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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 990
From:your mama's womb
Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 13, 2000 12:29 AM

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My PGF2A Experience

I. Intro

After seven seeks of mental anguish, physical torture, and constant episodes of the shits. I am proud to present to the members of elite a detailed account of my experience with pgf2a.

II. Injection Schedule

The three muscles I injected were chest, shoulders, and biceps. With chest being the main focus, here was my injection schedule.

Chest Shoulders Biceps
Week 1 1, 1.5, 2.25 1.5 -
Week 2 2.25, 2.55, 3 2.25 -
Week 3 3, 3, 3.6 2.55 1
Week 4 3.6, 3.6, 4.5 3 1.2
Week 5 4.5, 5.1 3, 3.6 1.5, 2
Week 6 3.4 , 4 4.5 2, 2.4
Week 7 4, 4 - 3

Each number denotes how many total cc�s I injected for a particular day. I did not inject more than one muscle per day. I injected chest 3 times a day for weeks 1-5 and only twice for weeks 6-7 per day. I would rotate the site of injection every time. For shoulders I injected 3 times a day hitting all three heads. For bi�s I only injected twice a day hitting the inner and outer heads.

As you can see the dosage was gradually increased. I did not decrease the dosage on weeks 6-7 on chest. Rather I just injected less frequently but still upped the dosage.

Injections were done 30-40 minutes after a meal. I never injected the day of or the day after I just worked the muscle. The aspiration test was always performed. On a few occasions I hit a vein and drew blood and would have to re-inject (typically in the bi�s or front delts). A few times, some slight bruising would occur when a vein was punctured (only on bi�s).

III. Side Effects

At first the sides were very tolerable. Then when it got to about 1/2cc per injection, 1.0cc total for the injection session, that�s when it started getting unbearable (oh did this shit ever hurt!).

Rating the pain, shoulders were the least painful to hit, followed by chest, then with biceps being the most painful (I could barely wipe my ass after my diarrhea outburst).

As soon as you inject it starts to hurt immediately. 2-3 minutes after injecting the pain starts to increase and you get this funny sensation in your lungs. There�s some slight coughing. I experience a side that nobody else seemed to experience, dry heaving. I would typically dry heave a few times cause the stomach cramps got so bad. A couple of times I actually threw up, but most of the time I did not. Then you start to feel all tingly and your stomach gets upset. By the 10th-15th minute its time to go to the bathroom. Certain times I needed to take several trips to the bathroom, all within one hour of the injection. A few minutes after the injection you start sweating but you feel cold, body temp rises and you break out in a cold sweat. You start getting goose bumps and your nipples get so erect you can poke someone�s eye out. By this time the pain you feel in the muscle is full blown and is very painful. Then you realize how much you use that particular muscle for the slightest activities (it even hurt to scratch my nose when I injected bi�s). At times all I could do was just lie down and wait until I got accustomed to the pain, which sometimes took awhile. The extreme pain would last for roughly an hour or so. It starts to decrease by the second hour or you just get accustomed to it. The soreness would last all day and even carry on to the next. You also urinate profusely for the first couple of hours after injecting.

My lifts in the gym did not decrease significantly, but nevertheless there was a slight reduction in poundages lifted. I also got needle phobia after week one, the only difference with my case is that it never went away.

IV. Experimentation

I experimented with the angle of injection because I had this theory that if I did not inject the muscle that deep that more of the pgf2a would get absorbed since there would be more muscle to travel through before it gets dissipated in your lungs. Lets say the direction you were facing was the y-plane (oh oh, here comes some vector math) and your body represented the x-plane, I would inject the chest with the angle of injection closer to parallel with the x-plane. I would also inject the chest with the angle parallel to the y-plane and try to hit the muscle as deep as possible. I found that when injecting closer to parallel on the x-plane (not trying to hit the muscle that deep) that the growth induced is more localized to the injection spot. The muscle growth is in a fairly small radius around the injection spot. When trying to hit the muscle as deep as possible (parallel to the y-plane), the growth induced is more overall, it covers a larger area.

Another thing is that when I got into the higher dosages at about 1cc per shot. I would split up the shot so that I would disperse �cc in two different locations (ie. if I was going to inject outer chest, I would inject the upper outer with 1/2cc and the lower outer 1/2cc). The difference with this as opposed to dispersing the entire shot in one location is that more of the pgf2a gets absorbed. A certain area of muscle can only absorb so much before the rest is destroyed in your system so by splitting up the dosages, more of the pgf2a is utilized. The sides, except the pain were not as harsh. I would only need to go to the bathroom once and the other sides were not as severe. The pain level though is at an all time high since a larger portion of the muscle is affected. I was literally incapacitated at times for an hour or so cause I just wanted to lie down and not move at all. If you inject it all in one spot, the pain is not as drastic, but the other sides are more prevalent and extreme.

V. Conclusion

This is not for the weak of heart, if you can�t take self-afflicted pain (which is what I consider it to be), or pain in general, lutalyse is definitely not for you. There were an abundance of times were I had the urge to halt everything but I was determined to finish what I started. Now that I am done, I could not be more ecstatic, I feel like I have been through hell and back.

Does pgf2a work? I answer that question with a resounding YES! In my opinion better than any steroid out there for inducing muscle growth. It does come at an extremely high price. It is time consuming, physically demanding, and mentally challenging (you got to really want it to stay on this stuff). It also alters your physical appearance drastically. I actually weigh roughly 8-9lbs less than when I started but I look a lot bigger and more cut. Its fat burning capabilities are amazing, I decreased my bf% significantly and my diet was not even that good, also I was only doing cardio once or twice a week. I have never looked better in my entire life and all my friends have noticed the difference.

Are the gains permanent? I have not been off long enough to know, only time will tell if it is or not. I sure hope the gains are permanent cause even though this stuff works great, I have no intention of using it in the near future, or ever again for that matter.

I have no regret in using pgf2a. I�m more than ready to face the consequences of my actions if for some reason I find that what I did was detrimental to my health. This is what I wanted, it was my decision! And now that it�s all said and done� I have earned the right to call myself a pain freak.

If you have any questions where I could be of assistance, drop me an email at [email protected].


"The race is long... and in the end, it's only with yourself."
"The greatest risk is not taking one."
Abs are what separate the men from the boys.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 990
From:your mama's womb
Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 13, 2000 12:34 AM

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hmmm... it seems my schedule table did not get formatted properly. let me try again

Week 1 1, 1.5, 2.25
Week 2 2.25, 2.55, 3
Week 3 3, 3, 3.6
Week 4 3.6, 3.6, 4.5
Week 5 4.5, 5.1
Week 6 3.4 , 4
Week 7 4, 4

Week 1 1.5
Week 2 2.25
Week 3 2.55
Week 4 3
Week 5 3, 3.6
Week 6 4.5
Week 7 -

Week 1 -
Week 2 -
Week 3 1
Week 4 1.2
Week 5 1.5, 2
Week 6 2, 2.4
Week 7 3

[This message has been edited by ryry (edited November 13, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 102
From:Manhattan Beach, CA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 13, 2000 12:39 AM

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ryry, you're one of the toughest bros to go through all that. Congrats on the gains, and having the balls to go through it. Wish you had some before/after pics to post, but still, very informative post.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 36
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posted November 13, 2000 12:56 AM

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You are one crazy motherfucker bro

Congrats on gains keep us posted

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Posts: 4519
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posted November 13, 2000 01:06 AM

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Welcome to the house of pain bro.....

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Cool Novice

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posted November 13, 2000 01:58 AM

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I would rather have my balls pounded flat with a wooden hammer than use that shit again!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 192
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:05 AM

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Great post bro! This is hella good info. How much body fat do you think you lost on the shit.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 285
From:Anytown, USA
Registered: Mar 2000

posted November 13, 2000 09:56 AM

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Fantastic info bro! You are a true ironman. I've got a couple questions for you...I'll e-mail today or tomorrow.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 192
From:New Hampshire
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 13, 2000 10:03 AM

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Sounds awesome. Sign me up for the pain train!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 294
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posted November 13, 2000 10:21 AM

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Thanx bro!! This helps!! I am going to use pgf2a to bridge in about 6 weeks.. Im gonna try to stay on it for 5 months????


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 10:38 AM

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Yeah you sir are one tough man. I remeber when Big brother val was going through it. DEDICATION!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 10:55 AM

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Great post bro!

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The Ranger


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posted November 13, 2000 11:39 AM

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Yesssssssssssss........and the " House of Pain " adds yet another member....heh heh heh....told ya they would come(shits)!!

Good post bro...


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 11:44 AM

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Posts: 1130
Registered: Feb 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:06 PM

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Tell you the truth, the pain and the side are nothing, the problem is the pain in the ass of taking 3-5 shots a day and not having my girl find out

Check out my HardCore Pic sitehttp://www.dell.homestead.com/conan/index.html

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 109
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posted November 13, 2000 02:27 PM

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Sitting here in pain as I type this (bis kill) I use it on cycle...were you on anything else while using PGF2a???

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Posts: 3063
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:55 PM

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Excellent account Ryry!


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 03:34 PM

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Fabulous post!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1273
From:The future a 1000 years from now
Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 13, 2000 04:35 PM

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Ryry, welcome to the club.
Although i feel different on one thing. Roids is still IT for muscle gains.

Good post bro


Don't look back, life is too short

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 04:47 PM

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great post ryry, thanks for the information on this topic. i'm still trying to read as much as i can on pgf2a. but in my case, the jury is still out.

the only easy day was yesterday!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 990
From:your mama's womb
Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 13, 2000 05:17 PM

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i was only on the pgf2a by itself and nothing else. as for bf% loss, not quite sure, enough to make a significant difference.

you must be immune to pain if you don't think that this stuff did not hurt at all, i must have more nerve endings than the common man...

for overall muscle growth (entire body), yes AS is better. but i don't think it compares to the growth that you get for just a specific muscle.

"The race is long... and in the end, it's only with yourself."
"The greatest risk is not taking one."
Abs are what separate the men from the boys.

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