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  Question that no one seems to want to answer

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Author Topic:   Question that no one seems to want to answer

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 193
From:Baton Rouge ,LA.
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 02:19 PM

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ive been thinking of year round use and ive done some research on down regulation ,now my question is what kinda of dose is acceptable ,i would like to use as little as possible so if i could get some cycle help ?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 193
From:Baton Rouge ,LA.
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 02:21 PM

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so what do you guys think of year round use and why

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 61
Registered: Apr 2000

posted December 06, 2000 02:44 PM

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I would never do it but I have 2 buddies who do. One of them had to go through the police academy, so he stopped. It was the first time he was clean in 2 1/2 years. He crashed harder than a crackhead. He was a wimpering, suicidal 270 lb monster for about a week. He stopped eating for several days and lost a shit load of weight which made him flip even more. After seeing that shit I sure as hell wouldn't do it. Oh yeah, he's now at about 215.

I shall punish thy body, because the more thou sweatest in training,
the less thou bleedest in combat -R. Marcinko

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Posts: 3546
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted December 06, 2000 02:51 PM

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Olympian you have gotten a lot of answers maybe they are not what you want but they have been answered.

If you want to get freaky quick, you have to go year round. You stated you wanted to get freaky so that answers the first question of whether or not to do it.

Just b/c your going year round doesn't mean you throw out everything you learned about cycle structure and orginization, it means the opposite you should plan out your anabolics months in advance and relate them to how they work within your year system. You can year round more safely by cyccling toxics with less toxics, bridging in between cycle, and cycling adrogens/anabolics.

Eventually your doses are going to get higher, there is no denying that. This is inevitable. Also an issue is stretch marks, and joint/tendon/ligament issues, putting on a great amount of weight in a short period of time will take its toll, so maybe bridging is the best option.

- If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people. -

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The Ghost

Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 03:02 PM

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Well, who knows what is better or worse. You have the crowd who says cycling drugs is better and then you have another camp that advocates year round usage. Either way, when you stop steriod use, you are going to lose size. You cannot possibly maintain body mass that was put on using steriods on your natural level of testosterone. I posted something I found yesterday in a medical jounnal that stated that normal males between the ages of 18-23 produced between 4 and 10 mg of test per day. After 23, testosterone starts to steadily decline as you get older. If you have put on 40 lbs of LBM using steriods, and think that you will be able to maintain it with 10 mg of natural test per day, you have a rude awakening coming. Sure, you may keep it for a couple of months or maybe even a year or so, but eventually your body will return to a level of muscle mass that can be supported by the level of hormone present in your system. That is the bottom line and you really cannot argue it.

So, where does that leave you in your decision? Well, if you follow the advice of most of the people on this board, you will jam yourself full of juice, blow up like a blimp for 8 weeks, come off, pump yourself with a ton of other chemicals in an attempt to fool your body into keeping that mass, pump yourself full of insulin, cow implants, female hormones, or whatever and end up losing alot of your gains anyway. By the time your liver has recovered enough to function properly again, and after you have lost 1/3 - 1/2 your new mass, you start jamming yourself with even more AS than you did the last time. Only to repeat the cycle over and over again. Does this sound good to you? I didn't think so.

Then you have a few guys on here that say blowing up and crashing over and over again is more harsh on your bodily systems than just using a low to moderate dose all year round. I have personally known a few guys who have transformed their entire bodies by using 250-500 mg test per week, year round with no sides at all. Does this sound good? Probably not. You could become sterile, or elevate your cholesterol and become prone to heart attacks or whatever. So, which camp is right? Who knows, but do know that if you build a huge physique using AS, you will never be able to quit using AS altogther and keep all that new mass. You have to either cycle on or off or stay on year round. Both have their pros and cons, and you will have to decide which is more suitable and tolerable for you.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 193
From:Baton Rouge ,LA.
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 05:32 PM

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now thats what i was looking for some ohnest replies thanks alot ,now i would like to hear from a few other Mods and guru s thanks fellas

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Loophole Genetics

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 214
Registered: Aug 2000

posted December 06, 2000 05:46 PM

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In my opinion, I don't think you need to much more info. SLOPAIN laid it out for you. That was about as direct and to the point of an answer that your going to get. And it was right on, I totally agree with him.

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