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  Growth caused me to cry in pain

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Author Topic:   Growth caused me to cry in pain


Posts: 4
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 15, 2000 05:55 PM

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Here is the last cycle that I did one year ago, I was 20.
Growth 10iu a day, 15iu of humilin R, 3 Abombs a day, 600mg of deca, 800mg cyp a week, 200mg suspension(the good stuff Steris) every other with 1cc of V, 2cc of Finaplix every other, 500mg EQ. I went from 220-246 in 8 days. But my hands started to hurt which eventually lead to both my hands having such edema that I couldn't even take my finals. My doctor told me to stop eveything unless I wanted a major heartattack. Why did this happen it had to be the Growth, right. I'm 21 now and want to do Growth, Deca, fina, and Prop. How much
gh won't cause that to happen again. Presently I weigh 220 @ 5'8-9 and 12-13 bfat. My strength blows and need to sauce after a long break. Advice.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:sd ca us
Registered: Feb 2000

posted December 15, 2000 06:42 PM

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being the same age and have done some of the things you have I'll tell you that you where on alot of gear but besides that 10ius of gh in someone like use young causes heavy carpel tunnel. I couldn't even sleep cause my hands where so swollen and numb barely lif as I couldn't grasp the bar. Drop the gh to 7-8ius eod or 4-6ius a day split it up and as soon as you get numbing stopp gh for a couple days, you must be using the serostim right if so go with the dosages i put on if not drop the dosages by 1-2 iu as the huma and other gh seem to workas well with alower dose hop ethat helps.

Ps bro you take alot of shit but hey i don't disagree but i wish i could do as much. it aslo would be better to split that up and do more cycles than just slamming all that at once. Iam 21 andf weigh 290 at 12 percent. so i am not just talking out my ass.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:your nightmares
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posted December 15, 2000 06:43 PM

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Yeah do some research first! You were taking suspension and cyp? What's the point. You were stacking EQ and Deca and they are so similiar and they fight for the same receptors. Plus growth, and insulin (stupid), all this and you were only 20 years old to boot?

Sorry about the typos, it is hard to type with huge arms.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 07:37 PM

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Like the bro said you do have a lot of overlapping items in your cycle you could eliminate and do in another cycle unles your doing them at different stages. If gh is causing pain in your hands that means its time to cut back on the dose like mentioned above.

Someday we will meet in a place where there is no darkness, or S-police!

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posted December 15, 2000 08:17 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 09:24 AM

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Are you insane? Get a clue before you kill yourself. Stay away from the growth completely unless you want to do all your writing with a pen in your teeth. Read some of the cycles for 1st timers and go from there. You did enough shit for 4 cycles.

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Posts: 1352
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posted December 16, 2000 10:29 AM

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Now thats what i like to see

46 pounds in 8 days

hmmm if that is possible i am all about that

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 12:40 PM

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let me phrase this simply .... you are full of shit . Just my .02.


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got big?

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 12:57 PM

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actually, that's 26 lbs in 8 days, do'nt think he's full of shit, just think he's not too bright, haha.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 16, 2000 01:50 PM

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Actually having a longer acting test when using suspension is not only a good idea, but the only way in which suspension should be used, in my opinion. Suspension spikes about 6-7 hours after injecting, depending on your bodys ability to move intermuscular fluids, and is out of the system 9-12 hours after injecting. That will leave you with 12-15 hours of having a lack of test in the system, as well as the very fact that suspension converts into estrogenic compounds rapidly, while it is present in the system. So, having the loner acting drugs floating around, after the time period of 10-14 days when the first cyponiate esters begin to break of the testosterone from the first injection, you will now have an OVERALL more elevated level of test, while having a spike occur during the walking hours of the day if you inject in the morning. Very logical and productive.
If you are having joint pain, a lot of my clients like to use Nubain to help kill the pain. In fact, many of them swear by it, and claim they couldn't do hGH without it. You are using too much though, stick to 4-6IU a day like suggested before for 5 days, then take 2 days off.
Honestly, it's just plain fuckin' stupid to have Eq and Deca in the same cycle. They act through the exact same mechanism of growth.
With 150mgs of A50/day, 200mgs of Suspension, and if he was using the insulin at the right time, I could see 26lbs in 8 days. I think that figure is a little bloated, but we'll just go with it. Further more, with all those long acting compounds the gains probably wouldn't slow down appreciably untill about the 7th or 8th week, and might actually pick up by the 3rd. By gains, I'm not talking about water.
If you are hooked on growth, like so many, I would say your next cycle should be more sain, as well as propductive and healthy. 4-6IU's of hGh for 5 days, 2 off, 50-100mgs of suspension/day, 750mgs of Sustanon/wk, 200mgs of Eq EOD, and your choice between 40mgs of Dbol/day or 100mgs of A50/day. When you get to weeks 6-8 drop the sustanon down to 250mgs (to help speed up post cycle recovery), drop either the A50 or Dbol and replace it with either fina (100mgs EOD) or Winny(100mgs EOD).
Don't forget post cycle recovery...good luck.

Who is the meanone:
Personal trainer, nutritional advisor, Former nationaly reconized wrestler, and working on a degree in hormone therapy.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 61
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 16, 2000 02:34 PM

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foolish -->>

"Growth 10iu a day, 15iu of humilin R, 3 Abombs a day, 600mg of deca, 800mg cyp a week, 200mg suspension(the good stuff Steris) every other with 1cc of V, 2cc of Finaplix every other, 500mg EQ"

Too much to fast, I'm shocked your do did not beat you. Who made that cycle up. Shit I would have taken that and made two nice cycles along with hard training and eating. Gotten to 240 from 220 and still kept the gains.

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