Topic: Reason for therealj board being locked
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 409 From:Vancuver, B.C., Canada Registered: Jan 2000
posted November 09, 2000 03:09 AM |
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I emailed the administrator or whoever and the reason it was terminated is because it is an anabolic board. This is his reply to my first email. I replied to it and am currently waiting for his second reply.Have you actually read our Terms of Use?The very first one is "instructional information about illegal activities". The first bullet in the next section of prohibitions is "posting or providing links to any content which violates our Terms of Use". You may also want to note the following passages: "ezboard reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary with respect to your ezboard or user account if we have reason to believe it may cause us to lose the services of our ISP or suppliers." "ezboard reserves the right to release current or past member information in the event ezboard believes that the membership is being or has been used in violation of the Terms of Use or to commit unlawful acts, or if the information is subpoenaed. By agreeing to the conditions of these Terms of Use, you hereby consent to disclosure of any record or communication to any third party when ezboard, in its sole discretion, determines the disclosure to be appropriate." That last passage might be particularly important to you and your users, considering we are legally compelled to notify our F.B.I. contact, who notifies U.S. Customs, whenever we shut down an "anabolic" board. Better than just telling them and not shutting down the board, right? We'd hate for your users to have an inordinate number of "gear" shipments intercepted (note sarcasm). ezboard Legal Department
Posts: 3289 From:LIFT UNTIL YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Registered: Jan 2000
posted November 09, 2000 03:12 AM |
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What a peice of shit we should all abandon the ez-boards and go else where. Its obviously not safe to be on one------------------ Lift Until You Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool Novice

Posts: 40 From:Copenhagen, denmark Registered: Oct 2000
posted November 09, 2000 03:13 AM |
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YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. FU*K! What an ass. Damn, he's got his work cut out for him, there's thoussands of anabolic ezboards, I hope this isn't the end of that story.Mike H. ------------------ "Favours, favours can get you killed faster than a speeding bullet!!"
Posts: 9 From:Vangroover Registered: Nov 2000
posted November 09, 2000 03:18 AM |
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no shit! i refuse to believe it took them this long to find out. i mean even the name was "canadian anabolic". a quick scan through all the ezboards should have found it long ago. and there are tons of other similar boards on ezboard.WTF?
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 703 From:Great White North Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 09, 2000 03:19 AM |
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I'll tell you why my board got shutdown...over the last 4 weeks the board averaged 1500 hits a day...the little snot nose EZboard monitor...probably get's updates on which boards are overly've got another trick up my sleeve..fear not bros...
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 409 From:Vancuver, B.C., Canada Registered: Jan 2000
posted November 09, 2000 03:25 AM |
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I think your right J. he is probably some skinny little loser who is on a power trip and getting a kick out of screwing over guys who he knows are bigger than him. Maybe it stems back to his highschool days.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 146 From:pa. Registered: Oct 1999
posted November 09, 2000 07:14 AM |
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I'd like to confiscate his "package" and send it to his girl friend, in a box.......
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 175 From:Canada (Quebec) Registered: May 2000
posted November 09, 2000 12:02 PM |
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Therealj - If you need help to rebuild a board, e-mail me...
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 1428 From:Chicago,Ill,USA Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 09, 2000 12:57 PM |
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I have been trying to get the posts back at EZ board for X's board for 5 days. It appears our kind is not wanted there. This is the email exchange I've had with them over the last 5 days... Beginning with thier first letterHello, Thank you for your patience. I want to assure you that ezboard is committed to providing the best online community service possible. We value our users highly and I want to assure you that there is a good chance that we will be able to restore your ezboard account. What may complicate this matter is the fact that we have received several complaints that the bxmansboard (Anabolic Discussion Board) was being used to sell and/or distribute controlled substances. Some of these complaints were filed by a concerned parent of a minor, who had allegedly obtained steroids through your board. The discussion of supplements, steroids, cycles, etc... does not violate ezboard's Terms of Use. The distribution of controlled substances however, not only violates our Terms of Use, it is against Federal law. Currently there is nothing to incriminate you on your temporary board. If you elect to have your ezboard restored form backup and we find evidence of any illegal activity (including the listing of contacts or "sources"), we will be required by law to notify the FBI and possibly US Customs. If you are confident that there is no illegal content, just let me know and I will put in the request to have your board restored from backup. Otherwise I suggest that you just continue to re-develop your board, making sure its content does not violate ezboard's Terms of Use or Federal law. Feel free to email me with any questions that you may have. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Sincerely, James Kerr Product Support ezboard, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James, Thank you for returning my call with this email. I would like to address this issue that was raised about the sale of steroids on this board. The accusations are totally without merit. The accusations were contrived and are totally untrue. There are no posts selling anything even remotely connected with steroids or there use on that board and I defy anyone to point out even one such post. In fact there isn't a single post selling any substance legal or otherwise. I understand your concern and I sympathize with you having to decide these matters. I can only prove my point if you put up the board again and review it's content. None of which could have been altered since last Saturday Night when it was deleted. I would very much like to have this board restored as we have had people from around the world contribute to it and it's loss would be felt by many. Thank you for your consideration Larry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larry, I will forward your email to our Legal Team. They will review it and put your request under consideration. Thank you for your patience regarding this matter. Sincerely, James Kerr Product Support ezboard, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James, I appreciate your quick response but I admit I am puzzled by your response. You have all the posts. You can read them and determine their content. I know their content, I monitor that content daily and I have no doubt that what I have told you is true. If there are no posts on that board that involve the trafficking of drugs then why would the legal team have to review anything. Lawyers are paid to say no. It is much easier to just say no than review the content or make any judgments as to the content. Lawyers are also notorious for taking weeks to decide what everyone else knows in a few hours. Please just read the content. There is urgency to this matter because some of the posts are diaries of people's daily activity and experiences. We need to see their progression on a daily basis. We have now missed 4 days and from what you are saying this could drag on for weeks. We need to move our people somewhere else if there is going to be any foot dragging on the part of your legal team. If we are forced to abandon our web address and relocate our people to another site it may cause us to incur undue costs and result in a loss more of valuable information. This is not a chat board. Again I thank you for your consideration. Larry [This message has been edited by ulter (edited November 09, 2000).]
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 905 From:San Diego, CA, USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted November 09, 2000 01:01 PM |
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Good job, Ulter. Hopefully the X-Man's board will be back up very soon...
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 53 From: Registered: Oct 2000
posted November 09, 2000 01:19 PM |
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Thanks for the status report, Ulter. Let's hope for a speedy resolution.
Posts: 2131 From:Top Gun Flight School!! Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 09, 2000 04:42 PM |
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F*ck EZboard. Us mods made damn sure that there was absolutely no source posting on therealj's board or X man's board. So they are full of shit and can go to f*ckin hell.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 102 From: Registered: Oct 2000
posted November 09, 2000 06:23 PM |
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We need to find a new place- maybe therealj will find the answer- by the way - great job ulter-tomo
Cool Novice

Posts: 20 From: Registered: Oct 2000
posted November 10, 2000 02:14 AM |
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Wonder if therealj e-mailed them and told them that when he was pissed about it I will bet money it was
Posts: 5 From: Registered: Jun 2000
posted November 10, 2000 11:21 AM |
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Holy shit, i was wondering what was going on with the boards getting shut down. Shit, i wonder how long ours is gonna be up.
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 308 From:Louisville, Ky Registered: Sep 2000
posted November 10, 2000 02:35 PM |
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Damn, I've been gone for a while and everything goes to hell. Sorry Ulter, I will try to stay around from now on so that everything will continue on as normal. He he. Man, I can't believe that shit. I was going to go visit that board after I left here. Now I am really pissed off. It's probably a good thing that I am between cycles right now or I might go on a "rage". I guess I just can't say that on x-man's board anymore or that could get it shut down because of the extreme content. What a crock.------------------ "That Which Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger" "Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson