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  Eating habits while Juicing or not...

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Author Topic:   Eating habits while Juicing or not...

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 637
Registered: Feb 2000

posted December 05, 2000 03:35 PM

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What are your takes on eating habits on or off cycle?

I hear that you should consume the amount of calories 20 times your bodyweight(lbs.)

Monday thru Sunday, how many meals do you eat a day, and what does it consist of per meal?

Two 45 plates and a chicken is the breakfast sandwich of champions!!

Rock On!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Feb 2000

posted December 06, 2000 10:10 AM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 85
From:Juiceland, NY
Registered: Jul 2000

posted December 06, 2000 10:33 AM

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On cycle I eat a bit more than 20cal/pd. Now I am using a weight gainer wich had put me over 4,000 cal/day. Comes out to over 20 per pd. I eat pretty clean on and off (egg whites, chicken, turkey, tuna, baked potatoes ww brd), but when I am on I eat alot more red meat. I have a protein shake every 2 hours, including at 3 am when I wake for a dbol dosage. I have my real food meals for breakfeast, lunch and at nite when I get home from training.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 62
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 11:02 AM

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Morning: egg salad sandwich with 4 hard
boiled eggs
Mid morning: 1 glass nitrotech and solid
white albacore sandwich
Lunch: Steak, chicken or hamburger mixed
with veggies and rice or potatoes
Mid afternoon: 1 glass nitrotech and egg
salad sandwich
Post workout: kool-aid for simple carbs,
2 glasses of nitrotech, large
dinner of chicken, steak,
hamburger with rice or potatoes
and veggies
Midnight or so: 1 glass nitrotech

That is good for roughly 325 or so grams of protein per day and is easy to accomplish. I can't drink protein shakes all day or weight gainer drinks. They all give me the runs. Nitrotech works well for me but I like to eat.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1266
From:New York, NY USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted December 06, 2000 11:07 AM

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I try and vary my diet. . .mostly clean foods. . .white meat chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meat for protien. Small on the eggs 4/day only whites. at 240lbs, If bulking I try and get 400grams protien and min 4500 cal a day. I throw in a myplex shake and a weight gainer for the extra cals per day when bulking, when not bulking, I never really straight cut, I cut my protien down to about 300grams and my cals to a min of 3500.



If you are going to be a bear. . .be a big fucking bear!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 637
Registered: Feb 2000

posted December 06, 2000 02:35 PM

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Do you try to stay away from breads? I hear that cutting them out of your eating habits is good for losing the dreaded pot belly. Some people agree while others disagree. What do you think?

I'm really interested in what people eat to gain quality weight and not fat (besides the obvious). At 5'10", what do you think a good daily meal plan should be to gain weight, yet maintain a nice physique?

Two 45 plates and a chicken is the breakfast sandwich of champions!!

Rock On!

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Cool Novice

Posts: 47
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 02:39 PM

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I have a ulra high metabolism. I take in at least 3-4 high calorie shakes a day along 3 actual meals. That keeps my calories around 4500( on a slack day) to 6000. Always keep my protein high as well 250grams or better. That is the only way I can gain weight. Along with some other helpful nutrients!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 62
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2000 05:08 PM

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You gotta have simple and complex carbs. And you gotta have carbs with your protein to get insulin going. Complex carbs such as whole grain wheat bread, etc. are really good for giving energy over a longer time period. I can't remember where I read it, but post workout research shows that your muscles need simple carbs to start the repair process.

Who cares about the belly if you're bulking. Worry about that later when you cut.

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 402
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 07, 2000 06:08 AM

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Meal 1 8:00am

Porrige oats with honey and banana or musili with skimmed milk
6 eggs (6whites + 2 yolks)

In work for 9:00

Meal 2 10:30

Either sweet potato/potato, chicken, mixed salad
Or wholemeal bread sandwiches with turkey, ham, cheese, salad etc.
Chemical Mass protein drink (various protein sources)

Meal 3 13:00

Chicken breasts or steak (tinned tuna if I run out yuk!) in pasta or rice (usually with salad or veg)

Meal 4 15:30

Pre work out meal
Banana, pear, yoghurts. As much as I can.
protein/carb drink with added maltodextrin.

Finish work at 18:00

Workout at 18:30 on days when I do not instruct my classes (3 nights)
When I instruct my workout is about 1 � 1� hours later so I may eat more

During workout and instructing my martial arts classes I always drink a bottle of mineral water with added maltodextrin 70g, 3g of vitC (soluble) 1g multivit (soluble)

Meal 5 � immediately after workout 19:30 or 21:00 on class days
2 tablespoons of Solgar liquid predigested collagen protein (for immediate release)
Chemical mass protein drink with added maltodextrin 70g and creatine

Meal 6 20:00 or 21:30

Chicken breast stir fry (fried in a drop of olive oil), or steak with rice/potato/pasta (whatever the g/f whips up usually, she�s clued up on nutrition and really helps me)
Sometimes a dessert (usually fruit or low fat stuff which she uses)

Try to get to bed for about 23:00 after cooking for next day.

Meal 7 �usually in bed hehe!

6 eggs (6whites + 2 yolks), packet of snackajacks and whatever I can find in the fridge!

I then always keep a protein drink by the side of the bed for when I wake up in the middle of the night.


I relax a little and eat pretty much anything I can see! I�ll still eat fairly well if I�m home. I just make sure that if I go out anywhere that I take a huge protein drink with me so I can get some throughout the day.

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 455
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 07, 2000 07:43 AM

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I eat between 5-7000 calories/day when bulking and about 2500-3000 when getting rid of bodyfat.

I eat between 5-7 meals a day depending on time and my schedule and always use the 'See Food' diet.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 168
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 07, 2000 10:33 AM

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I eat every thing in sight when on a bulk cycle,
when off gear I cut back a little on the carbs and fats,
I would like to eat more when natural, but the appetite isnt there,
Strength monster has posted you a excellent diet.
I take two scoops of protein with semi skimmed milk
and 5 whole raw eggs blended in, and call this a meal.
I have guts of steel, thogh, I wouldnt recommend the raw
eggs to any on else, though it is truely HARDCORE.

Knowledge Is POWER.

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