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  1g/ week Test only cycle?

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Author Topic:   1g/ week Test only cycle?

Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted December 14, 2000 04:17 PM

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I'm still designing my cycle for this spring, but I can't decide what to do. Ive heard so many good reports from people who have done 1 gram of test a week, so I want to try it. However, this is very expensive for me, so if I do it I won't be able to afford any other drugs to stack it with (with the exception of homemade fina w/ the kit). Just wondering if this is the way to go, or will I obtain better results from just a couple weeks on 1 gram of test, followed by 8 weeks at 500mg, stacked with 400mg of Deca for 8 weeks? Any opinions/experiences appreciated! Thanx.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 14, 2000 04:19 PM

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Posts: 8
From:staten island new york U.S.A
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 14, 2000 06:55 PM

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what are your stats.how long have you been training.how many cycles have you done.when was your last cycle.unless your an experienced steroid user, 1000mg is a lot of test to take in a week.lets put it this way.recently i did a cycle and before it i was off for about 3 months.i did 200mg enanthate every other week along with 200mg primo every week and about 6-8 clems a day.i put on 25 pound in one month.this is not a typo.im very sensitive to steroids and can easily put on 40 pound in a 2 month cycle.my point is every body reacts differently to steroids and you need to learn how your body reacts.i know everybody is going to want to see pictures of me after making such a claim
right now im injures and lost a lot of size. i was up to about 210 on a 5-6 fraim before my surgeries.this is my second one this month.i will post pics of my self before and after when i star my next cycle

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Cool Novice

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posted December 14, 2000 07:03 PM

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A gram a week is a reasonable cycle. I don't think you need to put any fina in there unless you are huge. Everyone is gonna know you're juicin'. Make sure that's not a problem. I think you should take clomid during your cycle. At the very least get two weeks worth of clomid for after your cycle. Clomid is pretty cheap and almost legal. You might want to spend $15 bucks and get some nolvadex just in case you experience some gyno symptioms. You better save some money though 'cause your gonna need to eat a ton.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 03:11 AM

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Mr Juice,
It's pretty late now, so I don't know if you'll read this, but that was some solid advice! Thanx 4 yer input. If anyone has anymore experiences to relate from 1 gram of test a week, I'd love to hear them!!!

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Cool Novice

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posted December 15, 2000 03:22 AM

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For the test..since you are using just "test" I would use a test substance such as Omna or sust or ara-test, to get somewhat of a stack.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 03:31 AM

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I ran Omna @ 500mg/week for 10 weeks on my last cycle, but I was not overly impresssed with my gains ( I've probably gained 10 pounds with alot of water weight -- although my friends keep asking me if I've gained weight, which is a good sign). My source is now offering Testoviron Depot from Shering at $9 per amp, so I'm thinking of using that for my cycle. He also sells Omna @ $8 per amp -- and I know that doing 1 gram would make a world of difference compared to my last cycle cuz I'm still getting strength gains off of the Omna 3weeks after the cycle! Just thought I'd try a new ester, cuz I've heard that Schering is the shiznit, but do you think that I should just stick with the Omna?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 03:32 AM

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I like the idea of a sustanon/deca cycle or hit a gram a week of sustanon only. At 1 gram a week say goodbye to your nuts. As far as post cycle clomid usage...300mg the first day then 100mg for the rest of that week then two more weeks of 50 mg a day. Thats 32 50mg tablets. That'll bring the boys home.
The gains with test/deca will be easier to keep than with test only.


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Cool Novice

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posted December 15, 2000 03:36 AM

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Its a tough call..you are right testoviron is good shit.

But all in all, I think I would go with either omna or sussy, just for the simple fact that is "pre-stacked" in itself.

I would if you plan to do 1g a week, divide up the dose over 2 shots, to try to keep the prop in the solution active longer & more constant.

I know many & most people will say do it all in 1 shot, but I advise dividing up the injections for the above mentioned reason.

Sure the "build up" effect may take longer, but it will be more steady & better to taper off with at the end. (if you opt to taper off)


[This message has been edited by Stroyer (edited December 15, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 03:50 AM

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I think the 1G of test alone is a bad idea and i would not do sust at that amount.

Here is a nice cycle for you to look at im not saying you should do it but its just to give you a idea

Week1--750mg---250mg--400mg---000mg--50mg EOD
Week2--750mg---250mg--300mg---000mg--50mg EOD
Week3--750mg---250mg--300mg---000mg--50mg EOD
Week4--750mg---250mg--300mg---000mg--100mg EOD
Week5--000mg---000mg--000mg---300mg--100mg EOD
Week6--000mg---000mg--000mg---300mg--50mg EOD

Ok the eth is test enathate im sure you know what the rest is...! you could also do the same but drop the eth down to 500mg so you would be doing 750mg of test in total.

but if you dont have enough cash to get it all wait dont just go ahead with what you have you will be pissed that you did not wait if you do...!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 04:01 AM

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Thanx for the input, but I'm definitely more interested in doing a longer cycle. A 6 week cycle -- I dunno if I'm down with that! I really only felt the gains after 4-5 weeks on my Omna cycle, so I want to extend the period of muscle building that seemed to come on later in the cycle. Like I said, I'm literally still gaining off of my cycle now! Once again, money is an issue, but from what I've heard, 1 gram of test/week = GAINS...

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 10:18 AM

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My last cycle I hit the 1g mark for the first time. It was phenominal. Also used 300mg primo and a-bombs. Divided the shots up into 4 (3 mixed with 100mg primo). I used testoviron. Didn't get any more sides other than a little acne.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 10:31 AM

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Pre stacked with what? Different time acting esters? Test is Test my friend and besides unless injecting EOD the prop in there wont do jack for you. Go with testoviron depot or something like that and shoot it twice a week. If you can try getting a hold of 100-200 dbol just to kick start.

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[This message has been edited by The_Iron_Game (edited December 15, 2000).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 10:35 AM

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Originally posted by Stroyer:
Its a tough call..you are right testoviron is good shit.

But all in all, I think I would go with either omna or sussy, just for the simple fact that is "pre-stacked" in itself.

I would if you plan to do 1g a week, divide up the dose over 2 shots, to try to keep the prop in the solution active longer & more constant.

I know many & most people will say do it all in 1 shot, but I advise dividing up the injections for the above mentioned reason.

Sure the "build up" effect may take longer, but it will be more steady & better to taper off with at the end. (if you opt to taper off)


[This message has been edited by Stroyer (edited December 15, 2000).]

No flame bro, but I dont know if anyone is gonna be stupid enough to advice someone to shoot 1000mgs of sust/omna in one shot/wk. Should be shot every other day if you want to keep the prop in it stable. Twice a week and you are still going to get the ups and downs of not as effective as being at unstable levels of it, however better twice/wk than once per week and will still be effective twice/wk but not as effective as more shots/wk. Doing so many shots is also inpracticle.

You may get away with twice a week if you are lucky. Besides if you are doing 1000mgs split it up like 500mgs first day, 250mgs 3rd day, 250mgs 6th day and again next week in the same pattern.

And to the guy below who asked if test is test why not stick to omna. Well the reason is if you cant keep levels of a substance, namely the prop, stable then dont waste time using it. If he wishes to inject every other day then fine, my instinct tells me he doesnt wish too. Then use enanthate/ cypionate, that way he can get away with 2 shots a week as well as keeping test levels stable, and only shoot twice/wk.


What the mind of the man can conceive and believe, it can achieve

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try

[This message has been edited by The_Iron_Game (edited December 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by The_Iron_Game (edited December 15, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

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posted December 15, 2000 10:36 AM

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Well like you say test is test, then why should he not just stick with the omna ?

Also yes, by pre stacked I am refering to the diff esters, each will have a "build up" effect at a diff rate and for a diff length within the body.

Not all test is created equall, granted it is all test, but each has somewhat diff qualities, being the length of time it remains in ones system or the length of time it takes to kick in, being slow or fast acting.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 12:27 PM

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And Stroyer, I explained above if test is test why not just use omna.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:an underground-gym near you
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posted December 15, 2000 01:12 PM

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use the TESTOVIRON's, why cause he just used the omnas and its good to switch it up!!! and their the shit--like you said...

1g/wk of test only is fine, i dont know why everyone is making this hard for you, take the gram for how ever long you decide and last 2 wks cut dose in half(500mg). as for taking it pick 2 days (ie: monday & thurs.)and hit 500mg both days--there yyou go done--and look how simple!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 02:37 PM

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Thanx for the advice, bro. Yes, it is good to get some simple, easy to follow advice on this board every once in a while! Just wondering what other people who have done 1 gram/week of test thought about their cycles?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 15, 2000 02:48 PM

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There is currently a thread floating around on this page titled:

The Difference between 500 & 1000mgs of test.

go and read that, alot of people who used a gram and said many things about it

What the mind of the man can conceive and believe, it can achieve

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try

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