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  long cycle users -- when to add the clomid or HCG?

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Author Topic:   long cycle users -- when to add the clomid or HCG?

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 59
From:Somerville, MA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 05, 2000 11:10 PM

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Hey guys, I need your help.

I'm doing two cycles back to back or one long one, depending on how you look at it:

WEEKS 1-10:
test (1gram/week)
deca (500-600mg/wk)

WEEKS 11-18:
eq (300mg/wk)
whinny (50mg eod).

Since there will be a dramatic drop in androgenic compounds after weeks 10, should I take HCG or clomid during weeks 11 and 12 or wait until after the whole cycle is over?

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Donald Smoot

Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 05, 2000 11:28 PM

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It depends who you ask. E2 will say forget hcg and do clomid eod to protect against hpta shutdown. Huck will say the clomid is only effective at the end of the cycle.
I will say that I think your cycle is to fucking long. You should diet without drugs till below 10% BF ,then just do the bulking cycle. Send the primo and eq to me. You have to much drugs or money.
Seriously, I have read that these long cycles (3 m+) are hard to recover from so you should avoid them unless you are willing to deal with lifetime T replacement.I don't know personally though, this is what I read.

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posted November 05, 2000 11:33 PM

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Well Huck isnt gyno prone from what I remember him telling me, and Im also going with using the clomid eod while on cycle and then 3 weeks post cycle.

I do think you need to split those cycles up.

I personally diet down with the aid of substances, but its nothing harsh, and allows me to hold on to muscle much easier when the dieting becomes more drastic.


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jersey boy

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posted November 05, 2000 11:38 PM

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I'd take Clomid 50mg/day every day from week 3-10. Then I'd go with 100mg for 7-10 days. I am a big advocate of HCG so I'd use it at the end of the androgen cycle.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 59
From:Somerville, MA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 06, 2000 12:09 AM

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Jersey Boy: thanks for the advice. I've had good results with hcg, too.

Mr. Smoot: I know there are many people on this board who think cycles should be 8-10 wks, that test dosages shouldn't be in teh gm/wk range, and that time on=time off. But I'm sure YOU know that there are also many people who do long cycles, higher dosages, and bridge between cycles. I specifically addressed this post to "long cycle users because I want to hear from those with personal experience. thanks for the input, though.

[This message has been edited by lpw (edited November 06, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

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posted November 06, 2000 12:30 AM

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lpw, I aksed a similar question a while back. Here is what I got from the responses:

You should look at the compounds you are using in your "later cycle". Primo is known not to supress Test at dosages 300 mg/week or less. Eq, however, certainly will supress Test Levels (HPTA). I am not sure about the Stanazolol....some vets might give some info there.

So despite having low androgens in your later cycle, you can not really start up your natural test with this stuff (EQ at 300 mg, etc) floating around in your system.

What is the purpose of the long cycle...are you looking to keep more gains. In this case you might look at a "bridge" technique.

At the end of your Sust Deca cycle start Primo and Oxandolone or Oxandrolone alone. In either case at dosages that under normal circumstances would not supress the HPTA.

Except in this case pop the Clomid 10 days after the last Sust 250 shot. The idea is to start back up the Test again so you keep gains. Except now you have mild juice already in your system....just enough to help you solidify/keep gains...but still allow the HPTA to recover.

With your cycle, the HPTA can not recover until the whole thing is done. In this case you will have supressed the HPTA for a long time, and it will take longer to come back. You will also go through a period of low test with no juice.

This "bridge" technique is used by many. Ulter for example, does it with Oxandrolone and gave me some good advice. Oxy is perhaps the best for this...though Primo also may work. The key is that the second "cycle" must be mild compounds that do not supress HPTA. And they probably only need to go for 6 weeks max as Test recovers.

Comments anyone???

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Donald Smoot

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 143
Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 06, 2000 12:48 AM

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Ipw, I'm a newbie with little practical experiance to offer. I am amazed at the controversy over what would seem to be fundamentel issues of rational steroid use."Does using clomid throughout a cycle prevent testicular shrinkage to a useful degree?" E2 said this mourning that it prevents it totally.
My searches on "clomid" turn up pages on it's use to improve ovulation.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 65
From:the gyms of sd ca
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 06, 2000 01:16 AM

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hey bro i would do it like this seeing as i just started a similiar cycle as far as length. take clomid eod 50mg wks 1-10, take your HCG at 2500iu twice per week for two weeks= wks 9-10, take clomid everyday =wks 11-13. all the other stuff you should fine. if you wanted you could add HCG in at wks 17-18 same dosages as before. MM

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The Shadow

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 06, 2000 09:22 AM

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Clomid 50 mg EOD - be carefull with the HCG. I think it is responsible for half of the post cycle gyno cases.

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It realizes that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It realizes that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death.

The moral?

It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle, when the sun comes up - you had better be running.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 06, 2000 10:46 AM

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Your cycle is not too long... That's first.
I can't comment one way or the other on using clomid EOD throughout a cycle, because I never use it until I need it. This is exactly the advice I am going to give you. Use the clomid and H_ _ (I promised a mod I wouldn't use that word on the board) either at the end of your final cycle or if you notice your testes shrinking. In your case that would be about week 12. If this starts happening start with 200mg/clomid ED for 10 days (not a typo that is right out of my doctors mouth). At the same time start the H_ _ at 1000IU/day for 10 days as well, you can use 1cc insulin needles they are exactly 1000IU. You should be back to normal at the end of 10 days. If you make it to the end of your cycle without testicular atrophy do this routine at the end of your cyle. 2 days after your last injection. But you didn't hear this from me.


[This message has been edited by ulter (edited November 06, 2000).]

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