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  HEADS UP to all Tijuana travelers

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Author Topic:   HEADS UP to all Tijuana travelers

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 68
From:san francisco, ca, usa
Registered: Feb 2000

posted October 30, 2000 12:13 AM

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was down in TJ last weekend doing my quarterly roid buying trip and had an unfortunate experience that hasn't ever happened before
thought i'd share it with you all so you don't make the same mistakes I just did
i've probably made about fifteen trips down there in the last five years to get the stuff, and always take the necessary precautions as far as crossing the border goes, but I�ve never had anything like this happen to me
most of the time my girlfriend even goes with me and we make a weekend out of it since her mom lives down in san diego
anyway, so we're both down there last weekend, i've already gotten a nice load of stuff from our favorite supplier, and i'm kind of hanging around while she goofs off in some of the shops in that shopping area right near the border � if you�ve been there or are going you�ll know what I�m talking about
i've got everything in one of those bags that all the stores give out - just a normal plastic nondescript bag with no writing on it
i still haven't made the transfer of all the stuff to my person as i normally do, so its all in the bag
i'm sitting on this little area of stairs about fifty yards from where she's in a store, and this mexican cop comes riding by on a bicycle
keep in mind that I�m sitting alone here, and there probably isn�t another person for about thirty yards at least but the stores are very accessible
so the cop comes up to me and asks me what I have in the bag
of course, what the hell am I supposed to say to him, so I just say some stuff I bought earlier today
he wants to see the bag then, so since the guy DOES have a freakin gun and I�ve heard some pretty bad horror stories about mexican cops and jails, I willingly hand the stuff over
he proceeds to go through the entire stash right before my eyes
just to give you an idea of how much I had in there, I had spent over $1000 in cash on this stuff, and when you know how cheap stuff is down there, you know that there was a decent amount of crap in the bag
so he�s going thru the stuff, and obviously, he knows what it is, I�m maintaining that its for my horse back home, but he�s telling me that its illegal to have this stuff without a presciption
he�s also telling me that its illegal to take across the border, which I�m obviously aware of
then he gets on his walkie talkie and calls three other cops on bikes over to us, and wants to know if I�m with someone
I point out my girlfriend over at the store, so he tries to get her to come over and vouch that she�s with me
She gets over there, and is maintaining that we haven�t done anything illegal, etc, etc, everything I had already said to the guy, which he wasn�t buying
Finally, I get the hint and take out my wallet
I try to hand the guy $20, but he won�t take it
They all keep going back and forth with us telling us that we have to go down the police station and they will issue a $150 ticket
That�s about the last thing in the world I would do, even if I had to give up the bag, which I thought was his next move since its all been in their hands for the entire time
Thinking I�m completely fucked one way or the other, and I�m basically just pissed at this point, I try to give the guy all the cash in my wallet, which luckily was only $55 after I had already spent most of it
He takes the money, gives me the bag back and I walk off

Lessons to be learned here:
1) DON�T get too far off the beaten track from where most people are around because you will stick out as an American
2) cops WILL fuck with you down there, so plan ahead for that and stay completely clear of them if possible
3) keep your cash out of your pocket or wallet so if they try to extort you somehow, it looks like you�ve got no $$$
this freaking cop even asked us what our jobs were, probably in order to determine how much money we might have

all in all, I actually think I got the least of the worst case scenarios from this little experience considering how long we were going back and forth with these assholes, and also since I easily could have been hauled off to the station by this dickhead
next worse would have been coming back to the US empty handed without the bag
thank god neither of these things happened, but keep your head out of your when you�re down there, because when you�re not paying attention, that�s when shit happens
I thought I was a pro at this drill having done it so many times, but it just goes to show you that you need to keep all worse case scenarios open as distinct possibilities and never take anything for granted down there

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 746
From:San Diego,CA
Registered: May 2000

posted October 30, 2000 12:20 AM

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Drummer, You speak the truth. If the cops catch you with shit they will try and scare you into thinking that you are going to jail. Those fuckers want your cash. A friend told me that just two weeks ago they bribed a cop out of a DUI.
Good advice that you gave. You seem to have your head on straight you just got caught off guard. I'm glad your ok.

Your_Moms_Kneepads: Contributing to the moral decay of America since 1971.

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Cool Novice

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From:San Diego, CA USA
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posted October 30, 2000 12:36 AM

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Wow! Atleast you got away. Shit, $55 isn't much at all. I know people who have had to bribe the cops down there for a lot more than that.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 88
From:United States / By the Border
Registered: Feb 2000

posted October 30, 2000 12:40 AM

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Happens all the time.

I didn't get caught with any gear, but I still got taken about $200 that was in my wallet for supposedly not stopping (Alto) at a sign.

Glad you got home with your gear.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 30, 2000 12:41 AM

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And you got to keep your shit. Kewl!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 55
From:cali, usa
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 30, 2000 12:45 AM

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shit, i just got back this afternoon...get this, i was at a little taco shop doin my transfer/hide thing and as i'm leaving the parking lot..2 "guardias" come by on bikes. this car pullsinto the lot and cuts them off, sending one of them to the ground nothing major, just his bike fell. well these two follow the car to where it parks.. i have to atch of course, and they proceed to pull this man out of his van and smack him around! and he's with his fuckin family and kids!! probably on there way home from church! so yea...thats the great unknown when going down there.. ya never know!! play it safe!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 30, 2000 12:51 AM

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Good to hear you kept your meds. I'll heed your advice. I just came back from mexico (different town) and fortunately had no prob with the police although I always watched for them I was under the impression it does not require a prescript. to possess AS down there. In those tourist towns everyone is a goddamn leach and they will try and suck you dry. BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN..

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jersey boy

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 30, 2000 01:06 AM

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Good advice. I'd been stopped while crossing in my car. I didn't think to bribe anyone, I was too concerned with losing my shit.

get big or get out

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T Bone

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 30, 2000 01:37 AM

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Good info.

Also, be carefull when you bribe. I was pulled over for not using my blinker and had them act like they were ofended when I offered them money. The second time, I was stopped for gear. I said, "can I pay my fine right here?" He said "how much you got".

T Bone

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:North Florida
Registered: Feb 2000

posted October 30, 2000 02:33 AM

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Had two friends taking a restroom break in an alley in Revolution when two Federales pulled them out of the alley with their M16's wrapped around my buddies necks. They proceeded to tell my friends that they were selling cocaine(which they were not or buying). The Federales then said "ATM! ATM!". Neither had an atm card on them, but a third buddy did. They made him get a statement from his account and then emtied all $600 from it. Some of the atm's down there allow you to get $1000 a day.

My advice is to not carry credit cards, atm cards, just enough cash to do your business, and stay the fuck out of shady situations that can get you in trouble.

Also if the runners and pharmacists in the Plaza know you by name and face, so do the Federales.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 30, 2000 10:35 AM

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I have a girlfriend down there. She has helped me buy stuff several times. She says its illegal for an american to even poses a script for anabolics down there. I pulled one out of my pocket once and she proceeded to grab it out of my hand and and stuffed it in her purse then yells at me for even having it. She says they can arrest you for just having the piece of paper. Lucky for me she then took me to a few shops and helped me buy everything I wanted.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted October 30, 2000 10:54 AM

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damn! thats one of those stories you tell your grandchildren!!!
glad you made it alright!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:San Diego, CA, USA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 30, 2000 11:46 AM

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Good read for all of us heading to TJ. Keep at the top for a while.

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Cool Novice

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posted October 30, 2000 12:01 PM

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Two years ago, I was on Spring Break in Cancun and one of my friends bought some Halo and Deca, a police officer saw him in the Pharmacia and called for a van to come and take him to the Police station. They told me to leave, I didnt know what the fuck to do, so I got my other friends and tried to find out where the Police Station was so we could bail him out. It turned out that they took him around in the Van and made him give them his money while they punched him and smacked him. Keep in mind my friend is a College Football player, Middle Linebacker 6'1 245! Very tough...He ended up giving them $120 US dollars and kept his Juice. Cops in Cancun are crazy...Be Careful..

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Cool Novice

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posted October 30, 2000 03:22 PM

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Im heading down to cancune in a couple of weeks on vacation, I would like to pick up some gear down there but I have never shopped in mexico before, im not asking for A source but some information on how to find and get the gear would be greatly appreciated. I heard that you dont even need a perscription to get it in the pharmacy is that true and if so how. by the way good story.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Oakland, CA USA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 30, 2000 06:05 PM

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Looks like you got away easy. IT's true though, that they try to get all they can from you!

Hey, where in SF do you train??



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 30, 2000 11:47 PM

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count me in for a similar situation its funny how the movie midnight express starts playing
in your mind while its going down-tomo

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Posts: 1
From:A garage in Vegas
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 31, 2000 12:27 AM

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If you are going to make the trip down to tj
you should give ensenada a shot. Its only 45 minutes south of tj and 12 bucks round trip in tolls unles you take the back road.Its worth the trip been there 10 times inthe past three years and never been fucked with.The cops have never even given me a second look down there.Alot cleaner down there if you are looking to maker aweekend of it

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Cool Novice

Posts: 46
From:San Diego, CA USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted October 31, 2000 12:36 AM

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I agree with going to Ensenada. Rosarito is also a good choice.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 224
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posted October 31, 2000 12:49 AM

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I have a friend who played college Middle linedbacker @ 245 pounds that got the same treatment down there. This was 2-3 years ago. I wonder if it is the same guy.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 55
From:cali, usa
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 31, 2000 01:11 AM

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dicky and anyone else goin to cancun.. go to kulkukan plaza, big mall..reall nice classy mall, right in the middle of the action..there is a pharmacy in there... has it all, prices arent the best, howeveer, its so busy, you brab your gear, get lost in the crowd..walk out to your car or bus..and off you go...when you come back in country, no customs check, all they do is run the dogs by you when you get off..

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1463
From:Mesquite, Tx
Registered: Mar 2000

posted October 31, 2000 01:20 PM

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I have to say that story is very close to a couple I have seen. However I would not recommend putting all you cash away in a safe place, just for this reason. Have at least $50-150 in cash in you wallet to offer the FEDMEN below the line when they start asking questions. That range should get you free ever time.

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