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  DIET for all who asked for Help!!!

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Author Topic:   DIET for all who asked for Help!!!


Posts: 9
From:Greenville, NC, USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 27, 2000 11:18 AM

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Thanks for the email. I am not going to bore you with alot of technical mumbo jumbo to impress you with my knowledge of supplements, stacking, etc., but what I would like to do is help you to not only attain the knowledge for greatness, but to actually put it in effect. Thus by doing so you acheive greatness. Thanks for all the replies. My real name is J.R. and I am the owner of Xtreme Nutrition. It is a small business but we are preparing to go national next year and challenge the OVERPRICED GNC for the market. Anyone at any of my stores hopefully will be able to supply you with the same simple basic knowledge I am giving you. The same thing you were struggling with I did also...The second most important aspect of training besides sleep.....DIET!!!!! The last being the actual training rhoutine itself. Whoever told you that all the body needs is 100g of Protein unless you are on steroids is out of their D*M MINDS!!!!! This is absurd considering just to maintain a healthy bodyweight and actual acheive any gains at all(minimal at that) you must consume at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Most Pro bodybuilders consume 1.2 to 1.4g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Such precise and high calorie diets cannot be acheived or maintain without vitamin supplements in conjunction with food. Even while cycling on anabolic agents...it puts your body into hyper drive so it works alot harder and needs all the necessary building blocks for success...that comes from supplements and eating properly. I usually incorporate four phases of dieting...Phase I is bulking....Phase II is toning and speeding up metabolism...Phase III is cutting and shredding!!! Phase IV is contest...this is actually a unhealthy phase as all water retention is drain from your body and pretty much every single vein down to the last muscle fiber is visible. This is ripped...anyway I can help some of you and will be happy putting together diets for you. I need some vital information:

Goal: i.e. shredding, bulking, toning, etc.,

For all the people I have already supplied diets to, please keep me informed and let me know how it is going. See my next post for vital information that will help alot of you to do it on your own. If you still need help I will be happy to help.

P.S.~AMP~no hard feelings about the post we are both intelligent human beings...look forward to chatting with you some time.

Your Pal,

J.R.~Xtreme Nutrition(Health Stores)

Perfection Comes from Within!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 986
Registered: May 2000

posted October 27, 2000 11:44 AM

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Hey ManOSteele,

Just want your opinion on caloric ratios...

What is the ratio you recommend for bulking, maintance and cutting.

For exaple I would recommend.

Bulking 30% /40% /30% (pro, carbs, fats)
Maintain 33% /33% /33%
Cut 30% /5% /65%

Just looking for your opinion...

If it's not hard it's not worth doing...

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Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 27, 2000 01:21 PM

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im curious....more info...plz...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 52
Registered: Aug 2000

posted October 27, 2000 03:24 PM

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Originally posted by ManOSteele:
Thanks for the email. I am not going to bore you with alot of technical mumbo jumbo to impress you with my knowledge of supplements, stacking, etc., but what I would like to do is help you to not only attain the knowledge for greatness, but to actually put it in effect. Thus by doing so you acheive greatness. Thanks for all the replies. My real name is J.R. and I am the owner of Xtreme Nutrition. It is a small business but we are preparing to go national next year and challenge the OVERPRICED GNC for the market. Anyone at any of my stores hopefully will be able to supply you with the same simple basic knowledge I am giving you. The same thing you were struggling with I did also...The second most important aspect of training besides sleep.....DIET!!!!! The last being the actual training rhoutine itself. Whoever told you that all the body needs is 100g of Protein unless you are on steroids is out of their D*M MINDS!!!!! This is absurd considering just to maintain a healthy bodyweight and actual acheive any gains at all(minimal at that) you must consume at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Most Pro bodybuilders consume 1.2 to 1.4g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Such precise and high calorie diets cannot be acheived or maintain without vitamin supplements in conjunction with food. Even while cycling on anabolic agents...it puts your body into hyper drive so it works alot harder and needs all the necessary building blocks for success...that comes from supplements and eating properly. I usually incorporate four phases of dieting...Phase I is bulking....Phase II is toning and speeding up metabolism...Phase III is cutting and shredding!!! Phase IV is contest...this is actually a unhealthy phase as all water retention is drain from your body and pretty much every single vein down to the last muscle fiber is visible. This is ripped...anyway I can help some of you and will be happy putting together diets for you. I need some vital information:

Goal: i.e. shredding, bulking, toning, etc.,

For all the people I have already supplied diets to, please keep me informed and let me know how it is going. See my next post for vital information that will help alot of you to do it on your own. If you still need help I will be happy to help.

P.S.~AMP~no hard feelings about the post we are both intelligent human beings...look forward to chatting with you some time.

Your Pal,

J.R.~Xtreme Nutrition(Health Stores)

bro since you are willing to help man i wont refuse

height= five eight
weight 175

goal get shredded or tone up


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Pharm Animal

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 672
From:Honolulu, HI
Registered: Aug 2000

posted October 27, 2000 05:44 PM

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i would say the ratios i prefer are:

cutting/precontest: 60/20/20
maintenance: 30/40/30
bulking: eat as much as you can/want, keeping protein over 1 gram per lb BW

Take care,

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Posts: 9
From:Greenville, NC, USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 27, 2000 07:01 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Xtreme Nutrtition~J.R. This diet will supply adequate ratios for cycling or the natural
bodybuilder...Please keep me informed of your progress....email me!!!! Glad to help...

Phase 1~Offseason Bulking
In the off-season, your baseline diet for gaining muscle should be high in calories and
high in carbs. It would look something
like this:

Bodyweight 195 lbs.
Calories 3800
Protein per pound of bodyweight = 1.4 grams
55% carbs = 2090 calories = 522 grams carbs
30% protein = 1140 calories = 285 grams of protein
15% fat = 570 calories = 63 grams of fat

Now, suppose you decide to compete; you'd begin Phase 2 of your contest diet simply by
reducing your calories and adding in more cardio. No change is made to your nutrient
ratios. This kick starts the fat burning process. If you have good genetics and you are not carb-sensitive, you might not need any other changes; you could get very lean on
this diet, just from the cardio and the calorie deficit:

Bodyweight 195 lbs.
Calories 3200
Protein per pound of bodyweight = 1.23 grams
55% carbs = 1760 calories = 440 grams carbs
30% protein = 960 calories = 240 grams of protein
15% fat = 480 = 53 grams of fat

As the show gets closer, you
enter phase 3 of your contest
diet; this is where you start to
reduce your carbohydrate intake. You also increase your calorie deficit, but to avoid
letting your calories drop into
the dangerous starvation zone,
you increase your protein
intake. This is the phase where
you will do most of your dieting
and where you will lose body fat
the most efficiently:

Bodyweight 190 lbs
Calories 3000
Protein per pound of bodyweight = 1.6 grams
40% carbs = 1200 calories = 300 grams carbs
40% protein = 1200 calories = 300 grams of protein
20% fat = 600 calories = 66 grams of fat

Phase 4 is the last leg of your contest prep. At this point, you are already lean and you
want to go from lean to "ripped," so you reduce your carbohydrates even further (never
eliminating them completely). To avoid metabolic slowdown, you carb-up at regular

Bodyweight 181 lbs.
Calories 2700
Protein per pound of bodyweight = 1.8 - 2.0 grams
25% carbs = 675 calories = 169 grams carbs
50-55% protein = 1350 - 1485 calories = 337 -371 grams of protein
20- 25% fat = 540 - 675 calories = 60 - 75 grams of fat

You're now ripped to shreds, you weigh 181 lbs. and all you middleweights is lose some
water a few days before the show. Your protein intake is now up to a whopping1.8-2.0g./lb./bodyweight.

25%-50%/55%-20%/25%~cutting to shreds!!!!

Usually I diet for the bodyweight I want to be...So remember with every 20lbs of gains
you need to adjust the diet also.

Perfection Comes from Within!!!!

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