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  Anybody workout using 2-a-days anymore?

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Author Topic:   Anybody workout using 2-a-days anymore?


Posts: 7
Registered: Sep 2000

posted October 02, 2000 06:59 PM

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Curious to see if anyone does classic 2-a-day workouts anymore, particularly when on a heavy bulk cycle? I can see how it would be easy to overtrain when natural, but when I'm "on", I feel like I can do legs every other day. On my next run, I'm thinking doing something like:

Day 1 Pre-work = Chest / Post-work = Back
Day 2 Pre-work = Quads / Post-work = Hams
Day 3 Pre-Work = Triceps / Post-work = Biceps
Day 4 Pre-Work = Shoulders /Post-work = Abs
Day 5 Off

Or will I be overtraining regardless of juice and therefore should stick to my once-a-week per bodypart routine?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 182
From:sd ca us
Registered: Feb 2000

posted October 02, 2000 07:04 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

I believe this is answered by your body if you are more slow twitch then fast twich it differs. Arnold trained 2 times a day this would be to much for Me I train 1 a day and I respond better deffently be on something if you plan on 2 a day. Remeber the statement "everything works but nothing works forever" as with your training constantly change to keep you body in shock

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