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  Norandren and Test Enanthate cycle?

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Author Topic:   Norandren and Test Enanthate cycle?


Posts: 1
From:Tampa, FL, USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 11, 2000 10:07 PM

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I just got 10 cc's of norandren 200 and 10 cc's of test enanthate 200. I'm 5'3, 21 yrs, 130 pounds, 6% fat, bench 260, squat 360. This is the cycle I've tried to create,and its my first cycle, but what do you think? I just don't want to take too much test because of water retention, and other bad side effects. What kind of results can iI expect? Should I change or add anything? Thanks!

Week 1-3 200 mg deca, 100 mg test enanthate
Week 4 300 mg deca, 150 mg test enanthate
Week 5-6 400 mg deca, 200 mg test enanthate
Week 7 200 mg deca, 100 mg test enanthate
Week 8 100 mg deca, 50 mg test enanthate

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 56
Registered: Feb 2000

posted November 12, 2000 02:41 AM

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the way I see it is that you dont have enough deca for the 8 week cycle you have set up you need 11cc for the cycle you have, and with 10cc you need more deca!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 61
From:Long Island New York USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 12, 2000 04:07 AM

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Not bad idea for a cycle but let me add a few suggestions. First off..i am hoping you are refferring to Brovel Labs gear... if you are you are on the right path, if not..ask around to make sure its legit. Ok..as far as Deca is concerned.. you need to start with a high dosage and then drop it and maintain unlike a pyramid cycle like test, etc. Personally, I'd go with 600-800mgs for the first 2 weeks and then maitaining at 300-400mgs a week for the remainder of the 8weeks in your 10 week cycle. Now with the enathate.. I liked it a great deal..not too much water retention, good size and strength gains. Pyramid this like any other test in conjunction with the deca like I have already mentioned. Start with 200-300mgs every 5 days going up to 700-800mgs every five days and then back down to 200mgs at the end but instead of every 5 days at the end, when you are tapering off space out the days a little. Don't worry about it being in your system,,it will still be there even with the increase in time between injections. it will actually still be in your body long after you stop shooting. Also have patience with the cycle. Both the deca and Enathate are oil based so it will take up to 4 weeks to actually kick in so do not get discouraged...Good luck

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Cool Novice

Posts: 39
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 12, 2000 01:45 PM

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after doing pyramid cycles i think that starting high on the doses and tapering down is a better method as do most on this board.
with what you have i would do this.
week 1-2 400t 300d
week 3-4 300t 200d
week 5-8 200t 200d
this is designed assuming it is brovel stuff and i would only expect 8 or 9 cc's per bottle. any extra, maybe 1 cc per bottle,i would put in at the end.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 724
From:the vagina
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 12, 2000 03:29 PM

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you need more gear in order to make a good cycle.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted November 12, 2000 04:16 PM

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I completely agree with flexmex. You need twice what you have. At those test doses you will on;y shut down your endogenous test production leaving you worse off on the cycle than off it. 400/wk of the enanthate is about as low as you should go. 100 won't do anything as far as growth goes let alone 50. There may be an arguement that the deca is ok, I however still think it's low. But the test, there is no doubt that is too low.

The bigest risk in life is not taking one at all.

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