Topic: 70% BODYFAT
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 685 From:SIX FEET UNDER Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:15 PM |
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What's the highest bodyfat percentage you guys have ever heard of? Can you imagine being over 50%, what a mess!!!
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 352 From: Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:25 PM |
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i remember seeing some show i think jerry springer, they had to cut down a damn wall to get a guy out of the house. he couldn't fit thru the damn door. just a blob...winter when i bulk up and my bf % goes up higher than it probably should i feel lazier or slower. i won't want to think of having 40-50% fat...
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Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 685 From:SIX FEET UNDER Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:29 PM |
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I wasn't going to post my pic, I was worried that a lot of people would get very jealous. Many of you could train your whole life and you still wouldn't come close to MY development. I don't mean to sound arrogant, I just know I have something special. Anyway here's my pic [This message has been edited by MONSTROSITY (edited November 03, 2000).]
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 685 From:SIX FEET UNDER Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:30 PM |
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Now you bastards promise you won't hate me b/c I have the PERFECT PHYSIQUE.
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 352 From: Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:33 PM |
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damn talk about delevloped. i printed that picture out and it is hanging beside my arnold picture on the fridge. talk about modivation! what is your secret? bacon?------------------ Visit the Iron Room ---
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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 279 From:Canada Registered: May 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:35 PM |
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That's not funny dude. Your an imposter! Cause that ME!!!
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 685 From:SIX FEET UNDER Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:37 PM |
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bacon butter beer cream mayo alfredo
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 352 From: Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 03, 2000 11:45 PM |
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now i know what i was doing wrong. i was only stacking bacon and butter. i should have been stacking more with it. now i know and will change my cycle to include everything and anything. ------------------ Visit the Iron Room ---
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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 126 From:Spain(Madrid) and England Registered: Jun 2000
posted November 04, 2000 09:44 AM |
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Fattest guy on record:Walter Hudson(USA): weighed 1,400lbs Muscular weight: 280lbs Fat weight: 1120lbs Bodyfat percentage: 80% That is the highest I have ever seen.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 59 From:The Bowels of Hell Registered: Aug 2000
posted November 04, 2000 09:48 AM |
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Damn, that fat S.O.B. needs to go on the Jenny Crank diet.
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 356 From:somewhere Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 04, 2000 10:29 AM |
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80% that a huge one!!!
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 93 From:izmir,turkey Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 04, 2000 11:28 AM |
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Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 685 From:SIX FEET UNDER Registered: Mar 2000
posted November 04, 2000 11:40 AM |
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Genetics play a large roll. Here is a pic of my father during his prime.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 166 From: Registered: Sep 2000
posted November 04, 2000 04:14 PM |
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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 156 From:NY Registered: Aug 2000
posted November 04, 2000 04:19 PM |
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This is some funny shit
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 225 From: Registered: Aug 2000
posted November 04, 2000 05:46 PM |
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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 55 From:Greenville, NC, USA Registered: Oct 2000
posted November 04, 2000 05:49 PM |
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You guys are crazy...Ha!Ha!------------------ Hear My Roar, or Feel My BITE!!!! Grrrr!!!
Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 866 From:Canada Registered: Apr 2000
posted November 04, 2000 05:50 PM |
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LOL, you guys are crazy!  ------------------ Pitbull