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  Serious q needs answering. T3 when bulking

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Author Topic:   Serious q needs answering. T3 when bulking

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 272
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 22, 2000 06:00 AM

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I am about to start my next cycle in 2 days time (bulking). I have 44 tabs of T3 left over from my last cutting cycle. I understand that T3 is highly catabolic and is in no way to be used without some test and or other aas. I also understand that T3 increases protein synthesis. I know some of you out there have done this and was wondering what are your views/thoughts. I am looking to add 30 lbs of quality mass. Would this T3 be beneficial in doing so, or would it be against the interests of 30 lbs.

Thanks guys

Anyone, my cycle would be T3 for the first 6 wks (44 days) at 1 tab (25mcgs) / day.

Its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 275
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 22, 2000 08:16 AM

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Why not. I have heard when you use T3 to increase protein sythesis, it keeps water retention down, and fat to a minimum. Just so long as you dont go over 25mcg per day.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 875
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 22, 2000 09:37 AM

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I personally wouldn't do it.. Cuz when yer bulking, yer bulking. If yer cutting, then u need to worry about fat. There are other things that would increase protein synthesis that you could take besides T3, if that is all you are taking it for. If u are worried about water retention get some nolvadex.

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The Shadow

Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 22, 2000 09:43 AM

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Always use 25 mcg of T3 during a bulking cycle as it increases protein synthesis and restores natural thyroid levels which become lowered during cycle.

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It realizes that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It realizes that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death.

The moral?

It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle, when the sun comes up - you had better be running.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 218
From:New Hampshire
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 22, 2000 10:32 AM

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I started it 2 weeks ago as I started my bulking cycle and it is going very well. I don't think 25mcg a day is harmful or is going to have any negative effect. A lot of people are terrified of this shit but will put 2 grams of test in their body per week with anadrol and all the fixins.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted November 22, 2000 11:02 AM

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This is part of a post by BIGDAWG on another board, called Cytomel-dawggie style, very good first hand experience in what you want to do.

Cytomel for bulking I use this one during all of my cycles. There are a couple reasons for this. The number one reason is(and some might disagree) , it increases protein synthesis due to increased metabolism. It speeds everything up, therefore making your body process protein faster and more efficiantly. This is a double edge sword though, if you don't eat enough you WILL lose muscle. I STRONGLY suggest that you only use this drug while on AS due to the anticatabolic properties of the AS. I find that most people who complain about muscle loss are using too much of this drug. When I use it for bulking, I use from 25mcg up to 50mcg and no more. I have never noticed any muscle loss and ive been gaining well on my cycles. I do not use it in the beginning of my cycle. I use it for only 4-6 weeks and my cycle will last around 10-12 or so. When I'm on a cycle, I believe in EATING to get big. I eat anything and everything I see. It usually takes me around 4-5 weeks before the fat cells begin to swell up due to the burger king and mcdonlds. Once that happens, I start on the Cytomel at 25mcg per day. This is a good time to start for another reason as well. At this time ive been on AS for a good 5 weeks and my body is getting used to them somewhat. Throwing in some t3 will help keep that protein synthesis alive and going strong. Another reason I like it is, it makes me hungry. By the 5th weeks I'm usually sick of stuffing my face and the new hunger is welcomed. I will then go up to 50mcg after two weeks, then 75 two weeks later. Every time I increase the dosage, I keep that in mind when I'm eating. I make sure to taper down from 50- 25 in one week, then 25- nothing the next. This will give me about one week left on the cycle wich is good because I will then go straight into a ketogenic diet after. The Cytomel has a MUCH different use at that time, and this will give me a good 4-5 weeks off the drug before I will use it on my diet. I find that cycles with t3 will keep you leaner, and help you make greater gains.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 239
From:An Igloo somewhere in Canada
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 22, 2000 12:13 PM

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RC's post is pretty good. I would use it. In lower doses it is more effective in protein synthisis. In higher doses it is a cannibalizer! Read the posts by I think Ranger or Warlobo on the womans topic group.


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 732
From:ky, usa
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 22, 2000 04:42 PM

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has it been long enough since the last time you sed it? wait 2 months each time or you could fuck up your thyroid

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