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  drinking the Winny (?) , shooting in a vein and pulling back

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Author Topic:   drinking the Winny (?) , shooting in a vein and pulling back


Posts: 1528
From:The future a 1000 years from now
Registered: Apr 2000

posted December 22, 2000 04:35 PM

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I saw my doctor today (saw him 4 weeks ago, but the conversation got out of hand thanks to my BP), so here is his answer from today that should have been here 4 weeks ago.
About drinking the Winny: a great part of it will be wasted in the stomac, but thanks to the ED or EOD drinking there is less waste.
Never ever would he himself drink the Winny when it was meant to shoot. When you shoot the Winny it gets right in your bloodstream WITHOUT passing the liver (where it gets broken down). All you have to do it get your roid, whatever roid, in the bloodstream and you are homefree. This means it does NOT have to past your liver to get in your body.
When the liver receives the Winny it tries to break down the molecules, but since you liver is doing overtime, some molecules passes without being broken down. So they have to pass another time, and another time.
Not for growth, just because the liver cannot follow.
This is my answer, after shooting myself insane with PGF2a, i cannot understand that someone wants to drink any roid, especially when it was ment to shoot.

Shooting in a vein:

Now this is bad. When i told him i was on a discussion board and blew the question in his face he could not believe his ears.
He injected me last year with Deca and all the time i thought he stabbed me and shot it in. It seems that (this was stated here before by someone else) doctors and nurses DO pull back when shooting ROIDS. They do it really fast. Anyway my doc assumed I was not pulling back (give me a break).
Now as for shooting 1 or 2 cc roids in your vein, this is what happens: thanks to the oilbased roids your blood cludges and then it travels trough your body and can attach hitself anywhere. It can get in your liver, kidneys, stomach, any organ, heart as well, giving you an heart attack, even get in your brains and you get a "brain" attack (how else can i call it).
We are not talking about one or two drops here.

Even shooting in a vein with a waterbased roid like Winny is not cool. There are cristals that can attach together or can attach some where in your body and stay there. But they can get back in your blood stream when the attachment let go.

So in fact shooting in a vein with roids is like having a time bomb in your body.
Again i stress, this is a doc that claims this. If the reader believes this or not, i myself do not really care (if i cannot win a fight, like this one, i quit).

Simply trying to open the eyes of some guys who think "anything goes".


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posted December 22, 2000 04:42 PM

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Granted, I don't know your doctor, but most are simply MORONS when it comes to steroids. Stanazolol was not "meant" to be injected -- it was originally developed to be an oral drug. It was made as an injectible for two reasons: veterinary use and emergency care. Regardless, it's still the same drug.

The 17-alpha alkylation was developed for a two-fold purpose:

  1. The drug can survive the digestive tract
  2. The drug requires MULTIPLE passes through the liver to be broken down.

That's the amazing part of stanazolol (and 17-aa drugs in general) -- it doesn't break down easy by the body, so it can be used efficiently. Therefore, you DON'T lose a majority of it via oral delivery -- only a very small portion of it.

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posted December 22, 2000 04:46 PM

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..and always remember to drink it with grapefruit juice in the AM. Really.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 22, 2000 04:49 PM

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BTW... Reforvit-B (the liquid) was also made as an injectible, yet no one in their right mind would stick themselves with it. Why? Because it's dianabol. An ORAL drug. A 17-aa drug. And extremely similar in pharmacology to stanazolol.

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Posts: 1528
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted December 22, 2000 05:04 PM

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Gymrat, i stated that the roid had to pass the liver several times.
Also he might be a moron, but i take his word over yours ANYTIME.
The drug can survive the digestive tract: he or i never said otherwise. He only states that if you would take only one shot, le'ts say every 14 days, much of it would get lost, but thanks to the frequent injection less gets losts.
The drug has to past the liver several times because the liver cannot break everything down in one pass, but i stated that too.
So again it is his word, and i believe him.


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posted December 22, 2000 06:16 PM

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Jeff you might be right about this but doctors seldomly know as much about gear as do bb or gym rats. That being said yes the drug was ment to injected so do it that way but for those who don't like shotting ed or eod drink it like the reforvit-b. If this wasn't true then all the paper products would be crap. The reason people drink reforvit isn't purely because it is d-ball it has alot of other nasty shit in there to i wouldn't want in my body also sterality and pain in the injection is another. But yes people have to take more reforvit-b then if they where to tak e the tabs for the same effect.

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posted December 22, 2000 07:18 PM

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Thanks for sharing the info Jeff, right or not, its more solid of an argument than most dudes have presented thus far.

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posted December 22, 2000 07:32 PM

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I agree, it may be right or wrong, but it's presented clearly and effectively and has sparked an ORIGINAL thread idea on this almost-too-repetitive board!!

Thanks Jeff...

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
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posted December 22, 2000 09:17 PM

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Interestingly,all the way over on the East Coast I could hear GmyratSD's blood pressure rise as he read this post.

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posted December 22, 2000 09:22 PM

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Never vein shoot anything.

Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today.

If you enjoy it today you can always do it again tomorrow.

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posted December 22, 2000 09:43 PM

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I have a question for Ulter: why alwais in the morning with gjuice,and can it be applied to paperstrol? I mean,the benefits.

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Posts: 1528
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted December 23, 2000 04:34 AM

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Thunder, i agree that guys taking roids for years do have a lot of experience, but where the working of the entire body is concerned, do not underestimate the doctor's knowledge.

This post was pure sharing information:

When my good doc (who gives me Primobolan prescriptions really generously) tells me:

don't shoot oil based roids in a vein
dont't shoot waterbased roids in a vein
don't drink any roid that was meant to be taken I.M. (Although this will not do you any harm physically).
Always pull back (and i must say this again, when i posed him the question he looked at me as if i was an idiot)

well then i follow his advice.
It's like driving through a red light, sure you can get away with it, even over a hundred times, but one day....

So never give an inch, life is really too short.


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posted December 23, 2000 07:49 AM

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I remember GymRats reply to my reply on a similar post.

I am and always am going to be on the side of in favour on injecting over drinking winstrol depot. The fact that it is aa17 both ways, it is clear that you are going to lose some of its effectivness when it passes through the liver for the first time. This could be anywhere between 1% and 10% probably in the lower range. Why pay all that money when you can get tablets cheaper (powders and in 5mg tabs works out cheaper than injectables) and then wasting some of the money by taking orally when you bought what was intended to inject.

There is no reasonable argument for those who worry about being infected because it was meant for veterinary purposes. Human products are 99.99% pure Veterinary winny comes in at 99.90% pure. If using correct injection sterilisation procedure you will not get infected. Even if you do it is probably from the syringe or dirt on the injection site rather than from the winny.

Other veterinary products, there are probably some that would be un pure. Those are a different story.

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Posts: 1528
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted December 23, 2000 01:35 PM

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Well i will bump myself up, untill this get's deleted of course.


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posted December 23, 2000 02:38 PM

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I'll bump it,hoping that Ulter will answer my question.Ulter,were are youuuuuuu....?!!!

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posted December 23, 2000 02:54 PM

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here I am.

Yes that goes for any oral. Grapefruit juice and only GFJ, not OJ or anything else, for some reason researchers can not explain, occupies the first enzyme that breaks down your oral meds. This then allows the med to keep a greater potency as it enters you bloodstream. In other words more bang for the buck.


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posted December 23, 2000 02:57 PM

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Thank you for the tip,Ulter!

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posted December 23, 2000 05:03 PM

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Heh. The weird thing is, no one is arguing whether or not it's safer to pull back.

Most doctors don't know dick about gear. And any doctor who is willing to put their license on the line to inject someone with something they can't even prescribe is definately a moron.

No one goes to school for 8 years only to piss it away like that.....

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Posts: 1528
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posted December 24, 2000 03:52 AM

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Gymrat, about the Revorfit i still would shoot it.
And when i said i would take my doc's word over yours anytime, meaning well he is a doc and looks at roids in a different way.
No offense to you.


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posted December 24, 2000 04:26 AM

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My next argument would be then, why not take any tablet formulation, develop a method to create an injectible out of it, and shoot it? Besides the impracticality of it, wouldn't it render a drug like Anadrol more useful? The answer would be a no -- you wouldn't see any noticeable difference in the drug efficacy.

The winny I get is the Stanizolic from Mexico -- the cheapest stanazolol I can find. And, yes, I drink it with good results. I don't need the daily needle sticks and extra risk of infections or abcesses.

Shoot Ref-B is just plain stupid. There's simply no reason for it. Ref-B as far as I know is the only form of d-bol that's made as a liquid, and it's known not to be the most sanitary of products. And many can vouge that they get excellent results taking this orally.

It's 1:30 am here... I'm tired. I could go on, but it's like beating a dead horse.

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posted December 24, 2000 11:35 AM

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No, i disagree about the Winny (never used Dbol, never will for the water retention.)
I don't like the needle, but i am not afraid of using it. Infections and absesses are a myth, meaning they can be avoided.


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posted December 25, 2000 11:11 PM

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"About drinking the Winny: a great part of it will be wasted in the stomac, but thanks to the ED or EOD drinking there is less waste."

First off, this sentence makes no sense. There is no waste in the stomach, steroids are very stable molecules and can easily withstand the environment of the GI.

"Never ever would he himself drink the Winny when it was meant to shoot."

Second, using a Dr. as a source of authority on pharmacology is not helping you out that much. Do you realise that most Dr's get only around a 6 week course in pharmacology; the rest that they learn is not dealing with pharmacology, but simply what drugs are appropriate for what condition. IF your Dr. thinks that stanazolol was not made to be used orally, then you may need to question more of his ideas...definately don't drop him, since he is supplying you with Primo.

"When you shoot the Winny it gets right in your bloodstream WITHOUT passing the liver (where it gets broken down). All you have to do it get your roid, whatever roid, in the bloodstream and you are homefree. This means it does NOT have to past your liver to get in your body."

Injected Winny does enter the bloodstream after injection, but it does so at a slow rate, since it is in the form of a crystalline suspension. The crystals dissolve at a certain rate and enter the bloodstream. Injected stanazolol should have LOWER blood concentrations than oral for this very reason: the entry into the blood is dependant on the dissolution rate. The oral form will enter the bloodstream faster and peak at a higher level, although it will be excreted faster.

"This is my answer, after shooting myself insane with PGF2a, i cannot understand that someone wants to drink any roid, especially when it was ment to shoot."

You cannot understand or you don't want to believe? Winstrol was meant to be injected as much as Valium was meant to be injected, you are confusing formulations with activity.

As for the grapefruit juice idea, this is due to naringen and quercetin, which both are known to inhibit hepatic mixed-function enzymes. Many people have actually been sent to the hospital for taking certain medications and drinking GF juice.

[This message has been edited by cockdezl (edited December 26, 2000).]

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posted December 25, 2000 11:31 PM

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I would seriously think twice about injecting Ref-B.

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Posts: 1528
From:The future a 1000 years from now
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posted December 26, 2000 06:57 AM

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Cock, first of all i can only say what the doc said. I myself always thought that the injected Winny did get in the body passing the liver. He explained me that once it is on your blood it is already in the body, and passing the liver to get broken down.
When he said that the Winny gets broken down if drinking, well i think he meant that your body cannot follow breaking it all down, like when you eat too much protein, it takes a lot of time before you can go to the bathroom (certainly while not on roids). Here also your body cannot follow the amount or food to digest. So i think he can be right.
You say it yourself : injected Winny gets in the bloodstream real slow, but only when injected, not when drinking. If you want to drink it, you have to spare it out over the day.

And i did shoot myself insane with the PGF2a.

As for shooting the Revorfit, i would only do that if it was meant to. I never will use it, so...

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