Author | Topic: Daily DNP diary - again | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Since my first partial diary hit the archives rather quickly and can't be bumped, I'll start over and post all of the updates up to this point. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
I'm going to be posting my daily observations while on an 8-day DNP cycle that's starting today. I'm currently at 242lbs with around 15-17% BF. I'm really struggling to decide between going with 400mg or 600mg each day, but will probably stick to 400mg as it is unseasonably warm in Ohio this week. I also don't want to miss any workouts this week as I'll be travelling out of town at the end of next week and I've also been having some incredible workouts despite being "off". I've got enough DNP to do another longer and/or higher dosage cycle later on. After reading Animal's manual, I'm also going to be supplementing the following each day: 3000mg Vitamin C, 3000mg Taurine, 1500mg Magnesium, 1000mg calcium, 1 multi-vitamin (Centrum+iron), 3mg Melatonin before bed. I'm skipping the glycerol and the pyruvate because it seems the cost outweighs the benefit, but I guess I'll find out. My diet will consist of high protein, moderate carbs, low fat for the duration, possibly with a carb loading day somewhere in the middle. I'll also be drinking 1 cup of coffee in the morning and as much water as I can throughout the day. Since this is a lower dose cycle, my expecations aren't all that high. I'll be extremely pleased with a 10lb loss. I am planning on following this up with either a bulking Sust/Deca cycle or going with a cutting Fina/Winny cycle so I'm not too bloated for the holidays, haven't quite decided yet but all the gear is on-hand already. Also considering some type of combo of the above as Animal suggests sticking to non-aromatizing gear such as Fina and stacking it with a test. Day 1: 242lbs, approx 15-17% BF (will measure this evening). Will also take body temp this evening. Took 1 200mg cap this morning, will be taking another 200mg cap this evening following my back/shoulder workout. Woke up a little warmer than normal, it's unseasonably warm in Ohio and I was warm prior to my first DNP cap so today won't be a good day to determine effects of the DNP. I normally feel crappy in the morning before I take a dump and before I get a cup of coffee in me, but I felt particularly crappy an hour after the DNP. Most people don't start feeling the DNP for 2 days, so I'm not expecting it to kick in just yet. This morning was probably more of the "placebo effect" than anything as I was a bit nervous about popping this pill in my mouth after seeing that the box that the DNP was in had turned yellow despite the DNP being in a fairly thick plastic baggie. Will post again tomorrow, not expecting much today. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 1, PM: after reading through the A-manual again, going through old DNP posts on various boards, and getting some feedback I've decided to bump up the dosage to 600mg for the first 3 days and going down to 400mg/day for the remaining 5 days. This should kick the fat-burning into gear sooner and work better with this shorter cycle. Took another 200mg tab prior to my evening workout and another about an hour before bed. Was feeling sluggish during my workout but worked hard to hit my normal poundages. I did drop from my typical 4 sets to 3 for each exercise, but mostly because I was short on time and the gym was packed. Towards the end of the workout my head was dripping with sweat, much more than normal, but I wasn't particularly uncomfortable. Didn't feel any warmer than normal the rest of the night. I really sucked down the water all day long, and whenever I had even a 10 minute break between refills my mouth was really dry. Drank much more water overall than normal. Day 2, AM: weight 240lbs. Awoke for my typical middle of the night piss and found that my pillow was fairly sweaty and my legs were sweating as well. A sweaty pillow isn't too abnormal for me, but the leg thing is something new. No problems getting back to sleep, though. Really had a hard time waking up this morning, possibly the Melatonin is starting to work, this is only the second day I've taken it so I can't really tell. My morning weigh-in shows I lost 2 pounds in the last 24 hours. This was probably water weight as I've been pissing much more than normal with the increase in water intake. I'm actually feeling much better than yesterday morning. The expected sweating and heat increase hasn't kicked in yet, although I am getting occasional "hot flashes". I can't find my damn thermometer anywhere, so I can't take my body temp until I get another. My morning dump came much earlier than normal, hopefully this isn't the onset of the diarrhea that "msg" experienced, I want nothing to do with "poopy pads". No workout planned for today, probably just take the dog and wife for a couple mile walk this evening. Pleased with the experience so far, although this might be the last day before hell. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 2, PM: hot flashes continued all afternoon, really wasn't bad at all, no profuse sweating, etc. Wife did comment that I had beads of sweat over my lip when I got home. Took 1 200mg tab at 5:30 and the 3rd tab of the day at 10:30. Took a 2 mile walk, got a little winded fairly quickly and a little warmer than normal but nothing too bad. An odd thing I've noticed is that I actually get a little cold about a half hour after taking a cap or 2 of Taurine, which doesn't make much sense since I didn't think Taurine had much of an effect on body temp. The Melatonin is putting me right to sleep about 20 minutes after taking it. I can't even make it through half of the 11PM Seinfeld rerun, whereas I normally catch it all and part of Letterman. Day 3, AM: 240lbs. A little easier waking up today, but still felt pretty sleepy. I had awaken several times during the night and noticed I was pretty warm and sweating on the sheets and pillow. I didn't have much trouble getting back to sleep each time and eventually threw the blankets over to my wife's side. She's like most women in that she's cold whenever the temp is below 80, so I have to fight to get the window opened at night even a crack. Weigh-in shows I'm still at 240lbs, which was expected. From the research I've done, weight-loss normally doesn't start until after the 3rd day, and some people don't even lose much until a few days after the DNP stops. I really was expecting the worst today, especially considering it's about 15 degrees above normal today, but so far I actually feel better than I have the past 2 days. I am a little warmer than normal but no profuse sweating. I was planning on today being the last day at 600mg, but I might stay at 600mg until I get a day where I feel awful, and then drop down to 400mg. It's still early in the cycle and things can change quickly, so I'll play it by ear. Shoulder/Tri workout planned for tonight since I changed to a Back/Bi workout on Tuesday. Shoulders and tris were still a little sore from the Sunday chest workout, so I gave them a little longer break this week. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 3, PM: I tried an experiment today. I cut off my water intake for 3 hours so I could to see what effect my increased water intake is really having. About an hour into the experiment, I started getting quite warm. My palms were visibly sweaty, my pants were damp just sitting in my office chair (thankfully wasn't visible), and I was generally uncomfortable. At the 3 hour mark I filled my 615mL water bottle, and by the time I had drank half of it I was already cooled down. Could it be the massive amounts of water I'm drinking that has been keeping me from the typical overheat that DNP users experience? After getting back to my normal water schedule, I felt fine the rest of the afternoon. I was again a bit warm when I got home after sitting in traffic for 40 minutes, but by the time I headed to the gym I was feeling fine. I took a 200mg DNP cap an hour prior to my evening workout, and another at 10:30. Today was shoulder/tri day, and I had a pretty good workout. I wasn't feeling abnormally fatigued and wasn't too much hotter than normal. I tried to make a few extra trips to the water fountain to keep myself hydrated. I was unusually hungry at my post-workout dinner, so I had an extra chicken breast. By the time it was time to go to bed, I was quite warm. It was 68 degrees at 11PM, and I discovered the wife had closed all the windows on the bedroom level, so I opened a few up and ignored her complaints. Women just don't seem to realize that it is easier to warm yourself up than it is to cool yourself down, especially in bed. Day 4, AM: 240lbs. I overslept by about 5 minutes, but had no problems getting up. I had a restless night of sleep, same level of sweating I've been having the past few nights. I don't feel particularly tired this morning. Bathroom schedule is finally back to normal, thankfully no diarrhea. I haven't noticed an abnormal urine color, no discolored sweat that I've noticed, I don't think I smell any differently, and no rashes. I would be wondering if I had some bunk DNP if it wasn't for the increased body heat and the fact that the box that the DNP bag is in is turning more yellow by the day. My source is very legit, so not really concerned. Still at same weight, not worried or disappointed yet. Looking in the mirror I see a little more definition in certain areas, but we all know what tricks our eyes can play. Aside from being a little warmer this morning (then again I haven't had any water for the past hour), I am feeling pretty normal. No workout planned for today, leg day is tomorrow and chest/traps on Sunday. Nothing major planned for the weekend, so I shouldn't have any problems staying comfortable. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 4, PM: No workout today, took the wife out for dinner. Felt warm all evening, my water intake was below what I've been at since I wasn't home for a few hours. Still on the same DNP schedule, 1 cap at 5:30 and another around 10:30. It's pretty warm in the bedroom tonight, but this Melatonin has been putting me right to sleep. Halfway through the cycle now, been much easier than I anticipated. Day 5, AM: 240lbs. I had waken up a few times during the night, my side of the bed was very damp, pillow was damp and I flipped it over every few hours when I woke up. Sweatiest night yet. I'm still waking up every few hours but having no problems getting back to sleep. Got a few hours of extra sleep since it's Saturday. Thankfully it cooled down alot overnight, only supposed to be in the 50's today. Didn't get my morning DNP cap until around 10 today, still sticking to 600mg per day split into 3 doses. Vitamins and supplements still at the same level from Day 1. Today's workout was at noon, switched to chest day since I will be missing tomorrow's workout and I'd rather do legs on Monday while all the chest/arms guys crowd the benches for their once-a-week workout. I haven't had this good of a chest workout in quite awhile, I was full of energy. Towards the end I started to tire, but that was probably more because of the high-intensity workout rather than the DNP. The water fountain was right beside my bench, so I was getting a drink between each set. I really can't believe I'm not lethargic at all. I drank so much water prior to the workout that I felt very bloated. I have a feeling that I'm carrying alot of extra water since my weight hasn't gone down. My arms and shoulders are very noticably more cut than they were prior to the cycle. Wife commented that my triceps feel very tight, like they were going to explode out of the skin. Now if only my abs would start to show their face. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 5, PM: I felt pretty warm all day, thankfully it was only in the mid-50's today so I could easily cool off just by going outside. I was probably the only person in town in shorts and a t-shirt though. Didn't feel abnormally tired at all today. Water intake was a bit below what I've been at during the week, which probably accounts for the increased body temp. It's a very cool night, so hopefully I can stay cool in bed. Day 6, AM: Well I had the worst night of sleep I've had on this cycle. I woke up a few hours after going to sleep and found my pillow was absolutely soaked. I changed pillows and laid in bed for awhile but couldn't get back to sleep. I was burning up and my mouth was very dry. I went and laid on the couch under the celing fan for awhile and had some water. I went back to bed when I started to fall asleep. It was only 38 outside, so I cracked the bathroom window a little to let some cool air in. I had a very restless night after that, was constantly waking up but wasn't overheating at all. My mouth remained very dry, despite the fact that I was getting up every few hours to piss and drink a glass of water. Slept in a little longer than normal, so I don't feel too tired so far. No workout today, going to visit the in-laws. Legs planned for tomorrow. Thankfully I only have 3 more nights of this, I can't wait to sleep on fresh, clean sheets. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 6, PM: was pretty warm all day but since it was nice and cool outside I was able to step outside for 10 minutes every so often and cool down. Since I was planning to be away from home for most of the day, I took 2 200mg caps this morning, spaced out by about 2 hours, and then the final cap at 9 PM. The bad thing about the DNP is that it's nearly impossible to transport with you unless you can carry around a bottle. It really does stain anything it touches for more than a few seconds. I'm used to tossing a couple ECA or dbol tabs in my pocket and taking them at the required time during the day, but can't do this with DNP unless you like yellow pockets. By the evening I was feeling pretty normal, but it must've been really cool inside the house because wife was freezing and begging to turn on the furnace. Still urinating constantly with this increased water intake. No problems getting to sleep, felt pretty cool in bed. Day 7, AM: 238lbs. Overall I had a pretty good night of sleep. Woke up around 1:30 and pillow was damp, so I flipped it over. The rest of the night I was a bit cold, so I actually had to get under the blankets tonight. It was around 30 degrees overnight. I woke up about 20 minutes early because I had to urinate. Down 2 pounds today, but the fat loss is even more noticeable than that. I am starting to see some ab definition that wasn't there before, my arms are pretty cut up, and my legs are feeling more solid than they were. Trying to stay away from coffee today to try and stay cool. Part of me is relieved that I only have 2 more days of this, but another part wishes I could continue on for a full 12 days since it hasn't been as uncomfortable as I expected. I really don't want to haul the DNP along with me on my weekend trip and have to deal with the sides and constant water drinking. I also think the wife would make me sleep outside in a tent if she had to go any longer without the furnace being on. I've got enough DNP left to do a full 12 day cycle later this winter when it gets really cold, but the neighbors might have me committed if I'm shoveling show in shorts and t-shirt. Leg workout planned for tonight, guess this will be the true test to see how much energy the DNP is taking away. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 7, PM: nothing unusual happening today. I did miss my leg workout today though as I had to run my dog to the vet this evening and got home too late. Now I have to somehow fit a full week's workouts into 3 days since I'll be traveling over the weekend. These cool temperatures outside are really making me more comfortable than I was last week, but it's funny that I'm walking around in short sleeves thinking how comfortable I am while most others are bundled up in coats. I really need to get a thermometer tomorrow so I can check my temp. The last few days I've really been hungry, the DNP must have my metabolism boosted sky high. The furnace is on at home now, but I wasn't too uncomfortable all evening in my shorts and tank-top. No problems getting to bed. Day 8, AM: 238 lbs. Well today's the final day. I figure that I'll still have some DNP in my body until Thursday morning since the half-life is 36 hours, and tomorrow it should still be at full-strength. I've managed to stay at 600mg/day the entire time. Had another restless night of sleep, changed pillows again at 1:30 am as it was pretty wet. I'm not feeling unusually tired at all during the day even though I'm not soundly sleeping. Despite having a normal breakfast, I'm starving again this morning. I kept track of the water I had yesterday and I've been around 2.5 gallons per day. Was coffee-free yesterday with no problems and will be again today. Hopefully I can stay off of it, I hate being a coffee drinker. Haven't quite decided which body part I'm working today, probably will do back/bis today, legs tomorrow, and some sort of chest/shoulder/tri workout on Thursday. I leave for my trip on Friday morning, so my workout schedule is out of whack this week and next. I'm excited at the prospect of the cycle ending and me losing this water weight I seem to be carrying, hopefully I won't be disappointed.
[This message has been edited by somec- (edited October 31, 2000).] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Elite Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 786 |
it seems your overall weight loss was about 2 pounds? I can't believe that. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 239 |
I don't beleive it either... After 8 days you should have lost at least 5lbs... That's why 2 weeks is a better cycle... I have heard though that the most weight loss is seen after you stop taking it, so i will be eager to see the end results. I am getting ready to do a 2 week trial of it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
I started at 242, now at 238. That's 4 pounds. I started seeing some improvements just a few days into the cycle and have been improving daily, it's obvious to me that I'm losing some fat. Keep in mind that I'm drinking almost 3 gallons of water a day, so I'm obviously going to retain quite a bit of water. The true results will hopefully begin to surface over the next few days. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 8, PM: extreme hunger persisted all day, I had an extra big lunch and an even bigger post-workout dinner. Still feeling warm, but it's still cool outside so not a big problem. I did notice I was the only person sitting in traffic after work with my windows down and no coat on. Decided to do legs today since I tend to get sore 2 days afterwards, and don't want to be limping around on my first day of vacation on Friday. For some odd reason, the squat racks at the gym were packed the entire time I was there. Normally there are only 1 or 2 squat racks being used, and normally those are people doing longbar curls. I did manage to get my squats in, but got sick of waiting for a bar to do SLDL's so did ham curls. I normally do calves between squats and SLDL's since those 2 tend to really kick my ass. I wasn't feeling quite as strong on squats, was getting tired faster than normal, and didn't get as many reps as usual. I was also feeling a bit warmer than usual. Post-workout I was actually feeling pretty good, not too warm at all. I had to double-check to make sure I actually took my evening DNP, which I did. Took my final DNP cap for this cycle at 10:30. I feel like I'm developing a sore throat, going to cut back on the Vit C as I've heard that too much can cause sore throats. Day 9, AM: 236 lbs. No DNP today. Had another rough night of sleep. Twice when I got up to urinate I had to open the bathroom window and let the 30 degree air cool me down. I also at one point went and laid on the couch for awhile to let the ceiling fan blow on me. Pillow was damp, but not to the point that I had to change pillows. Down another 2 pounds today, the weight should finally start coming off it there is more to go. Although I took no DNP this morning, it should still be almost full strength in my body. Feeling pretty warm today, wasn't drinking much water earlier but am trying to suck it down now. Not feeling quite as hungry so far today, but I don't think the hunger really kicked in yesterday until around 11:30. Back/biceps planned for tonight, can't wait until I can get back to my normal workout schedule after all these trips. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 262 |
Day 9, PM: Still drinking large amounts of water. Hunger again persisted all afternoon, but had another large lunch to cure it. Workout was back/biceps, nothing unusal to report, no unusual fatigue. By late evening, I could tell that the DNP was leaving my body as I didn't feel overheated and was very comfortable at home. I'm skipping the Melatonin tonight, I don't think I'm going to need any help getting a good night's sleep. I cut the Taurine as well today, and the vitamin C is down to 2g per day. Day 10, AM: 234.5 lbs. Lost another bit of weight in the past day. I'm expecting to start losing the water today. Had the best night of sleep since I started the cycle. No profuse sweating, the pillow was not at all damp. Was perfectly comfortable under the blankets. Didn't wake up a single time until 5:45 to urinate. I was a bit worried that I might develop a dependency on the Melatonin, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I actually wore a jacket to work this morning, and am feeling very comfortable in the office without having to drink so much water. It's been about 36 hours since I took my last DNP cap, so it should be pretty much out of my system. Am again feeling very hungry. Legs are very sore today. Since tonight is my last night to workout this week before my trip, I'm doing a hybrid chest/shoulders/tri workout. I've been wanting to do some HIT training, so I'll try to incorporate some of those principles into tonight's workout to keep it to a reasonable length. I'll try to post an update this evening, and I'll post a final analysis with bodyweight and bodyfat results next Mon/Tues when I return. So far I'm moderately pleased with the results, I was expecting a little more. We'll see what happens over the next couple of days though. I'm wishing I could've gone a full 12 days with this cycle now, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected. I'm also impressed with how quickly my body got back to normal. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All times are ET (US) | |
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