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  I need some info

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Author Topic:   I need some info


Posts: 1
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 02, 2000 09:54 PM

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I have just started working out. I am 258lbs and 6 ft tall. I am very big boned, but am also fat. I want to be very large much like a wrestler and am currently on a very strict diet. I was wondering if I wanted to maximize results without injections, what is the most effective way for me to become stronger at a great rate? What is the best AS for someone wanting these results if it can be obtained. I am very ignorant on this subject.

Thank you,

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 61
Registered: Aug 2000

posted October 03, 2000 01:01 AM

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Take this from a former fatty, actually I wasn't that bad, most people considered me skinny, but I had some loose skin, if you know what i mean. I went on a very strict diet, and lost some weight. This was when I first started training. That was seven years ago, and I'm proud to say that I'm in great shape now. I trained for three years before I turned to anabolics, and I would suggest the same for you.

You don't have to wait as long as I did, but at least wait a little bit, and learn a little bit about AS before you try it. If you have to ask which kind of AS is for you, you really shouldn't be taking them, they are not a miracle drug, they are an aide to assist you in your gaols..

Give the hard work and dedication a try before turning to drugs, don't make the same mistakes that many of us here, myself included and turn to AS without educating yourself to the benefits....

If you believe that they are a cure all, then you might as well believe all of the BS that they publish in the shitty magazines..
Just My .02



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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 281
From:........texas D/FW
Registered: Jul 2000

posted October 03, 2000 01:40 AM

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without injections?
I wouldn't waste my time if thats what you're thinking. Injections are nothing to be afraid of. Like the man before me said, do some research and find out about this lifestyle first.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 193
From:ky, usa
Registered: Jul 2000

posted October 03, 2000 03:31 AM

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you must research these things first i reaserached for 4 months before my first cycle and i am still learning

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 210
From:College Station, TX, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted October 03, 2000 10:11 AM

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Well bro, I admire your honesty in saying you don't know jack about this stuff...but like the other bros have said, that means you've got some readin' to do...train hard for a year and eat a strict diet, read all you can about juice, then put together a cycle and post it here to get some critiques, opinions, etc. Drop me an e-mail, I used to be fat, too!!

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
"Get BIG, or get the f*ck out," "Smoke it 'til your fingers burn," "The world IS mine!!"

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Francis Drake

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 55
Registered: Apr 2000

posted October 03, 2000 10:57 AM

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i would work out for a while naturally before you try any AS. There are some things you need to figure out for yourself. Different types of routines, what type of diet, rest periods, shit like that. Not to mention all the different types of AS and side effects and how to prevent them. I have been reading this board for over a year now and i still learn something new every time i come on here. Still haven't done a cycle yet. there is a lot to learn, bro. Hang around for a while first.. it's worth it

[This message has been edited by Francis Drake (edited October 03, 2000).]

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