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Author Topic:   Denkadiol......Question

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 994
From:Gilbert, Az.
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 17, 2000 06:27 PM

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The search just about turned up zilch on this one. I know who makes it and how much it is but WTF is it? Any info is helpful. Thanks, Green

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Posts: 2507
From:Yo Aunties Pad
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posted October 17, 2000 06:38 PM

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I have used Denkadiol on occasion. It really has no effect on its own, but mixed with a stack its supposed to make your stack more powerfull at the same dosage. When I used it I did notice a difference, but it was impossible for me to tell at the time whether it was due to the Denkadiol or not.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Gilbert, Az.
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 17, 2000 06:41 PM

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slopain you've got mail bro. Do you know what the active ingredient is? Thanks, Green

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Pharm Animal

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 17, 2000 06:42 PM

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methandriol diporpionate, it's the same compound used in the old australian 'drive', along with boldenone. it is hypothesized that methandriol opens up androgen receptors to be more suceptible to other androgens...but i have never seen an explanation backing this up

HUCK...Bchemist...do you guys have an answer for this phenomenon/theory?

Take care,

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted October 17, 2000 06:46 PM

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Denkadiol is methandriol dipropionate made by Denkal (Illium), 75mg/ml, 10ml vial. Methandriol supposedly allows more of the other gear that you are using to be in the free form (as much as 90% of the gear that you are taking is bound to some sort of protein while it's in the blood - only free gear attaches itself to the receptors).
methandriol does magnify the effects from other roids because it sensitizes the androgen receptors allowing a greater amount of steroid molecules to attach. i've read dosages varying from 100mg every 2-3 days to 200-400mg per week. denkadiol is a 10ml bottle containing 75mg/ml

some guys think it's a waste and have used it @ 150mg eod for 2 mos and noticed NO difference in a cycle. they believe it's a waste of valuable injection spots.

someone else's theory is that Methandriol has a high affinity to the SHBG molecule so that it uses the SHBG more and renders the main steroid that is stacked with it much more effective. Thats probably the reason people got good results. The downfall to this is that Methandriol aromatizes easily. So estrogen levels must be dealt with. One could almost overload on the prohormone 5-androstenediol which is almost identical in comparison. But its not as popular as the 4-andro due to 5-andro converting to estrogen easier. So if you go with Methandriol along with your stack you must figure out and experiment with what dose is good for you.. you really dont know how much SHBG you produce during a steroid stack and its expensive to find out. So.. go with education as your best guess. Most say to take 200mg every 2-3 days. But anyone can quote that now. I dont think that is enough for anyone taking megadoses of Test...and other stacked steroids.. and again.. using alot of Methandriol you must combat the aromatase and have plenty of nolvadex or better yet Arimidex.

Denkandiol is supposed to be weak alone, but some truly believe probably the best synergist to use in a stack.


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Pharm Animal

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Honolulu, HI
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posted October 17, 2000 06:50 PM

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thanks for the info, msg...i think i remember hearing that theory somewhere

thanks again bro

Take care,

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 17, 2000 07:43 PM

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I only used Denkadiol once and it didn't seem to have much effect. No matter, it's going to be off the market soon. Jurox has a product
that's similar to Drive called Nandrabolin.
It's in a 10ml vial,30mgs cypionate,45mgs methandriol dipropionate per ml. Current legit batch number is 9807.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted October 17, 2000 08:42 PM

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"methandriol does magnify the effects from other roids because it sensitizes the androgen receptors allowing a greater amount of steroid molecules to attach."

This is not a valid theory, since it does not conform with the physiology of receptors.

"someone else's theory is that Methandriol has a high affinity to the SHBG molecule so that it uses the SHBG more and renders the main steroid that is stacked with it much more effective."

This is a plausible theory.

"The downfall to this is that Methandriol aromatizes easily."

Not only does it aromatize into methylestradiol, which is a potent estrogen, but it has intrinsic estrogenicity. So prior to aromatization it is estrogenic. This may also account for its potency with androgens, since the addition of an estrogen has been shown to increase lean tissue gains.

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Cool Novice

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From:East Lansing, MI, USA
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posted October 18, 2000 02:23 AM

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 994
From:Gilbert, Az.
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 18, 2000 11:32 AM

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Thanks for the info guys. I don't think I'll be trying this one. Good day, Green

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Cool Novice

Posts: 21
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posted October 18, 2000 11:51 AM

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Here is an article I wrote a while ago for the rocks board

Rating: 1-5 (Five being the highest)
2 Bulking
2 Cutting
1 Strength
n/a Testosterone Stimulation
n/a Use as an Anti-Estrogen
4 Side Effects
5 Ability to Keep Gains
Brand Names:




Side Effects:

liver toxic


It took me a lot of searching and time to come up with this thread on Methandriol. There is very little information on the subject because Methandriol, until recently was not easy to come by. Now that there is the new Methandriol Product in Mexico called Denkadiol we have increasing interest in the product. Lets look at the Myth behind Methandriol:

1. It cleans Receptors
2. It increases the effects of roids
3. It is Highly anabolic and only slightly androgenic.

From the research I have done 2 out of the three of these myths are true. Methandriol does increase the effects of what it is stacked with and it is highly anabolic and hardly androgenic. I can not find any research that supports the fact that it cleans out receptors.

Now the bad news.

How does Methandriol increase the effects of other roids?

Not only is methandriol only slightly androgenic but it is also estrogenic. This is why it is added to all those aussie vet gears. This is supported by the same idea that causes US cattle implants to have estrogen added. The estrogen will up-regulate the Androgen Receptors. Also Estrogen and Test have a synergestic muscle building effect. There is a TON of data on this for cattle and humans. Another good example of this is why Nolvadex hiders gains.

Now lets not jump to conclusions just yet. Just because Methandriol has estrogenic effects does not make it a horrible roid. Hell we take Clomid all the time and that is an estrogenic drug. I figured the best way to see what kind of effect It has would be to talk to people who have used it.

Experience with Denkadiol.

I used it to come off of a Sust/EQ cycle about a year ago. When lowering my dosage and adding Denka I started to feel Gyno coming on. So I had to start Nolvadex. Now the Gyno could have been from the Methandriol or it could have been due to elevated estrogen levels vs the lowering of the Test I was on. I do now believe that the Gyno symptoms were from the Methandriol but to confirm this I talked to 5 others who used Denkadiol at different parts of their cycle.

Two of the people experience Gyno around the time they added the Denka and the Third said the Denka worked great and really increased his gains. (Note: this individual has never felt the signs of gyno on any cycle even cycles as strong as 1g of test a week.)

Now the most interesting part is what the last two had to say. The last two people were woman who prior to using Denka never got great results. One of them was stacking Denka and winny and by week two had to lower the winny dosage to almost nothing due to virilization effects that She would only get on twice the amount she was using. Even though she lowered the winny to only 4mg /day she said she felt like she was on 20mg/day.

The other used only Denka and was amazed by the results. She was able to go up to 300mg/week without any virilization and experienced the best gains of any cycle she had ever done.

Now for a Profile of the drug

Methandriol Dipropionate Is a very mild androgen, with estrogenic effects. It comes in a dose of 75mg/ml, in oil and 50mg/ml in water base, although the water base is rare. It's also available in Australia in a tablet & paste form. Methandriol is mildly liver toxic(even the injectable) but not as toxic as the oral forms. It's exclusively designed and prepared in prestacks with deca, boldenone, test etc. this is because it enhances the overall effect and is recommended to be stacked as 25% of the overall stack. Brand names are Protabol & Superbolin by RWR labs, other premixed stacks include Tribolin75, Drive, Spectriol, Nandrabolin etc.

Average dosage is 225-450mg/week
The drug is active for about 5-7 days so the dosage should be split up during the week

In My opinion Methandriol is probably best used only by women and men who are not susceptible to Gyno.

Links: http://members.tripod.com/~absolutetruth/downunder*******s.htm http://members.tripod.com/~absolutetruth/dynabol50.htm http://www.ausvet.com/denkadiol.htm http://www.ausvet.com/ http://www.ausvet.com/distributors.htm

[This message has been edited by Q (edited April 01, 2000).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 994
From:Gilbert, Az.
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 18, 2000 11:57 AM

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Hey Q thanks. I didn't even think to look over at Rocks. I still stop in from time to time to see what's up. Thanks for the info bro! Later, Green

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