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  Test and Winny cycle

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Author Topic:   Test and Winny cycle

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 73
Registered: May 2000

posted November 19, 2000 03:11 PM

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I have in my possession three bottles of test 200 and enough Winstrol tabs for a cycle by itself. I had originally planed on using the test and selling the winny but am now kind of thinkin about stacking the two. If i were to stack the test with the winny would i become massive from the test and then cut from the winny??? I have never tried to stck a cutting steroid with a bulking steroid and was wondering what kind of results i could look for and a good cycle to work with. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help bros!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 260
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 19, 2000 03:22 PM

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Test is basically what would be the base steroid. (i.e to be used in both bulking and cutting cycles. Well depends on what level of experience you are at.) You are not gonna get massive whilst at the same time getting cut. If only it were possible. However you are gonna put some quality mass on by stacking the two. Not gonna be massive gains but 15-20lbs of solid muscle. Some people have had different experiences and some people say they have gained upto 25lbs of solid muscle using winny alone. Some probably respond better to it than others. Hope this helps bro.

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The Man Child

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 207
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 19, 2000 03:31 PM

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I'm on a Test/Winny/EQ cycle now. The winny hasn't started, but when it does I'll post all of my results. later

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted November 19, 2000 03:32 PM

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A steroid is a steroid. Each and every steroid has a personality of its own, but I really wouldn't call any steroid a cutting steroid or a bulking steroid. What determines if it is a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle is your diet and training. AS increases protein synthesis in the muscles...all AS do this. So you won't get bulked and cut because of these two drugs, winny and test. It isn't the drugs purpose to decide if they bulk or cut. That is up to you and your diet and training. If you ate excess calories on winny you technicaly would be bulking. Just because it's winny dosn't mean it will make you "cut". The reason winny is used in many cutting stacks is due to the fact that is dosn't retain water.....no water retention means cuts appear more visibly. It is still an AS that increases protein synthesis just like test. Just has a different approach to going about that. So this cycle you have mentioned could either be used to bulk or cut. Your diet will determine this. It would be a far more effective bulking cycle because you will retain water from the test. So basicaly just about any steroid can be used to cut or to bulk. Some are just better at doing one or the othrer due to factors like aromitization.

The bigest risk in life is not taking one at all.

[This message has been edited by Beezers (edited November 19, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Beezers (edited November 19, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

Posts: 49
From:Baton Rouge ,LA.
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 19, 2000 03:42 PM

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beezer is right i was begining to think that everone didnt know shit

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 73
Registered: May 2000

posted November 21, 2000 05:19 PM

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Thanks for all the help, especially Beezer-thanks for the info. I would like to make it a bulking cycle, what are some effective dosages that i should take. I know what kibnd of diet to follow for a bulking cycle. I have taken one cycle before, a d-bol only cycle and got pretty good gains. Lookin to step it up and get REAL big. Thanks for all the help bros!!!

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 73
Registered: May 2000

posted November 22, 2000 12:55 AM

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