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  my right bicep is shorter then my left

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Author Topic:   my right bicep is shorter then my left

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 961
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 02, 2000 10:24 PM

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When I flex both biceps, my right bicep is visibly shorter then my left. I have a gap between the bicep and my forearm. My left bicep is very full and long. Both arms are the same size however. I've done everything I know to do to get the length of my right bicep the same as the left.. but its not working.. its been this way for as long as i've been lifting. anyone else have this problem? My left bi looks much better in a pose then my right but they are the same height.. my right bi is not near as full looking.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 02, 2000 10:34 PM

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both arms are roughly 17".. of course it varies a little everyday.. sometimes more sometimes less.

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posted December 02, 2000 10:40 PM

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If they are the same size then try to concentrate on form more. Slow the movements down and start doing negatives with perfect form.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 02, 2000 10:45 PM

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will they make them even out more? I do alot of preacher curls, i heard they lengthen the bi's... seems like it is lengthening my left one and not my right one..

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posted December 02, 2000 10:46 PM

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It may just be a genetic anomaly that you will be stuck with.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:bakersfield, CALIFORNIA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted December 03, 2000 04:58 AM

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Originally posted by Spunky:
I've done everything I know to do to get the length of my right bicep the same as the left.. but its not working..

hey you say you try everything to get your right side looking better, well that maybe they problem.. i bet you dont work out your left as much/use the left as much as the right. the more you workout the muscle, the less effect you will have you are looking for.... what does your workout routine look like????

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 05:09 AM

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Polquin recommends incline dumbell curls to lengthen the bi. Use just the right arm till it catches up. I had this problem after shoulder surgery.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 09:34 AM

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yes,dumbale curles are good for working on this problem.also try on the 'w' barbel chair
to do it with a dumbale heavy on your right bi.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 11:06 AM

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thanks for the suggestions sweet cakes! Nah I don't overtrain my bi's. I change my bicep routine everyweek. Usually 3 exercises, 4 sets each exercise. I do all sets till failure. Cable Curls, preacher curls, straight bar curls is my fav. But i switch it up.....

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 11:16 AM

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So what! Arnold had the same problem. Look carefully, and you will see most bodybuilders have some variation from their left and right sides to some degree. I never knew it was possible to lengthen your muscle. Develop it maybe, but lengthen it? Just train hard and work at developing. Study pictures of the pros more carefully, it may help you out. I'm surprised Poliquin would claim such a thing. You are born with insertion points at the tendons. This is genetic and cannot be changed. So in order to lenthen a muscle, these insertion points would have to move. I respect Poliquin, but I don't agree with that if that is what he said. Develop the muscle yes, lengthen it is impossible. That is pre-determined by genes.....insertion points determine the length. I'm surpised he said that. I need to read it for myself.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 11:20 AM

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u can lengthen your bi's man. stretching the muslces out on excercises like preachers stretch the muscle and make it longer. atleast thats what arnold says in his book.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 11:31 AM

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Barbell curls! Dunmbells will give you free flow movement. Each bicep will move freely, and if their is a genetic difference in your insertion points, dumbells will not help the illusion of balance you want. Instead it will help develop the muscle in the motion that your bicep naturally wants to move. In otherwords your bicep on your left will move the weight differently than your right. So by using dumbells, you are developing the bicep muscles seperately. By using barbells, you are restricting the movements on both sides to raise the weight evenly. This way the muscle will develop evenly with the opposite side. Try it, you will see that your weaker side will drag a little, but because you will notice it, you can give the push necessary to raise the weight evenly and level. Barbells will help you look more even, not dumbells. Barbells keep you more symetrical, where as dumbells add to the individual development. People who only use dumbells usually end up with noticeable differences between the right and left sides. Next time you notice someone who says they only train with dumbells, ask them to flex, and you will see that the bodyparts will be uneven. Pecs will be different, biceps, sometimes even abs. Dumbells must be used for ultimate development, but if you are trying to even out your right and left sides, BARBELLS ARE THE WAY TO GO. If the barbell hurts....LOWER THE WEIGHT. E2 and me discussed this about a year ago.....conclusion is to do both, but if you are trying to even out the look, BARBELLS will do it, not dumbells. I am sure of this.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 03, 2000 11:50 AM

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By the way Kid Rock is right about muscle development. Even if Arnold says this in his book, it does'nt mean it is right. Your muscles stop at in the insertion points. Flex your bicep, and look at it. You can develop it and gain inches, but if it were to lengthen, than you would have to tear it off the insertion point, and reatatch it. That would be the only way a muscle can lengthen in size. Growing in size is different from lengthening. I agree with Kid Rock, it is impossible to lengthen a muscle unless somehow the insertion points change, which would require surgery. I respect Arnold, he was the biggest inspiration to me, but I did not go to school for 8 years to be told Arnold says so, so therefore it is. Think about it for a second. Your muscle is attached right? For it to lengthen it must move. Developing it will give the illusion of lengthening, but in all reality, the bicep never lengthens it develops. the starting and stopping point of the muscle never changes I assure you. This is predetermined by genetics. I went from 14inch arms to almost 18 1/2 inch arms. Took me a decade of training, and yes it looks like my arms thickened up and gained length, but the insertion points never changed, just the development and thickness. My bicep is still the same length.....believe what you will....the only way lengthen a muscle is to reatch the insertion points. Your muscle starts and stops at certain points. These points would have to move. That is not possible.

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