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  Just got busted!

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Posts: 4
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 10, 2000 11:47 PM

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Ive been reading alot on this board but I havent written anything till now. I was coming back through the TJ border on foot just like I have about 6 times before for the last two years and the guy in the booth asked me if I had anything to declare. I said no then he told me to procced. Then a Customs officer came up to me and started asking questions like how long was I in Mexico, why was I visiting, and if I had anything to declare. Then he told me to go to a table with other officers and empty my pockets, all I had in my pockets were keys and some change, then he asked me to lift my pants and show him my socks. Ouch, thats were I had stashed 10 sos vials, then he asked me to go into a room so they could search me. At that time I just took out all the stuff I had, 1 bottle of Laurabolin, 2 10,000 IU of Provosi, 1 box of Omifin, and a few needles to tide me over until mail order came.
Customs officers said because I didnt claim the merchandice it was a Felony(I guess they have to word it that way because if I claimed the AS they would have just taken the stuff). They told me that they would get ahold of Narcotics and see if they wanted to press charges, and if they wanted to they could take me to jail. Well Narcotics must not have wanted me (I'm sure there are bigger fish to fry)So the customs officers gave me a choice: 1. Do all the paperwork and schedule a hearing for later and let a panel decide what to fine me. 2. Throw myself at the mercy of the sargent(sp?) that caught me and give a written explanation on why I shouldnt be fined to much for the terrible sin I have committed. I chose number 2. They tallied up how much the stuff would cost in the states and they came up with $1050.00. Of course it only cost me about $180.00 in Mexico. At first they told me they could fine me up to 5 times the American price, then it went up to 10 times the price(I started to catch on that they were trying to scare the hell out of me, and it started to work). I wrote my (confession?)or pleading to the sargent: I went on how I've been at the gym a long time and I got tired of all the young guys coming in on steriods kicking this old mans ass with all the weight they were lifting and such, He was an older man too so I was hoping for a little sympathy.
After telling me that they could fine me more then $10,000 and talking big numbers amoungst themselves they told me I owe them $500.00 within 30 days and if I dont pay within 30 days the fine will jump to $1030.00.
The whole time I was there they kept telling me how I was killing myself, and quite a few of them brought up Lyle Alzado and how steroids killed him. Of course I, as well as you guys know that if used properly steroids are not that dangerous(I just kept my mouth shut).
I dont know exactly how I was caught except that when I was going into Mexico there was an officer that was talking to two other officers and he looked at me and I at him. Then when I was coming back through that same damn officer was on the other side and he looked right at me. I was only there for about an hour and I bet he thought it was suspicious that I was only there for an hour and already coming back. I'm kinda big so that could of been why too.
Well thats my story, all I can say is when you go into Mexico for "stuff" maybe its best to stay the day and enjoy yourself for a while. What sucks the most is now I'm scared to go back in and get some more. I just started a cycle with only half the AS and now I guess I'll just have to make it a short one. Maybe next time I'll drive in and hide it real good in the car.
Sorry for the long post,

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the mechanic

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posted November 10, 2000 11:52 PM

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Sorry to hear about this, next time go over in the afternoon, get your gear, and kick back and have a few beers and do a little shopping. Take a lady along with you, always worked for me in the past.

the mechanic

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posted November 10, 2000 11:56 PM

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posted November 11, 2000 12:03 AM

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You might have your name on some kind of hotlist. Just watch out for yourself.

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Jay Z

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posted November 11, 2000 12:08 AM

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Sorry to hear that. Get a domestic source...that's the best advice for you. You may pay more but you'll be safer.

Sign the petition now at LegalizeSteroids.com,DecriminalizeSteroids.com, or SignThePetition.com!

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posted November 11, 2000 12:08 AM

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Good point Bubba, I have a lot of cop friends from the gym. I hope they dont call the local police and say anything. I would be more then just a little embarresed. The cops have asked me if I was using but of course its just the Creatine and lots of Protien that make me big :^)

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 11, 2000 12:20 AM

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Ive been across 10+ times in the last 5 years, and I have to say always go with someone. I got stupid the last two times I have crossed I was alone. Well believe me it seems to get customs attention when you are alone crossing, especially early in the day or afternoon. Both times they questioned me and once asked me to empty my pockets, scared the shit out of me. Both times I swear they knew the way the were acting and decided to let me go. Every time I have crossed with a friend immigration has just waved us through and customs did'nt even look at us. Moral is always cross with someone perferably a female, never go alone...

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posted November 11, 2000 12:56 AM

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Cool Novice

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posted November 11, 2000 02:08 AM

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OK heres my .02 if I may...If you are a big dude & are gonna try to get stuff across, my advice is DONT BOTHER. Find a tiny little Tijuanian(with a passport of course)to do it for you. Customs guys will ALWAYS fuck with you if you look like a lifter so if you cant hide the fact that you train with baggy jeans etc, then take my previously mentioned advice. Secondly..sorry to hear you got popped dude but I gotta ask..WHY IN GODS GOOD NAME WOULD YOU EYEBALL A CUSTOMS GUY LIKE YOU SAID. Christ, if you are a big dude then they allready had reason #1 to fuck with you..all you did was give them reason #2! Lastly, I have to disagree with the going with someone part. On a busy crossing day there is NO WAY that the customs guys can tell whos together & who aint. Just walk with a group & they wont know the difference. One more thing...you are right as to why you got busted..1. your a big guy 2. You eyeballed(or made eyecontact with, or whatever you did)with a customs guy.

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posted November 11, 2000 06:28 AM

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Roid, even when its busy they can tell whos with who. I go over weekly for periods of time and have only two times had a problem. Once when I was with a big friend, I'm 6'2 and over 300# myself and once when I declared a bottle of Nolvadex (dumb, I know) but I never have anything on me so I wasnt worried.
When I was with my buddy the guys kinda semi circled us and asked us to empty our pockets ect. They were almost laughing saying "Do you have anything else to declare??" The key is the way you react-I laughed too and wasnt nervous

Your_Moms_Kneepads: Contributing to the moral decay of America since 1971.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 11, 2000 02:55 PM

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Well going over with my wife didn't help me they pulled us aside and ask if we had anything we said yes and showed them and the still brought us in this room and searched and i wore a baggy shirt and pants and you think we didn't forget to declare the novaldex and hcg really forgot when he pulled that from my wifes purse I like to.....right trere but we had our scrips from mex docs and let us through and said next time declare everything .

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Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 11, 2000 04:19 PM

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Are you saying its legal to bring back Tamoxafin(sp?) and HCG as long as you have a scrip from a Mexican Doctor?
That would be okay with me...

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Cool Novice

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From:greensburg,pa USA
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posted November 11, 2000 04:38 PM

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Your Moms Kneepads. I agree with you 100% on the reaction part. That is really the most important thing. If you are nervous...your dead.

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Cool Novice

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From:greensburg,pa USA
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posted November 11, 2000 04:45 PM

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Hey ROBB. Why are you aking about scripts from Mexican docs?? Didn't you say that you have done the Tijuana thing several times before?? Or was that just bullshit to impress the board?

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posted November 11, 2000 06:13 PM

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err, did I say something wrong? Why would I suposedly know anything about whether it is legal to bring back "stuff" with a scrip? All I know is that when I bought roids in Mexico I just bought them over the counter and stuck them in my socks and shorts to get them across the border. Is there another way? And no I find no reason to try to impress you roidog420....

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