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  HELP...LOW TEST LEVELS???????????

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Author Topic:   HELP...LOW TEST LEVELS???????????

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 219
Registered: Feb 2000

posted December 14, 2000 10:30 AM

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Just got my blood tests in and my doc called me last night. ( I was scared shitless because he left a message and I had an HIV test done) I called him back this morning and he said everything was good except my free testtosterone was reel low, 5 whatever that means.....He wants me to come in to run some more tests and come up with some sort of treatment....

Here is the deal...I have only done two cycles never going over 600mg of Test and 400 mg of decca. I used sus for the first one and T-200 for the second.... My last cycle ended 11 weeks ago and I got the blood work done 8 weeks out. I have used clomed both cycles 50/100/50 eod in the first one which was back in March

Here are my question, If anyone has any feedback I would gretly appreciate it

1. I have suffered from depression my whole life( on 200mg Zoloft a day) could my natural test been low before steriod use???

2. I was planning a bulk cycle in Jan but now I am thining to lay off for a while..If I go ahead and do this cycle will I fuck up my test count even more????

3. Is this low test count going to effect or has it been effecting my gains naturally???

4. Should I tell the doc about my steroid use
5. Do any of you guys have this same problem??

I guess one main lesson I learned which I cant go back and do is GET BLOOD WORK DONE BEFORE A CYCLE.......I wish I knew my free test count before I dabbled with juice

thanks in advance


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 14, 2000 10:47 AM

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1. Yes
2. I would wait. Most likely you are going to have to do more blood work and perhaps other tests. A cycle will temporarily alter your endogenous testosterone levels(lower them)
3. Yes...Very much so.
4. No
5. I am naturally hypogonadic. Diagnosed when I was 19. I was un able to put on lean body mass no matter what I did. I was very depressed and very weak. Ran a couple test and was put on testosterone replacement thereapy. Greatest thing ever to happen in my life. If your test levels are low enough you may be prescribed testosterone. Andro-Gel came out this summer and that is becoming the prefered method of treatment with most endocrinologists.

Good Luck and don't sweat it too much.

The bigest risk in life is not taking one at all.

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Posts: 4
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 14, 2000 10:48 AM

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Yes tell the doc of your steriod usage, not flamming you but everyone should tell the doctor about your usage of gear or any other drug for that matter. They are not going to turn you in or call your mother. It gives them the information they need to help you out..Keeping information from the doctor is stupid in my opinion. Good luck bro.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 14, 2000 11:03 AM

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heeeeeeey, maybe your doctor is just being "cool" <wink> hee hee....but seriously...some people just have naturally low test levels..I'm not an endocrinologist, but depression has been linked to increased cortisol levels, so possibly couldn't it decrease test levels..I mean depression fucks with your endocrine system big time...good luck, at least you didn't pop on your HIV test...you know? Marauder out.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 14, 2000 11:36 AM

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I am 25 not worried about them calling my mother and if they do who the FU*K cares, I know I don't.....I just don't want steroid use on my medical record things like that may come back to bite you in the ass,,,,,

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Cool Novice

Posts: 41
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posted December 14, 2000 11:56 AM

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Maybe you'll get a script for T.

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Posts: 4
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posted December 14, 2000 11:58 AM

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Hey bro no offense with the Mother thing..that was a joke, as for your Medical Records, no one will ever see those records but you and your doctor. If your doctor does tell anyone (which there is no way they will) it would be worth it because you could take them to court or settle out and get a few hundred thousand.. All that aside doctors are there for you to help you man why wouldn't you tell them, they see all kinds of shit roid usage isn't a big deal to them..Plus he will then no exaclty what your problem is and he can make the right decision in treatment if any, Don't let it be a guessing game with him..Tell the doctor...Or don't your decision..

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 14, 2000 01:07 PM

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Hey Bro.....I got tested and my leval was 25...and the docter said that normal ranges are anywhere from 150-1300.
And guess what happend next...I was put on Hormone Replacement+ some extra goodies...some docters are just great. I did one T200 cycle with Thai Dbol and when I came off my levals dropped crazy. I was starting to crash...so make sure you've got Clomid and some Nolva.



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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 219
Registered: Feb 2000

posted December 14, 2000 01:08 PM

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No offence taken...I will think about telling him I still have to make the appointment for follow up tests. Ihope they don't make me bust a nut in a dixie cup.....

I was thinking..would clomed help get things going up to par??????

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Posts: 10
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 14, 2000 03:20 PM

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I wouldn't tell him about your last cycle.
You're just warning him that you will tend to "abuse" any perscription he gives you in the future.
If multiple tests show you're low on Test he will probably prescribe Testosterone cream or Test. Cypionate injections. That's what happened to me. I convinced my doc that giving myself shots was not a big deal. He prescribed one 10 ml bottle of Cypionate per month. That's way more than I need for normal suplementation levels. Now I just wait a few months and build up a reserve and then do a cycle of several weeks, then back down to "normal" for a few weeks before I have to go back in for my next blood work.
In other words I don't have to deal with the black market for my juice. I also advise going to two different doctors and having both write you prescriptions so you can build up your reserve twice as fast. Of course you don't tell the docs about each other, and you have to coordinate their blood work. Each doc generally wants to see you every 6 months. So you go to see them in the same time period, get your scripts, then you're good for a 3 month cycle before going back down to normal for your next bloodwork. And it can definitely help with depression.

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 423
From:The ground beneath your feeth
Registered: Mar 2000

posted December 14, 2000 03:30 PM

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Clomid may help...
week1-2: 100mg clomid/day
week3-4: 50mg clomid/day

take a new bloodtest.....

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 144
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 14, 2000 04:38 PM

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i got my results of test level of 200, do you think i could get a script?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 14, 2000 04:54 PM

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At 200, probably. Most of the time anything under 300 is considered sub-par and perhaps detrimental to overall health.

The bigest risk in life is not taking one at all.

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