime because thats when your natural GH is produced the most. Some say it doesn't matter.

I'm taking 2iu in the morning and 2iu before bedtime.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:an underground-gym near you
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posted December 26, 2000 10:36 PM

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keep this bumped up..cause..i have no info about growth, but im thinking of trying it

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