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  A message to all of our moderators

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Author Topic:   A message to all of our moderators
George Spellwin


Posts: 677
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Nov 1999

posted December 16, 2000 01:05 PM

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Dear friends and fellow athletes,

First, I want to thank all of you for your excellent support and dedication in 2000.

I am certain that 2001 will be an even better year for Elite Fitness and we will continue to remain the premier bodybuilding destination on the web -- thanks to our excellent members and moderators.

Some of our mods may not know this, but if a thread of posts begins to violate the rules of the board, you can edit the particular posts without deleting the entire thread. This may prevent threads that otherwise should have stayed around from disappearing prematurely.
Presently, we are moving elitefitness.com to an even more powerful server and are not considering new moderators at this time. In 2001, we will be looking for new moderators, specifically an African American moderator and a European moderator.

As all current moderators are well aware, when elitefitness.com selects a moderator, many opportunities present themselves to this person. As such, it is important that we select people that will act responsibly. Additionally, so that our community can continue to grow and prosper, we cannot select anyone with involvement in any illegal activities.

Again, I appreciate all of the dedication and support of our members and moderators.

Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

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Mr H


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posted December 16, 2000 01:07 PM

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That was a better "State of the Union Address" than what Bush fed us

Thanks George!

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Posts: 4815
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posted December 16, 2000 01:08 PM

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George,I personally would be interested and honored to serve on your team as a moderator.And as everyone stated,Dexter would make a tremendous addition as a European representative....

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 01:19 PM

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Honestly, I don't see the point in making it a priority to get an African American mod. The internet is colorblind. For all we know, all the mods now could be African American. What is important is getting mods who can be here at different hours of the day.

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George Spellwin


Posts: 677
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Nov 1999

posted December 16, 2000 01:24 PM

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With all respect, I would have to disagree. It has come to my knowledge that many African Americans do not feel welcome here and I would like to change this.

I think we have the most diverse set of moderators of any site on the net -- with this being the one exception.

Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 01:27 PM

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I agree with bchemist, is this elitefitness affirmative action?

"It's a good day to be alive, sir, It's a good day to be alive he said..."

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Cool Novice

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posted December 16, 2000 01:33 PM

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I don't feel that its elitefitness affirmative action but more like elitefitness equal representation!

In order to become great, one must not only flex his muscle but FLEX HIS MIND.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 01:36 PM

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African Americans feel umwelcome here? With the exception of one or two people here, I have no idea what color people really are, and I don't think most of us do either. So that statement doesn't make any sense. For al l anybody knows I could be black, hispanic or whatever.

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Cool Novice

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posted December 16, 2000 01:53 PM

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Ya, you do have a point there, I have no idea what anyone on here is, I wonder how is name would appear...JoeMod(african-american) I don't think we need to start labeling people in the cyberspace relm, we have enough of it in the real world. The internet is the only true colorblind communications we have unless you announce it yourself. I understand what you are trying to do George but you might want to rethink this one, how does anyone know we don't already have an african american mod.

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Cool Novice

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posted December 16, 2000 02:01 PM

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For gods sake, im half indian

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The Ranger


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posted December 16, 2000 02:03 PM

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Well.....I guess that about sums it up...eh!! I do agree with a different time zone Moderator, it would help a great deal.

The two individuals that spring to mind right off for any of these Mod jobs would be Huck, and Dexter, I think both would do very well, and set the standard for others to follow...

As for the editing of a particular thread, I have done this a very few times, as it has brought more unwelcome conversation to the topic at hand. Other than a source post, if I delete a thread in question, I will let the board know, or at least e-mail the individual. I personally think a password has been compromised...maybe not, but we'll see...eh!!

This is a very good board, and only as good as the members, and their constant support of the admin. personel and Mods. There are times when it becomes very frustrating...but we are family, and families have their diffculties.....

Fuck it.....Let's just keep Rock'in and Jack'in!!!!!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 02:11 PM

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Its been my observation that people of different colors and those in the minorty class will pass the blame of what is happening or has happened to those of the majority. No matter how many mods are of a different color thier will be those very few who will not be happy. In general this is a very fair board. And most all members of every race do not tolerate Hate. So if George want mods of a different color who cares. We'll never know what race one is unless they tell us. Just as long as any and all of the mods are fair and honest......

To the new year and a few more pounds...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 02:34 PM

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I think it's 'thinking' like that (we need to have a black guy just so that blacks will feel more comfortable) contributes to "modern" racism as much as segregation did in "past" racism...not to get off on a rant, but programs like Affirmative Action are basically saying that blacks (and any other minority) are not capable of making it without help...something I would take serious offense to, if I was a person of color (or a woman, etc.)

I have no idea what color anyone on this board is, I don't know what many of the bro's do for a living, hell some could be little old ladies who are so lonely they'll learn about juice and discuss it with us...the point is, we're in cyberspace, and there are different rules here than in the real world...which makes it free-er, but more dangerous/risky...

That being said, I believe HUCK, or DEXTER would be great additons, esp, Mr. Huckleberry FINNaplex, whose posts always amaze me!!

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
"Get BIG, or get the f*ck out," "Smoke it 'til your fingers burn," "The world IS mine!!"

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posted December 16, 2000 03:17 PM

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What else is there to say!



GET BIG GUY'S!!!!!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 03:52 PM

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If you guys read the last line of the post you can put two and two together...

"we cannot select anyone with involvement in any illegal activities."

I think this means that someone will not be a moderator, I won't say his name, the important ones will know who I'm talking about.

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posted December 16, 2000 04:02 PM

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I thought everyone on this board was the same color
Iron and Blood...internet is colorless hell i dont know the color of anyone on the board other than the people i know personally

I believe color shouldn't be a factor!
It should go to the best Canidates. Regardless of Color or any other steriotipical feature

But George is the high court of the land so what he says goes.... i will welcome the new mods with the utmost respect

Check out my HardCore Pic sitehttp://www.dell.homestead.com/conan/index.html

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George Spellwin


Posts: 677
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Nov 1999

posted December 16, 2000 04:08 PM

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I did not intend to turn this into a post on racism or reverse racism.

I have noticed and I wonder if you have also noticed that there has been more involvement from and less personal attacks of latino's, women, and gays, since we involved these groups as moderators. In fact, the diversity of our moderators is what I would say has contributed to this being a friendlier place of late.

That is not to say that this is why these people were chosen. What are your thoughts? I respect everyone's opinion on this subject and I think this may be more of an issue on the other boards than here. It just hurts when I hear people say they left Elite because they felt unwelcome.

Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

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posted December 16, 2000 04:09 PM

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Baza, I'm pretty important, just ask me. . .who are you talking about?
George, I don't disagree with your sentiment. I have seen and been personally offended by certain members selfish belief that the whole board subscribes to their racially biased ignorant remarks. These people know who they are and are treated accordingly by the brotherhood at large, as it should be in any anonymous online community. I agree that there needs to be awareness and tolerance on this board to higher degree, but singling out the necessity for a specific moderator based on complexion seems a little extreme. By that logic where are the Asian, Indian, or Austrian, moderators? I agree with the idea of promoting a non-racially biased board, with ZERO tolerance for anyone who breaks that code. . .but I also must agree with the thread above that points out this logic is actually perpetuating racism, not diminishing it.


If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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George Spellwin


Posts: 677
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Nov 1999

posted December 16, 2000 04:13 PM

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Maybe you are correct. I will think about this. But I would like very much to see more Asians, Indians, and Austrians here

Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

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Posts: 1650
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posted December 16, 2000 04:17 PM

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I certainly agree. . .nothing wrong with more bro's and sis's.



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Posts: 3
From:Raleigh, N.C.
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 16, 2000 04:26 PM

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The question is did they say that they left because they felt that they were unwelcome
because they were of a different skin color.
I don't think that would be possible; I've read almost every post and I think the only color that was discussed was the color of D-bol tabs. Color dosen't matter here we all have a common denominator that is the love of the iron game but that's only my two cents.


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The Ranger


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posted December 16, 2000 04:30 PM

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I agree with Conan and Kodiak, and I will welcome and help whomever is selected....

Do like you did last time....put it up for a week long vote for one Mod, and you select the other....BUT, being a Mod is not what it is cracked up to be....I found this out all to well.....My fingers are constantly sore on the ends from typing, but it is rewarding when someone meets a goal due to your advice...

So, pick or vote away.....we will respect the newest Mods with Iron and Blood as Conan said......

Peace and Dreams......


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 04:57 PM

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I have put my reply here and i cannot read it, so there must be something wrong with my Dell.

I put it here again.

If we need two new mods, my vote goes to Huck (numero uno) and Dexter. However we may not forget Slopain who would make a nice third. Ulter has his own board (if i am not mistaking).

But we do not need an African American in my opinion, and i am not racial.

It is not because there are 2 or 3 A.A. who feel uncomfortable here that there should be a A.A. mod.

George you know you must move forward to improve your board, to stay ahead of the competition and honestly : who can beat the knowledge of Huck, the pleasant (American way) of explayning things like Dexter or the no- nonsense talk of Slopain.

No need to delete this one, this is a self-distructing message.

Can you believe i feel uncomfy too sometimes, here on the board.


Don't look back, life is too short

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 06:18 PM

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Dear George:

I, too, would welcome Asians, Austrians, and for Pete's sake, <gasp> Australians.

But this "diversity hiring" argument is nonsense and is illogical. An "African American" on a color blind board?

Do you know I'm black?

I will explain in detail later. It's late here, and not the proper time.

What time is close of business in New York for EF on Monday? More to come - regarding all your comments - and I will probably consider it, given your remarks heretofore, "close of business," too. Decaman, you are right.

Interesting you mentioned no Russians, where 1/3 of the world's Eastern European and sub-continent Asia saleable gear resides.

good bro's who use it, who take pictures of it, who know what's fake and what's not. Interesting. Retabolil, Vovan, and I might humbly add myself to an extent, know their shit.

Not to the degree of HUCK, of course.

Best regards, Dexter

Strength and Honor.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 07:08 PM

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Being from the heart of dixie, I can relate to race issues. But honestly, here, I don't understand what is trying to be accomplished.

If the best man is white, black, asian, or tinted with a slight case of jaundice (you know what i mean ) it doesn't matter and shouldn't matter. Bottom line - if and when you choose the next moderator, just make sure that its done for the right reasons because he/she/it is most deserving and would be the logical next choice.

I haven't been here as long as most, but I have been here long enough to know that the regulars are a classy bunch, and will welcome whomever is selected with open arms.

In these recent discussions I have found all of the moderator hopefuls to be class acts and I know you can't go wrong with any of them, but please make sure that the BEST person is rewarded in the end, should they accept the responsibility.

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animal B


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posted December 16, 2000 07:16 PM

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george ,
when you look for a Jew pick me...
george, for an intelligent person like yourself..that had to be the most &%$#&%$## thing you could have ever said....pick who you think is qualified and dont regress to the 60s please
happy holidays....for all colors,races,creeds, religions, and sexual preferances....

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el cubano


Posts: 927
From:Havana Cuba
Registered: Dec 1999

posted December 16, 2000 07:42 PM

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Well, I know that I said I'm leaving, but I'm not.

I'm not sure if everyone is getting it. I am a Latino mod and believe me, I know that my name being up there has attracted Latinos and has made them feel welcome. How do I know this? Because I can't even count how many times I've received emails from people saying "Hey I'm Cuban too" or "I'm Puerto Rican" and saying "it's good to have a Latino bro like you supporting the bodybuilding community." You can just get the sense that they are glad to have a Latino mod to talk to.

Having someone who's like you on the board to talk to just makes you feel more comfortable. I'm sure that if a black newbie came to the board he might feel a little bit intimidated or unwanted if he reads through the posts and they all appear to be written by a predominately white community. And this junk about a color blind board is nonsense. You can tell, for the most part, who's what by their writing style and there handle. Maybe not everyone is who he/she appears to be, but like I said, for the most part you can tell.

Now with that said, I VOTE DEX FOR MOD!

The Cuban

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George Spellwin


Posts: 677
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Registered: Nov 1999

posted December 16, 2000 07:47 PM

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Just curious, did you delete your "I quit" thread or did it go to the black hole?


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:orlando florida
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posted December 16, 2000 07:47 PM

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I agree with George that this board needs to be diverse. how can anybody who is white no what its like to train if your black. we are all made up of different genetics and face it what works for some groups won't work for others. At the same time it offers the board a more broad spectrum of people in this sport. This board used to be a walking hate group with folks who have since left. Attacked where women, blacks, gays and this is not what the sport is about. All groups need to be recognized and spoken for to make this a board for all people. Lets face it how many of us have slammed someone before out of ignorance? this keeps us all honest and offers us the chance to see things from all sides and learn to appreciate what each other from different perspectives. I also agree with a European MOD if for nothing else the chance to keep this board clean at night. I am self employeed and have freedom in my schedule and can't beleive some of the things that are said at night. thats just MY opinion.

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el cubano


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From:Havana Cuba
Registered: Dec 1999

posted December 16, 2000 07:51 PM

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Yes I did. When I decided to stay I deleted it.

The Cuban

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 08:11 PM

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I don't see your point of how a black person who comes to this board would "see" the whiteness of the group. Do we talk about "white" things here (whatever that means)? No. We talk about anabolics and their application to bodybuilding. (Geez...how do I keep going without this being a flame)
If I was black (which I could be for all you know), I would be offended by the idea that my written communication or thought processes would be automatically looked at as different than anyone else who was educated in North America. If you are an educated person, there should be little difference in your basic ability to communicate through this medium. If I didn't know who you are and I was quick to jump to conclusions, it would sound like you want someone who could type in ebonics. But we both know that is both rediculous and racist.
And what about all of the barely literate individuals who attempt to post on this board? How can we make them feel welcome if we can't understand a word they say?
This whole race issue needs to go away.

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el cubano


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Registered: Dec 1999

posted December 16, 2000 08:21 PM

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You are totally missing the point!

The Cuban

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 08:25 PM

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No....I just disagree with your point. We are just going to have to agree to disagree then.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:orlando florida
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posted December 16, 2000 08:40 PM

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has nothing to do with race just representation. but again this is just my thought and I respect all taht have different thoughts. we don't have to always agree

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el cubano


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From:Havana Cuba
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posted December 16, 2000 08:43 PM

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My final word. You are ignorant if you say that you are color blind. You are ignorant if say say that due to cultural difference that you can't tell if someone is white or black or asian or whatever. Your are NOT ignorant if you recognize those differences and embrace them to get a better understanding of each other.

Probably the best point I could make here is this, have you ever been in a foreign country all by yourself? If so do you remember how you felt when you finally ran into someone who also was from the same country as you. Now before you say that's not the same thing, I'm just making an analogy to try to get you to understand. As a matter of fact, when George asked me to be a mod on the board he also asked if I knew anyone else to be a mod. I suggested a latino friend of mine cuz I knew that if he were there with me I'd feel more comfortable.

If it seems like I'm pushy on this race thing it's because I probably know more about it than most. I'm a Cuban living in a predominately white community with a black wife and two mulado (spelling) children. I deal with racist rednecks (excuse me if you are not a racist redneck) everyday. I have stab wounds on my abdomin and several scars on my face from defending my wife, kids and myself from ignorant fucks. And believe me, when I met a few other Latinos in this area I was much happier, except they're really Mexican.LOL.

Sorry, I'm done.

The Cuban

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el cubano


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From:Havana Cuba
Registered: Dec 1999

posted December 16, 2000 08:45 PM

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Well at least flexed understood.

The Cuban

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jersey boy

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 08:45 PM

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Whenever you bring up the race card George you have to expect the spectrum of emotion and bias to rear it's head and challenge whatever intentions, good or bad that are presented. Good luck.

get big or get out

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el cubano


Posts: 927
From:Havana Cuba
Registered: Dec 1999

posted December 16, 2000 08:49 PM

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And if it's so difficult to figure out race in post then why was George told that some African Americans left because they felt unwelcome? Why would they have felt unwelcome? Is George just making shit up?

I really don't want to sound racists when I say this but white Americans just plain and simple do not understand how a minority views the race issues and from the looks of it they never will until they walk in our shoes.

The Cuban

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The Ranger


Posts: 3104
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posted December 16, 2000 08:54 PM

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That point you made about being in a strange country all alone and meeting someone from the same country......FUCKING GREAT!!!

A great way to look at it, having been there all to many times myself....

NOW!!! I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way....But, El Cubano, I feel certain he picked his profile name because he is of Cuban heritage.....

OK......Proflie names for other races to attract the same group....well, I guess you could say it might be touchy!!!!!

Color doesn't mean a thing to me....I learned through the Military.....We all Bleed Red!!!!


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 08:56 PM

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You know, I've been to Japan once, Korea once, and the Philippines twice...all by myself....for weeks. And sure, there were other Americans there. But I avoided them as much as possible. They probably thought I was the biggest snob when they saw me. I was TOTALLY comfortable when I was there alone...in fact more so than I am here. The people understood my language, so that is all that matters. If I could live in one of those countries with a good job, I would leave tonight without a second thought.

So I see why you are sensitive to this issue, but the bottom line is that any ignorance should not be tolerated. People come to boards like this to educate themselves from experienced "teachers". That's all that really matters here....or should.

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el cubano


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posted December 16, 2000 09:02 PM

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Bchemist, you are 100% correct on that last statement. George is just trying to make sure that the knowledge reaches everyone the best way that he can.

The Cuban

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 09:38 PM

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I can only speak from my experience recently, but I do think it applies in this "way out of hand" discussion:

When I (and most of the readers here) read about manosteele's post on how "steroids saved (his) life" I didn't even know that he was a black man. Hell, that made it (for me) all that much more inspiring.

I don't think that we're given enough credit here....

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posted December 16, 2000 09:43 PM

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i want flashing colors under my name too.

updated 10DEC00

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posted December 16, 2000 09:55 PM

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I won't comment on the race thing. I for one could care less what color anyone is but there are those ignorant people out there who probably make it difficult for others.

George my only comment would be that maybe some of our current mods should be instructed as to your vision of this board. I have seen alot of abuse in the past and have often thought that maybe the individual just didn't know any better.

And my only little flame would be this, maybe I missed the boat but other than taking great pride in helping others, I have not noticed any extra benefits from being a mod ! LOL


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posted December 16, 2000 09:58 PM

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I agree with you Mr. Spellwin. I appreciate your concern for equal representation and a more diverse board. I think appointing minorities and people from all walks of life can and will benefit our message board. I would like to believe that anyone from any race, gender or cultural background could feel comfortable with this board. We all should welcome this. We must remember that despite our social, economic and cultural differences, our shared interest in bodybuilding and the pursuit of great health should unite us together. We all have something to learn and gain from each other.

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posted December 16, 2000 10:22 PM

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I'm new here and I think the race topics are posted to cause controversy. You can guess(with 99% accuracy) the race of the majority of Elite readers when they answer theses posts.

It's not reverse rascism appointing someone who can empathize with others being upset(or annoyed) at the crazy ebonics post or the prison post, etc. This probably would stop the posts from getting out of hand. I have to agree with El cubano, white Americans do not understand how minorities view the race issues.

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posted December 17, 2000 12:49 AM

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affirmative action is one of the worst things that ever happened. we dont need it here. if thats the way you feel get your black moderator but lets include some KKK members and some Nazi's we dont want to leave anyone out. lets not forget eskimos,asians,native americans. Affirmative action is just keeping racism alive it differentiates people instead of seeing them the same.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 01:54 AM

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Thank you for the kind credit, Ion. Puzzling a bit, because there just guiding principles one must have in life.

And, el cubano:

"My final word. You are ignorant if you say that you are color blind. You are ignorant if say say that due to cultural difference that you can't tell if someone is white or black or asian or whatever. Your are NOT ignorant if you recognize those differences and embrace them to get a better understanding of each other."

Very well expressed.

I think I'll leave this board today and perhaps think about tomorrow's memo to George, although it's mostly composed in my head. And to relax. This board has become too oleaginous lately.


Strength and Honor.

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Cool Novice

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posted December 17, 2000 01:59 AM

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I have only been here for about a month and i think this is the greatest site, i have learned so much. But I do think this post was innapropriate about a African American mod. just to make African Americans feel more comfortable, If they African Americans seek knowledge on the subject of anabolics then it should make no difference who they talk to, just sounds like segregation of the board. I am Italian my mom was born in italy as well as my moms parents and dads parents, I could really give a rats ass if there was an italian mod. i search for knowledge and advice from anyone who can provide it. Oh and Cubano i asked for your help several times you have been great help and i appreciate it, but on here there is no telling what a persons race is unless we tell each other, so we are color blind on here, and my handle is thebull so does that make me a bull of course not, and you would of never known i was italian unless i told you like i am now, or if i wrote in Italian. But fellas we are forgetting one thing we are all the same race the HUMAN RACE.. If people are uncomfortable then it is there own insecurity, and lack of confidence in who and what they are. I like each and every mod for there knowledge and kindness on providing great info. You need to make a choice for a mod based on there knowledge, confidence, friendliness, and promptness among other qualities, Also one who is not picked and chosen to cater one specific category. My best friend is African American And my work out partner as well, also apart of this Elite Fitess board dont hear him complaining.

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posted December 17, 2000 03:25 AM

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Oops, IM putting my .02 in here as well.

As for the damn color thing, I could care less if you bleed pink, purple, blue or white, we all bleed the same color when it comes down to it, we all bleed red!

I think Ranger had the right idea George, if you want to pick a new mod, then do it with them like you did us, actually the upmost of complimentary ways.....let the brothers vote!!

I know when I got many of the votes on the board, it was the greatest of compliments due to the fact that is was not a panel that determined my status it was my brothers. People I live and die for everyday in the gym!!

In my opinion we have the greatest group of moderators in on the net, sure we dont catch everything but as ALL know we are here for them no matter what.

If you want my input on new mods for 2001, then my vote goes to my good buddy Huck, and another terrific freind as well...Dexter.

I can think of no two others that I would rather have on my side in the moderator core.

My .02

driven by testosterone
adrenaline and pheromone
crowning glory of creation
super-human incarnation

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posted December 17, 2000 04:22 AM

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An Aussie for Mod!!! an Aussie for mod!!!!!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 04:31 AM

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this will be difficult, but let's put it the other way around:
If African Americans feel uncomfortable because there is not an African American mod, then way is this ? Are they racial ?
Do they only want to be helped and contacted by another A.A.? Meaning the mods of today are not good enough? Do they want to change the board, so it will look more like their own board ?
In other words it is us members and you mods that are doing something wrong.
I am from Belgium and i have had a lot of help from the Ranger and Huck and i simply don't care if they are black or yellow colored.

Color has nothing to do with. It is more mentality of the person.


Don't look back, life is too short

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posted December 17, 2000 07:20 AM

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Do I need to say more...


[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited December 17, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

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posted December 17, 2000 09:24 AM

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I'm a chinese asian and luv this site very much! But I felt I'm like the only chinese asian ard here though...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 10:33 AM

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Back2 you have the qualifications, but if not selected: do you feel uncomfortable here ? Because that's what it is all about.

No I don't think so. You are a full New Yorker, in fact it is us Europeans that should feel less comfortable because we have a different life style.


Don't look back, life is too short

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 11:26 AM

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When I come to this board I like to read
informative, positive, cutting edge type
info on bodybuilding.

Personally, (and I think many members would agree with me here) I DO NOT consider your
race, religion, age, sex, financial status,
country of origin etc..etc...in your posts.

Those factors will not make me feel any better or worse if your post is a negative or informative one.

George, put in a place a mod or mod(s) that
are good for the board, regardless of those
factors, they are secondary to the job.

On a side note, El Cubano, when I see your ID name I get a quick flash of old friend of mine who used to smoke big Cuban cigars..lol
I attach no meaning to your id name personally, just that you do post good stuff.

Cheers everyone


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posted December 17, 2000 11:42 AM

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I just wish that the mods and other experianced people would help answer more of our questions

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posted December 17, 2000 11:45 AM

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This is just my humble innocent input bros: This is a private group and the right to access it is up to Mr. Spellwin. It's in the Consitution. I know no one is debating that fact, but we cannot ignore it.
Remember as well that Mr. Spellwin is a business man. I know it has to be in his heart to do the right thing and make all feel welcome; However, put yourself in his shoes. Would you tolerate an exclusion of people from YOUR business with MONEY because they are black, hispanic or otherwise. I wouldn't-HELL NO. African-Americans spend their money as well--where they want and how they want to. If I felt unwelcome somewhere I wouldn't spend a dime in the joint.
Also, your perception is not the perception of others. If some African-Americans do not feel welcome here that is their perception. It doesn't mean that anyone here is making others feel unwelcome on purpose. What it means is that if we are truly a brotherhood, and someone has come forth to let us know that there is a problem for goodness'sake let's act like a brotherhood--Let's try to alleviate the "perceived" problem. I believe that this is what Mr. spellwin is trying to do. Thanks for listening. Keep lifting hard and gettin' huge.



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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 12:03 PM

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A "brohterhood" this is, because everytime a woman puts a topic or reply, she gets the wind right in front, how is that for racial behavior ?


Don't look back, life is too short

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Cool Novice

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posted December 17, 2000 12:53 PM

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"As all current moderators are well aware, when elitefitness.com selects a moderator,
many opportunities present themselves to this person. As such, it is important that we
select people that will act responsibly. Additionally, so that our community can continue
to grow and prosper, we cannot select anyone with involvement in any illegal activities."

Does this include the Pink Thai bdol tabs for the Quiz winner?


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 12:56 PM

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Originally posted by George Spellwin:
[As such, it is important that we select people that will act responsibly. Additionally, so that our community can continue to grow and prosper, we cannot select anyone with involvement in any illegal activities.

Again, I appreciate all of the dedication and support of our members and moderators.


I know who you are referring to in this sentence George...but arent we all engaging in illegal activities? Come on now...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 01:05 PM

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Originally posted by Jeff_rys:
Back2 you have the qualifications, but if not selected: do you feel uncomfortable here ? Because that's what it is all about.

No I don't think so. You are a full New Yorker, in fact it is us Europeans that should feel less comfortable because we have a different life style.

So I understand there's more that one way to interpretate my reply; Wat I was trying to do is give the one and only (according to me, of course) possibility of making someones race knowledgeable to other board members. With is -in my eyes- absurd and not manageble. Therefore the racial identity of the new moderator will probably not be known by other board members (witch is -in my eyes olso not important). Peace.


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George Spellwin


Posts: 677
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posted December 17, 2000 02:33 PM

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Originally posted by yiyangzhi:
I'm a chinese asian and luv this site very much! But I felt I'm like the only chinese asian ard here though...

Welcome yiyangzhi,

Glad to have you here. There are many other asians here, but I hope you will tell more about us.

Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 03:06 PM

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Did you say there was a gay moderator on this board. Dang now i kind of want to leave. Who is it by the way?

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posted December 17, 2000 03:22 PM

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Tim, that is the attitude we as members and George is refering too. I am not gay, but I have certainly as much respect for a gay brother of this board as I do any other. It is one none of your business what someones personal, professional, social, religous, ethnic, sexual or financial status is on this board. We are here to discuss training and the use of Anabolic Steriods as they pertain to training. There are other venues on the web for people with your personal views, this is not one of them.
If you are personally uncomfortable with the board because of it and feel you must make inane derrogatory comments toward other members, than I and I believe the rest of Elite Fitness (including Mr.Spellwin) invite you to leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. A little tolerance goes a long way, perhaps you'll see the light.
Peace Brothers,


If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 17, 2000 03:22 PM

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Back2, i made a mistake. After rereading the all thing i saw you where reffering to "Moderator" and not yourself. Anyway it was not an attack to one of you two, just trying to make a point.


Don't look back, life is too short

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