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Author Topic:   Mono


Posts: 10
From:Saratoga Springs NY, USA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 06, 2000 04:07 PM

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Hey Guys,
I"m a 21 year old college student, and I just got some bad news by my doctor today. I've been pretty sick for about a week or so, and it turns out that I have Mono. Anways, I"m currently in the middle of a cycle, and my doctor strongly reccomends that I stop working out until I get better. I don't wanna waste my gear by not working out, however, I don't want to get any worse. Has anybody else been in this situation before? If so, how did you deal with it?

Any adivice would be appreciated..thanks.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:bakersfield, CALIFORNIA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 06, 2000 04:19 PM

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more details... how long is the cycle, how far are you into it and what are you taking, what doses??

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b fold the truth

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posted November 06, 2000 04:20 PM

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Have mono before. Very serious. Don't mess with it. If not really careful...mono can really mess you up for a long time. Your health is much more important than your cycle.

You do not need to workout for a few weeks at least.

B True

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 06, 2000 07:30 PM

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Couldn't pass this one up. I just got over a pretty bad case of Mononucleosis myself. Its been 2 months since I got over it, and not until around 2 weeks ago did I just started to get back to totally normal. All I can say is: GET READY FOR SOME MAJOR SICKNESS! I found the more I lifted, the worse I felt. Basically, there is nothing you can do except sit and wait for it to pass. The incubation time is between 30 and 42 days (or ~6-8 weeks).

For the first 3-4 weeks, you will feel really weak and feverish (achiness to the lower back, neck, shoulders etc...), and your lymph nodes will pop out. After a couple of weeks, you will start getting a mild sore throat, and it will eventually turn into the worst one you ever had (at least for me it was). No joke, I had to go to the ER because I could not even swallow, and my tonsils and back of throat were completely white. This lasts for 1-2 weeks. Try getting a script of Vicodins and some viscuous lidocaine to try and hamper the pain/swelling. While this is going on, you will still have an on/off fever.

Basically you are fucked until it is over. I asked our good friend cockdezl about this and he said the same.

The only foods I could eat were mechanical soft foods/liquids. Basically, milk, chicken noodle soup, ice cream (actually cold things made it worse), juices, and anything telse that is soft. I tried taking my vicodins not only during the times of fever, but also about an hour before I ate, that way it would not hurt so bad. If you think I am exagerrating this, I am not, trust me. You are totally helpless. You can try taking antioxidant like vitamin C, alpha-lipoic acid, pycnogenyl, etc...but after awhile, you will stop because of the intense hurt in swallowing.

Usually when the sore throat is over, your sickness will be almost over too. Hope you are not a student! I missed a lot of class at the beginning of this Quarter, and it is a bitch trying to learn and catch back up. I find it funny since it is a microbiology class.

Actually, cockdezl, if you read this, I need to ask you a question about doing tests for the organism "Pseudomonas Aeruginosa". I will post it on one of the boards unless you e-mail me your address. Thanks man.

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Posts: 10
From:Saratoga Springs NY, USA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 06, 2000 07:54 PM

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Hey guys, thanks for the advice. From what I gather, mono is in stages. Currently, I am at the sore throat stage (and yes, it is the worst one that I've had in my entire life). I also got a nasty canker sore on the roof of my mouth because of it. I've had a sore throat for about a week now, and it seems to be subsiding. My friend told me that he had mono once too, and he still worked out. He said that he just made sure he got plenty of rest. I"m not sure if I should risk it though. I've been told that if I ignore it, it could permanently fuck up my immune system for life Oh, and in response to Mr. BMJ, I am a college student, and I'm taking 15 credits along with working 17 hours a week.....The only thing is...I can't stand not working out!!! Pumping iron helps me a lot with self-esteem and my over all attitude..if i don't work out..i'm miserable. Would a few light weeks of working out really damage me that much??

thanks again...

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 06, 2000 09:55 PM

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I'd scrap the cycle for now. Mono is very serious. I had it years ago. If you do decide to do light workouts, pay close attention to your body, and if you feel tired, back off.

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Posts: 7
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 06, 2000 11:09 PM

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ProteinBoy - Funny, you're describing my situation almost to a T....Last semester, I was in my first ever cycle of Thai Dbol, about halfway into it - I was up 16lbs, and then the mono hit....Needless to say, it ruined my cycle - I couldn't eat cause I had terrible Strep.....couldn't train because I felt like shit and I didnt want my spleen to explode....Remember, during mono, your spleen is enlarged. When you train, a great deal of Intra-abdominal pressure is built up - definitely posing a threat of rupture....And if that happens...you're in for a world of shit...I know it sucks....but I'de get better first...then see if you can salvage your training/cycle.....Good Luck....

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Posts: 7
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 06, 2000 11:11 PM

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I almost forgot.....I live close to you Bro...e-mail me if you want, I'de like to see just where you are.....

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 07, 2000 12:37 AM

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Stop working out. I had mono a few years ago. It is very serious and can make you very ill and weak. You need to conserve all the energy you can to combat the virus. I had it a year ago but i was very lucky and it only lasted a month.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 07, 2000 04:13 AM

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take care of youre self first.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 07, 2000 07:21 AM

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Mono enlarges your spleen, wouldn't do anything very physical, as stated above, once this kicks in you won't feel like working out anyway. Get yourself a Sony Playstation if you don't already have one, and take it easy bro, when I had it, it took about two months to fully recover. Even then it can easily re-occur if you get back in to things too quickly..

Take it easy, and get some rest.

In the future be more careful who you are kissing LOL


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