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  Repost of AR down regualtion

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Author Topic:   Repost of AR down regualtion


Posts: 4923
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 04, 2000 04:30 PM

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Androgen receptors down-regulate�.Don't they? One misunderstood principle of steroid physiology is the concept of androgen receptors (AR), sometimes called "steroid receptors", and the effects of steroid use on their regulation. It is commonly believed that taking androgens for extended periods of time will lead to what is called AR "down regulation". The premise for this argument is; when using steroids during an extended cycle, you eventually stop growing even though the dose has not decreased. This belief has persisted despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence to date that shows that increased levels of androgens down regulates the androgen receptor in muscle tissue.

The argument for AR down-regulation sounds pretty straightforward on the surface. After all, we know that receptor down-regulation happens with other messenger-mediated systems in the body such as adrenergic receptors. It has
been shown that when taking a beta agonist such as Clenbuterol, the number of
beta-receptors on target cells begins to decrease. (This is due to a decrease in the half-life of receptor proteins without a decrease in the rate that the cell is making new receptors.) This leads to a decrease in the potency of a given dose. Subsequently, with fewer receptors you get a smaller, or diminished, physiological response. This is a natural way for your body to maintain equilibrium in the face of an unusually high level of beta-agonism.

In reality this example using Clenbuterol is not an appropriate one. Androgen receptors
and adrenergic receptors are quite different.
Nevertheless, this is the argument for
androgen receptor down-regulation and the reasoning behind it. The differences in the
regulation of ARs and adrenergic receptors in part show the error in the view that AR
down-regulate when you take steroids. Where adrenergic receptor half-life is decreased
in most target cells with increased catecholamines, AR receptors half-live's are actually increased in many tissues in the presence of androgens.1

Let me present a different argument against AR down-regulation in muscle tissue. I feel
that once you consider all of the effects of testosterone on muscle cells you come to
realize that when you eventually stop growing (or grow more slowly) it is not because
there is a reduction in the number of androgen receptors.

Testosterone: A multifaceted anabolic
Consider the question, "How do anabolic steroids produce muscle growth?" If you were to ask the average bodybuilding enthusiast I think you would hear, "steroids increase
protein synthesis." This is true, however there is more to it than simple increases in
protein synthesis. In fact, the answer to the question of how steroids work must include
virtually every mechanism involved in skeletal muscle hypertrophy. These mechanisms

Enhanced protein synthesis

Enhanced protein synthesis

Enhanced growth factor activity (e.g. GH, IGF-1, etc.)

Enhanced activation of myogenic stem cells (i.e. satellite cells)

Enhanced myonuclear number (to maintain nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio)

New myofiber formation

Starting with enhanced growth factor activity, we know that testosterone increases GH and IGF-1 levels. In a study by Fryburg the effects of testosterone and stanozolol were compared for their effects on stimulating GH release.2 Testosterone enanthate (only 3 mg per kg per week) increased GH levels by 22% and IGF-1
levels by 21% whereas oral stanozolol (0.1mg per kg per day) had no effect whatsoever
on GH or IGF-1 levels. This study was only 2-3 weeks long, and although stanozolol did
not effect GH or IGF-1 levels, it had a similar effect on urinary nitrogen

What does this difference in the effects of testosterone and stanozolol mean? It means
that stanozolol may increase protein synthesis by binding to AR receptors in existing myonuclei, however, because it does not increase growth factor levels it is much less effective at activating satellite cells and therefore may not increase satellite cell activity nor myonuclear number directly when compared to testosterone esters. I will explain the importance of increasing myonuclear number in a moment, first lets look at how increases in GH and IGF-1 subsequent to testosterone use effects
satellite cells.

Don't forget Satellite cells!
Satellite cells are myogenic stem cells, or pre-muscle cells, that serve to assist
regeneration of adult skeletal muscle. Followingproliferation (reproduction) and
subsequent differentiation (to become a specific type of cell), satellite cells will fuse with one another or with the adjacent damaged muscle fiber, thereby increasing the number of myonuclei for fiber growth and repair. Proliferation of satellite cells is necessary in order to meet the needs of thousands of muscle cells all potentially requiring additional nuclei. Differentiation is necessary in order for the new
nucleus to behave as a nucleus of muscle origin. The number of myonuclei directly
determines the capacity of a muscle cell to manufacture proteins, including androgen

In order to better understand what is physically happening between satellite cells and muscle cells, try to picture 2 oil droplets floating on water. The two droplets represent a muscle cell and a satellite cell. Because the lipid bilayer of cells are hydrophobic just like common oil droplets, when brought into proximity to one
another in an aqueous environment, they will come into contact for a moment and
then fuse together to form one larger oil droplet. Now whatever was dissolved within
one droplet (i.e. nuclei) will then mix with the contents of the other droplet. This is a
simplified model of how satellite cells donate nuclei, and thus protein-synthesizing
capacity, to existing muscle cells.

Enhanced activation of satellite cells by testosterone requires IGF-1. Those androgens that aromatize are effective at not only increasing IGF-1 levels but also the sensitivity of satellite cells to growth factors.3 This action has no direct effect on protein synthesis, but it does lead to a greater capacity for protein
synthesis by increasing fusion of satellite cells to existing fibers. This increases the
number of myonuclei and therefore the
capacity of the cell to produce proteins. That is why large bodybuilders will benefit significantly more from high levels of androgens compared to a relatively new user.

Testosterone would be much less effective if it were not able to increase myonucleation.
There is finite limit placed on the cytoplasmic/nuclear ratio, or the size of a muscle cell in relation to the number of nuclei it contains.4 Whenever a muscle grows in response to training there is a coordinated increase in the number of
myonuclei and the increase in fiber cross sectional area (CSA). When satellite cells are prohibited from donating viable nuclei, overloaded muscle will not grow.5,6 Clearly,
satellite cell activity is a required step, or prerequisite, in compensatory muscle hypertrophy, for without it, a muscle
simply cannot significantly increase total protein content
or CSA.
More myonuclei mean more receptors So it is not only true that testosterone increases protein synthesis by activating genetic expression, it also increases the capacity of the muscle to grow in the future by leading to the accumulation of myonuclei which are required for protein synthesis. There is good reason to believe that testosterone in high enough doses may even encourage new fiber formation. To quote the authors of a recent study on the effects of steroids on muscle cells:

"Intake of anabolic steroids and strength-training induce an increase in muscle size by both hypertrophy and the formation of new muscle fibers.
We propose that activation of satellite cells is a key process and is enhanced by the
steroid use."7

Simply stated, supraphysiological levels of testosterone give rise to increased numbers of myonuclei and thereby an increase in the number of total androgen receptors per muscle
fiber. Keep in mind that I am referring to testosterone and testosterone esters. Not the
neutered designer androgens that people take to avoid side effects. This is not an
argument to rapidly increase the dosages you use. It takes time for these changes to
occur and the benefits of higher testosterone levels will not be immediately realized.

Maintenance of the kind of muscle mass seen in top-level bodybuilders today requires a
given level of androgens in the body. That level will vary from individual to individual
depending on their genetics. Nevertheless, if the androgen level drops, or if they were to "cycle off" the absolute level of lean mass will also drop. Likewise, as the level of androgens goes up, so will the level of lean mass that individual will be able to maintain. All of this happens without any evidence of AR down regulation. More accurately it demonstrates a relationship between the amount of androgens in the blood stream and the amount of lean mass that you can maintain. This does
not mean that all you need is massive doses to get huge. Recruitment of satellite cells
and increased myonucleation requires consistent "effective" training, massive amounts of food, and most importantly, time. Start out with reasonable doses. Then, as you get bigger you can adjust your doses upwards.

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The Anabolic Edge


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posted December 04, 2000 04:34 PM

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Thanks 2 Thick. Now where did we get too?

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Posts: 5617
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posted December 04, 2000 04:38 PM

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I'm amazed that 2thick reposted this! After all the only conclusion you can arrive at is that there is an upregulation of AR as well as benefits from testosterone that aren't seen in other anabolic steroids!!! Hence if upregulation occurs, which i believe does happen, then larger and larger doses make sense!! As you'll have more AR's to fill and stimulate you'll need more and more drug!



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The Anabolic Edge


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posted December 04, 2000 04:41 PM

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Hey E2 chill out a bit bro. 2 Thick reposted it because I asked him too. I lost the original article and wanted to re read it and in particular look at The Ghosts reply.

What the mind of the man can conceive and believe, it can achieve

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Posts: 5617
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posted December 04, 2000 04:46 PM

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Well you'll have to admit it's a little strange seeing 2thick posting this, when it goes against everything he recomends on the boards.


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posted December 04, 2000 04:48 PM

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I was reading this and posted when the board went nuts. I must say that this is why I am 99% convinced to stay on 24/7/365.

And Edge, this is a LONG running thing with some of us mods (and a number of members as well). You have the Test camp, and then you have the Other camp. We never miss an opportunity to jab each other on this.



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Posts: 4923
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posted December 04, 2000 05:30 PM

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The main idea of the artile is to start low and eventually keep raising the dosage (once you are very experienced and massive).

It is also against big dosages of test for newbies and also says that big dosages are useless for a beginner.

That one reason why reposted it.

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Posts: 5617
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posted December 04, 2000 06:12 PM

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Why would someone start out with low doses if there is an upregulation of AR with higher dose use??? We all know that it would be beneficial for someone to have more AR's at their disposal, hence if you start out with higer doses then your body will 'upregulate' AR's thus in your current and future cycles you'll have more AR's available as binding sites and you will in turn see greater results!!!

That's the primary reason why i recommend relatively high (500+mg/week) doses for beginers.


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Posts: 4923
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posted December 04, 2000 06:18 PM

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This does not mean that all you need is massive doses to get huge. Recruitment of satellite cells and increased myonucleation requires consistent "effective" training, massive amounts of food, and most importantly, time. Start out with reasonable doses. Then, as you get bigger you can adjust your doses upwards.

This means high dosage are not useful until you have cycled for a while with moderate dosages. Please read carefully as to not argue over a moot point.

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Posts: 5617
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posted December 04, 2000 06:38 PM

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Yes 2thick i did read it, yet however did you also read where they state that testosterone is the best drug for AR pathways and non AR mediated pathway stimulation??? Whilel stanozol (winstrol) had no effect on none AR mediated pathways. Seems that your NO TEST FOR NEWBIES post, or stance was wrong. I do understand that they only mention winny in the article no need to point that out, but until you can prove that other drugs other than testosterone are as usefull in stimulating igf-1, gh and myogenic stem cells then you'll have to finally conclude that test is the best drug out there.

Seems as though E2 has been right the whole time.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 04, 2000 06:39 PM

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This controversy is always good for us enjoy learning. Especially between to knowledgable bros like you guys. Thanks.



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Cool Novice

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Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 04, 2000 07:27 PM

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hey guys i think im gonna get on and stay on
i had a question earlier about how much denkadiol is good throughout a test cycle
well how much ???/
i also heard that it makes the test work better???

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Cool Novice

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posted December 04, 2000 07:37 PM

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ok this is what i gained from the article
the reason that you seem to stop growing after an extended period of use is because when you first started your androgen levels where really low and as soon as you start they become really high and your growth excelerates rapidly,only to reach a terminal velocity if you will.and then it seems like growth has stopped or slowed down only because its not happening as fast anymore ???? is that even close

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 04, 2000 11:25 PM

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Olympian1: You understand it perfectly so that is why I came to the conclusion that short cycles are better...

Check it out my 2on/4off experiment...

If it's not hard it's not worth doing...

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Hugh Gellatts

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posted December 04, 2000 11:31 PM

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I'd like to see how IGF-1 is effected by tren or deca. Winstrol doesn't bind that tightly to the AR receptor.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 05, 2000 04:13 AM

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I got my login back, I am no longer The Anabolic Edge. Olympian how about you?

What the mind of the man can conceive and believe, it can achieve

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 05, 2000 10:37 AM

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I love reading these kind of posts and responses!

Concieve, believe, achieve! Kaz

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 05, 2000 07:13 PM

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Good reading

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 06, 2000 01:38 PM

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i would like to see some more replies

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posted December 06, 2000 01:53 PM

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Yet another article proving the superiority of test over all other anabolics.Great read.E2 you're dead on;Test's power lies in it's ability to aggressively effect growth from both A/R AND non-A/R mediated factors.The only other androgen with these awesome capabilities is trenbelone.It certainly is no accident that test forms the BASE of any cycle beautifully.It stands head and shoulders above the rest....

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 06, 2000 01:58 PM

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so let me ask you this ,would you suggest year round use for someone who wants to get freaky and if so what kind of doses would be acceptable

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 06, 2000 02:26 PM

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great reading 2Thick, but still i dont understand, if u get more AR after cycles why does it seems that doing the same cycel 2nd time would allway give u poorer gaines.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 06, 2000 05:35 PM

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posted December 06, 2000 06:21 PM

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Lets keep in mind that this is in all things have a point of diminishing returns. You can't expect to see a linear grow line - just is not possible. If anything, growth would be more accurately described by an exponential curve, despite the use of steroids.

So the bottom line is that the more you gain, the harder it is to gain. Just like that max bench - in the beginning the progress is great, but then later, every five pounds is killer.



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Posts: 5617
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posted December 06, 2000 07:20 PM

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Lobo i think you mean a logarithmic curve not an exponential curve. An exponential curve the gains would start out slow and then come faster and faster as time went on. In a logarithmic curve (ln x) the gains at first would come quickly then slow more and more as time went on.


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Anabolicum Mister

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posted December 06, 2000 09:17 PM

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F'in engineers!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 06, 2000 09:24 PM

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well, now I know that not only can I come here for advice on gear, I can get guys like E2 to do my calc and physics homework ;-)

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