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  Heard of this Synthol Product???? I dont trust it.

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Author Topic:   Heard of this Synthol Product???? I dont trust it.

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 191
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 04, 2000 12:19 PM

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Hey bro i received a catalog on a synthol product from Nuclear Nutrition. It is called "Site Enhancement Oil Plus", and retails at $149.00 per 100ml Bottle. This is much cheaper than the Pump 'n' pose bottle which runs between $200-$400. What are your feeling on this cheaper synthol product? Any of ya bros heard of it? Anyone tried it yet? Thanks.


by Trevor L. Smith

Dear Nuclear Nutrition reader/customer:

Over the past few days it has come to our attention that a rather pathetic individual (WHO GOES BY THE NAME HUMANMUSCLE AMONG OTHER NAMES) is going all over the internet spreading erroneous information concerning the production and safety of Nuclear Nutrition products and more specifically Site Enhancement Oil Plus. He is also calling up our competitors and telling them that we are badmouthing their products and harassing their accounts in an effort to get them to carry the Nuclear Nutrition line. Best of all he is telling them that I am making physical threats of violence against the afore mentioned competitors and fellow supplement companies. All of this in an effort to create a war against my company and hurt my business. And sadly enough it is working. These other companies have joined this asshole in a smear campaign full of bullshit and lies.

We feel that it is important that as customers and readers of Nuclear Nutrition, you have the facts and here they are and they can be proven:

Fact: Site Enhancement Oil is the only "Pump and Pose" product produced in a temperature controlled air filtrated room (A.K.A. A Clean Room) by a licensed and F.D.A. Approved manufacturer and by an actual Chemist

Fact: Site Enhancement Oil is the only truly sterile product of it's kind

Fact: Numerous Professionals and Amateurs alike use the product with no ill effects and mind-boggling results

Fact: The Site Enhancement Oil is stored in an Air-Conditioned room after it is manufactured and even if it was not, external temperatures unless massively extreme in nature would not affect the sterility of a product that is already sealed from the manufacturer but this jerk-off is too stupid to know that.

Fact: The person that is making these claims was a friend of a mutual friend who came to my home for the sole purpose of using the Site Enhancement Oil and with whom I had a verbal confrontation with because he disrespected my wife. This resulted in an altercation between this person and the mutual friend and it is for this reason that he vowed his revenge.

Fact: anyone anywhere anytime can be shown the certificate of analysis from the manufacturer of the product and can take a tour of the facility if they so choose.

Although I am totally embarrassed by having to stoop to this person's level by even answering this ridiculous accusations, I felt it was necessary to insure that people who have supported Nuclear Nutrition are reassured that only the finest and safest production techniques are used in the manufacturing of Nuclear Nutrition's Supplements and especially Site Enhancement Oil Plus.

If you read the website and have spoken with me and had me help you out you should know one thing�.I am beyond honest and never lie. I can back up my talk unlike others! I would personally appreciate the support of all Nuclear Nutrition readers and customers and ask that you do whatever you can to expose this fraud and kill off all these absurd lies and rumors. Remember you can always call me if you have any doubts�.which for some stupid reason this jerk off told everyone to do. Thanks in advance for your support.

You can call me at 1-888-GO-NUCLEAR


Below is a copy of the post from this individual

Humanmuscle wrote:

> Please be advised that there has been a serious outbreak in bacterial
> infections with one specific type of "Synthol" site enhancement oil. The oil
> goes by the name Site Enhancement Oil and is made by a tiny little company
> called Nuclear Nutrition. My feelings are mixed about the use of synthol type
> products, however, one thing is for sure: if a company is going to sell a
> product made for internal use it should at least see to it that the product is
> made under sterile conditions.
> Nuclear Nutrition is run out of the garage of a Venice, California home. The
> "Site Enhancement Oil" is stored in a hot garage (certainly not sterile
> conditions). In addition, NN's product does not have an aluminum sealed lid
> which ALL sterile solutions should contain. Finally, NN's oil is not
> manufactured by a licensed, sterile facility. Would you want to shoot this
> substance into your body?
> Nuclear Nutrition seems to be getting around this sterility issue by publicly
> stating that the product is intended for "external use". But, if you go to
> their web site they will tell you how to "hypothetically" inject it. If you
> call them, they will tell you how they have "heard" that bodybuilders are doing
> it and hypothetically give you instructions.
> Trust me: you do not want a bacterial infection or an abcess. I have seen
> three guys who have had ugly infections from Nuclear Nutritions product.
> Please be responsible. If you want to see for yourself check out
> www.NuclearNutrition.com or call them and ask the con artists yourself
> 1-310-822-6412.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 191
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 04, 2000 12:38 PM

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anyone heard of it..i dont wanna inject that will fuck me over

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The Franchise

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 155
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 04, 2000 04:01 PM

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Personally if I was going to use a "Synthol" type product, I would use the Site Enhancement Oil by Nuclear Nutrition. I have no doubt that All of the Nuclear Nutrition products are top Quality.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 191
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 04, 2000 04:20 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 277
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 04, 2000 05:47 PM

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nuclear nutrition is the only other BB forum I go to. Trevor Smith is loyal to his customers. I have used his protein, his B.M.R. 10 and that stuff has been great. his site-enhancement oil is probably THE BEST quality out there.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 86
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 05, 2000 05:15 AM

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Personally I don't like the idea of Synthol or any of it's derivitaves. Simply just not enough reasearch or testing done to justify it.

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