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  SGT. Willy concerns and bustin my steroid cherry?

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Author Topic:   SGT. Willy concerns and bustin my steroid cherry?

Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 24, 2000 07:42 PM

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Working on my 1st cycle guys busting the steriod cherry but afraid for my LIBIDO.
I'm turning 39 in a few day so I don't wanna put that in jeopardy. Been a runner most of my life some weights here and there, but been serious with weights now for about a year.

Please no flames here guys! Bear with me on this it's kinda winded.

I've been lurking here for several months now. I have some TOKYO OXANDROLONE 2.5 mg in my possession and some Dbol coming. Yes I have priviron, clomid, and even nolvadex. coming as well

2 months ago I cycled for about 3 weeks high dose 900mg/day 19 nor andorstine(sp?)
SGT. Willy was not his happiest during cycle but a week after cycle everything was ok. yes I did gain a few pounds muscle and got a little more cut

I just came off Andro Diol for about 3 weeks as 900mg/day. SGT. Willy was very happy
during cycle. But post cycle now WTF it's been a little over 2 weeks. SGT willy
is a little better but not as "go gettem" as he used to be! hmmmm Some muscle gain but a LOT of water!

Just not acceptable actually kinda scary :-)
I read a book yesterday that said some people's level's never come back to normal!

Anyway the question is what steroid(if any) will not screw up my libido POST cycle?

DURING cycle I can live with that as long as I know once I come off SGT. Willy and I are buds again.

I did a search last nite and read until 1:00 am. I have learned that TEST is not the one I want. DECA I'm not sure if WILLY will be happy after or not I know during he may not be. SUST isn't the one. ANd the DBOL I just bought is great during cycle(so I've read) but aftward nobody really said. EQ,, maybe.
PRIMO DEPT may be one.

Yes I have read www.angelfire.com/pq/profiles
till I'm blue in the face

I just would like some real world experiences. SO comments here or via email, I would appreciate. I would ask local people here, but I don't know anyone at my gym who
is or has ever done them.

Thanks Guys

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Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 24, 2000 09:48 PM

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Uhhh............. Bump

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Posts: 5143
From:Me, To You
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 24, 2000 10:13 PM

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Most steroids will affect your sexual drive since they disrupt your hormonal balance.

If you want to use gear then that is something you will have to deal with. Everything usually goes back to normal after a few months.

Primobolan depot, Winny, and Oxandrolone do not interfere with you hormonal axis but most other gear does.

You are stuck between a wall and a hard place. It all depends on what is more important.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 24, 2000 11:35 PM

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thanks 2thick for the reply.

I was just surprised by what happened after the Andro Diol got to be like being neutered and I'm sure that it would be much worse after a cycle of a real roid.

I just read another post where the guy said it had been 5 months and he still wasn't right.

Think I'll hold off on the DBOL and try just the Primobolan depot, Winny, and Oxandrolone

Thanks again


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