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  Need some help, confused

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Author Topic:   Need some help, confused
Big'N Heavy

Cool Novice

Posts: 19
Registered: May 2000

posted October 26, 2000 01:30 AM

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Hell bros i have been contemplating this for a long time i did a bulking cycle about 2 monthes ago going up 30 pounds and have kept a good 20 about, my problem is for my next cycle i was going to do sust/eq/winny but my problem is my skin isnt very tight after cutting for 2 monthes so i know i must be still keeping on too many extra pounds and i cant seem to get it off the way i want so i was thinking of doing a winny/eq cycle instead to cut down while gaining a bit of lean muscle but was thinking i should still push a bit of the sust in there but i dont want to gain a ton of the fattyness cause i am still too high of a bf% and i have a hell of a time cutting. Does anyone have a suggestion on how i should do this with keeping some good solidness and getting ripped while adding a bit of weight( i know u cant get big and cut at the same time i just want to get a bit of the weight but more the cutness). here is what i was thinking of doing is eq at 300 a week for 8 weeks and then the winny at 50 eod. with this i was thinking of hitting only 250 sust for the 8 weeks just to give a boost. do ya think this will be a waste or should i go for my initial which was to go 500 sust for 8 weeks/ 300 eq for 8 weeks and winny weeks 6-11 50 eod. so what should i do cut longer and go with the second one or do the first; such a hard decision also was thinking of hitting in some fina too later. what suggestions do all of ya have i cant seem to make my mind up to use the gear for my highest potential. thanks for the help bros


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Posts: 8
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 26, 2000 01:39 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Go to the Iron room and look up cycles....If you use winny during your cycle the test will build mass so I would stay with 500mg a week and use winny with it to keep the bloat look away.inject the winny with the sust in the same needle about 200mg a week of that ...hope that helps

[This message has been edited by BUILT TUFF (edited October 26, 2000).]

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