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  Why do it this way ?

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Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 12, 2000 07:55 AM

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When you do a cycle of say test & dbol the person gains 20-30lbs or more then will lose some of it 10-15lbs or more, and have a net gain of 10-15lbs or so. Why not just do a primo or winny cycle and be able to keep the gains that are obtained? Won't those gains be of more quality? Is it a cost issue? What if you added the primo in week 5 of a 10 week cycle and ran till the end would the primo help retain more of the gains.

Just trying to see if it one way is better than the other. Wife is a little concerned with the sides, but is being cool about it, said she would even do the shots.

I'm concerned about the gains and then not maintaining them afterwards or losing a little under half of them.

Don't be alarmed, my real name is Richard.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 12, 2000 11:58 AM

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This is a very good question. Cost is one issue. However, nothing builds mass better than Test. Basicly the higher androgens are superior at building mass. With the androgenic drugs though comes the water retention. Right after a cycle the weight you loose isn't muscle it's water. So say you gain 25 on test/deca/dbol and you end up keeping 15. Well on a winny primo cycle that 15 pounds is about the most you will gain. Yes you will keep those 15 pounds but 15 pounds is 15 pounds no matter where it came from. I think it all balances out eventually however I also think you have the potential for greater gains with the heavier androgenic drugs. So say you are only able to squeeze 15 out of your winny/primo. You could probably gain 30 on a different cycle and end up keeping 20-25. I just think there is more potential with test.

The bigest risk in life is not taking one at all.

[This message has been edited by Beezers (edited November 12, 2000).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1012
From:College Station, TX, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 12, 2000 12:11 PM

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Well, I can't really add much to what 'ole Beezers said above, except that there are several ways to help "maintain," or "solidify" your gains at the end of a cycle, including bridging (which I unfortunately don't have the $$$ to do yet), taking the proper ancillary drugs (clomid, etc.), and adding some basic legal stuff like creatine, glutamine, etc. Don't be paranoid about losing too much, bro, just go all out, GAIN AS MUCH MASS AS POSSIBLE (forget about the fat for 8-12 weeks or however long your cycle is) and then worry about losing only FAT afterward...

...just my 2 cents, hope it helps!

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
"Get BIG, or get the f*ck out," "Smoke it 'til your fingers burn," "The world IS mine!!"

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Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 13, 2000 07:02 AM

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Don't be alarmed, my real name is Richard.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 20
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 13, 2000 01:53 PM

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Thing is... You won't grow at all on Winny & Prim. Honestly I think fuckin' BANANAS work better than Winny. I can't understand why people waste their mony on that crap. It�s useless. Save your time & money and buy GH. Winnys are for small tiny dogs and maybe mice. NOTHING ELSE! NOT even pigs will see effects from it!

but Good Luck anyway!


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:College Station, TX, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:01 PM

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I've never used winny, but judging from the amount of bro's on this board that do, and the amount of time it's been around, I'd say that you are one of very few that was not happy with your results...bump for personal experiences...

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
"Get BIG, or get the f*ck out," "Smoke it 'til your fingers burn," "The world IS mine!!"

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:06 PM

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winny tabs worked for me. i did with primo for 6 weels and gained 9 solid pounds and good strength.

the original question is a great debate. i like anabolics and shy awy from test. i use winny, primo, deca, clen, anavar, and dbol for 2 weeks, two weeks.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 61
From:notsuoh, xt, asu
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:11 PM

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badkins is right...there are alot of bros who use winny (btw, is it better to drink or inject? -- j/k)...anyway, i'm a winny fan and i have strong gains from it - 100mg eod for about 6 weeks with a 7-8lb gain in lean muscle mass...that doesn't go away after you stop. I know that if i ate better and worked out harder on my lower body (really bad knees, so i stay away from legs), i would have increased the gains by at least 3-4lbs...
each person is different with regard to reaction and it also depends on your desired gains..but a winny cycle with primo or deca is a good cycle to gain (and keep) a good 15lbs of mass...IMHO
with regard to the drop off of gains from test, it is known and accepted..and with proper post cycle training (i.e. clomid, diet, etc), one can keep many of the gains.

good luck bro

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Ana, Test
Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 13, 2000 02:27 PM

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Milligram per Milligram it's probably one of the, if not the best steroid out there!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 02:37 PM

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I'm with Haze on this. Stanozolol is a great, great agent. If you stack it with Deca (or Primo, for that matter,) you will be quite happy with your results.

Ilpsoas, I am very much surprised at your experience with Winny. Could it be that your opinion was formed after a cycle with a fake product?

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Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 14, 2000 03:26 PM

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just bumpin, to get more opinions. would a primo cycle only be good? The side effects are really starting to not go so well with the wife.

Don't be alarmed, my real name is Richard.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 172
Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 14, 2000 03:36 PM

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I'm doing like 400mg primo + 250 mg test + 300 mg eq right now and it rocks! I am not really any stronger yet but I look much better and I am not all bloated out on test. I think a primo only stack would be really good but you would have to go really high, like 600mgs or so for good results. Primo is expensive shit, so I just threw in a little bit of test for good measure. I keep wanting to do a dbol + primo cycle because I heard that is what Arnold always liked to do.

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