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  Is cardio while bulking truly effective at burning fat?

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Author Topic:   Is cardio while bulking truly effective at burning fat?

Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 03:59 PM

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I've read past posts regarding this issue, but I'm not so sure that cardio doesn't "take away" from your muscular gains. Or is the fact that the "anabolic" state you're in, even though you are bulking, enhances the lipolysis to some degree? Would appreciate some personal experiences here.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 04:48 PM

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I have heard too, that cardio can affect bulking. I think you should do a little cardio, but on seperate days than weight training.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 04:58 PM

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i've also heard that cardio reduces gain while bulking but i don't agree with it. if your diet is high in protein and complex carbs and you don't get to carried away on the amount of cardio you do per day, you should bulk up fine and still burn fat. just my opinion

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 05:11 PM

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Thanks brothers,
I've just started my second cycle with omna and deca. Wanting to get some input here, two FOR cardio.....anybody else?


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posted September 28, 2000 05:23 PM

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Im currently on a bulking cycle myself. I do 30 min's of cardio five days a week. I have done this cycle/work-out in the past and have gotten great results. Of couse everone's body is different.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 05:45 PM

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My lifting partner did a cycle of sust, and did cardio 25min for 5 days a week, and he is huge, so if ya wanna lose some unsightly flab. RUN.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 07:10 PM

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Listen, bros, this whole business about cardio and fatburning is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the history of BB.

Cardio does NOT, repeat NOT, burn fat. Do cardio for about an hour, and you burn up a couple of hundred calories, and speed up your metabolism for an additional hour or so, during which you'll burn a few more calories than normal. Total benefit: You'll burn about as many calories as in a doughnut.

Lifting, you'll burn a few more calories than you would on the treadmill, and you'll speed up your metabolism for 12 hours or more.

Cardio is great for cardio health, but it's NOT A FAT BURNER! Just get over that idea, alright?

My advice? Drop the cardio altogether, eat one less doughnut, and spend the time at the weightrack, or with your woman. You'll come out ahead, believe me!


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posted September 28, 2000 07:59 PM

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There's the other side of the coin, and quite possibly along the same line of thought that I have. But it's great to get all of the opinions on this board! Thanks bros.


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Cool Novice

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posted September 28, 2000 08:18 PM

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Cardio burns fat. Your take is ridiculous. This isn't even a point that can be argued. If you are not burning fat doing cardio then you aren't doing the cardio right. 30 minutes of jogging with your arms propped up on the treadmill isn't cardio. Cardio is great for cardio health AND BURNING FAT. Having a healthy cardiovascular system will raise your base metabolic rate, which in turn will make your body an efficient, fat-burning machine while you rest.


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Curious II

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posted September 28, 2000 08:53 PM

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Bjaarki is right...cardio is effective for building cardiovascular abilities. It is good for burning calories if you are trying to get skinny and is very helpful in trying to shape up. But I agree with the less-donut theory. I have never had a bodyfat above 10%...am always eating for bulk...and never do cardio. You can control your "fatness" with diet. You can always do cardio if you really want to but you can get everything you need from the weights as long as you control your diet. If you can't control you diet...well then your out of luck.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 09:15 PM

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If you're going to do cardio just don't do it on the days you lift unless you do it after (good luck). Otherwise I have always had better workouts when I am doing cardio at least twice but usually 3 times a week. In particular with bent over rows. I can begin the next set much quicker if I have more wind and reach a more distant failure point.

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moe dank


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posted September 28, 2000 09:58 PM

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cardio burns fat if you do it in the morning before breakfast. Your body uses your fat stores as fuel. Any other time you are burning calories.

"Give me a fat slut that cooks and washes dishes"
I want my registration date back. I think it was march.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 10:08 PM

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i do cardio every now and then, i just keep my diet right and i keep the fat down...


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 10:29 PM

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Here's my experience.

A few years ago my lard ass weighed 229 lbs., and believe me it was all fat. I was on the Precor machine for an average of about 5 hours a week. In exactly 3 and 1/2 mos. I was down to 170. (BTW 5'10") Case in point CARDIO DOES BURN FAT ! 1 lb. of fat is equal to 3500 cals. So eat the same and do a buttload of cardio, or eat less w/little cardio, you will burn fat.

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Cool Novice

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posted September 28, 2000 10:37 PM

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Curious II...

I completely agree with you that you can control your body fat level and stay lean by muscle building. Bjaarki saying that cardio DOES NOT BURN FAT is totally out of nowhere and untrue.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 28, 2000 11:35 PM

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guys it all comes down to cals in vs. cals out. the cardio allows you to eat above maintence i.e. more protein and still maintain amount of bodyfat yet appear leaner as you put on the musclce because the more muscle you have the better you cary your load

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 07:17 AM

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listen meat heads!!!! ill make it simple!

if joe blow eats 3000 calories and only burns 2000 cause he is a lazy piece of shit watching tv....then that 1000 extra will be stored in his luv handles...

if billy bob eats 3000 calories and runs a marathon and burns 4000 calories then 1000 cals will be taken out of fat storage....

so in essence it isnt the cardio in itself burning fat...its the usage of calories whether it be from running ...jerkin off...gettin laid....liftin....takin a shit....whattever...
hope it unclogs the chunks of sus250 snagged in your cerebral cortex....hahahah j/k bros


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Anabolicum Mister

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posted September 29, 2000 07:20 AM

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I wish it was that simple bro.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 07:28 AM

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Getting your heartrate up during cardio is the key to a healthy heart, besides a good diet. Just had this discussion with my Doctor after my yearly pysical. I've heard of several cases of bodybuilders having strokes and even dying at very early ages. Your heart is a muscle too and running it fast with clen, ephedrine, and the rest is not good in the long run or for too long. You can get away with a lot of drug abuse at an early age, but believe me, when you hit the after 40 years, you'll be paying the piper. A balance of weight training, cardio, and diet is the ticket.

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Cool Novice

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posted September 29, 2000 08:37 AM

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I believe cardio is super efficient at burning fat if done on an empty stomach in the morning. I shed a lot of fat by using this approach 2 times a week (on non lifting days) along with an ECA stack. However, I DO believe (at least for me) that ANY amount of cardio hinders gains somewhat, although its not drastic. On my cycle, im not performing any cardio just to get the most outta my gains. Thats my input!

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posted September 29, 2000 08:51 AM

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i personally think that you should do little cardio, while trying to bulk up. worry about putting on the pounds right now. when you reach your desired weight or size, then worry about doing the extra cardio to shred the exciss fat from balking up. however i think you need to do some cardio, just don't over due it. consentrate on building mass for now. i just finished my cycle 2 weeks ago, and now i'm shredding the excess fat.and cutting up..............LOOKS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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posted September 29, 2000 08:58 AM

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i personally think that you should do little cardio, while trying to bulk up. worry about putting on the pounds right now. when you reach your desired weight or size, then worry about doing the extra cardio to shred the exciss fat from balking up. however i think you need to do some cardio, just don't over due it. consentrate on building mass for now. i just finished my cycle 2 weeks ago, and now i'm shredding the excess fat.and cutting up..............LOOKS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 10:06 AM

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Many interesting theories here brothers, bumpin' this one back up. Thanks.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 11:05 AM

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Sorry, bro, but it's you, not I, who are totally wrong on this. Just shows that you've bought the bullshit of the treadmill manufacturers, Adidas, and all the other forces that have promoted the aerobics movement in fitness, a movement, I note, very much in decline among knowledgable exercise physiologists. There are a lot of strands in this thread with all the brothers jumping in - e.g., Moe and nutrimuscle on morning workouts (yeah, they burn fat, but that will work whether you lift or you jog), Pauly's trimming himself down with cardio (yeah, but he would have trimmed down with lifting, too), etc., etc. - and I don't have time to address them all. Bottom line here is that lifting raises your metabolism just like cardio, even better when done properly, and that there's no magical connection between a stairmaster or a Precor machine and the fat on your ass or around your belly.

I repeat: Cardio is for cardiovascular health. Period! Cardio per se does not burn fat, no more than any other exercise. You may think it does, diesel, and that's fine. Most people, still, would agree with you. But you, and they, are simply wrong. Some ideas die slowly, and looks like this one will. But, believe me, in 10 years all the cardio equipment is going to be gathering dust, or will be used by people rehabing after surgery or some such. Lifting is what matters, for body composition, fat loss, and, yes, even cardio health. That's what all the best new research shows, Stairmaster Inc. be damned!


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 11:42 AM

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I somewhat agree.

Cardio does burn calories and that is a good thing.

Since I am a competitive Bodybuilder I need to create a caloric deficit when cutting.

So say I want to burn an aditional 3500 calories this week.

I will create a deficit of 1750 from diet and 1750 from cardio...

I can't add an extra 2-3 hours a week of Training since that would lead to overtraining.

Cardio will permit me to eat more cals (protein) so I will lose less muscle.

I do the cardio in the am on an empty stomach so I don't need to use up liver glycogen.

[This message has been edited by DREXX (edited September 29, 2000).]

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posted September 29, 2000 12:00 PM

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Good thread, and good points, cardio will only tap into fat stores on an empty stomach when muscel glycogen is low, true.
Fact, metabolism will return to normal after approx. 1 hr. post cardio session compared to 7-12hrs. post weight training session. Weight training puts a much bigger strain on your body and CNS.

If you want to keep a little fat off, then I wouldnt go beyond 3hrs. a week. Myself I dont use it at all bulking, Im supposed to get fat, and I do...nothing cardio and clen/t3 wont take care of later.


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posted September 29, 2000 12:18 PM

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WCP......I think that's the approach that I agree with for the most part. I'll cut when cutting and bulk when bulking. BUMP


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 12:27 PM

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The problem most people have with cardio is that they have no idea they are doing too much. While bulking you want to lift as heavy as you can and that will not be possible if you are drained from cardio, even if you do it on separate days, I really believe cardio takes away from your strength on the weights....That is my personal experience, I am sure there is research on this, but I don't have time to find it and post it.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 01:19 PM

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I can't explain this but I know when I do cardio, I feel more energetic the rest of the day and I'm in a much better mood. When I don't do cardio a feel sluggish and irritable. I believe it burns fat. More importantly it improves your quality of life.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 01:25 PM

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IF there is one subject I'm qualified to talk about on this board it is Cardio.

Being a CSCS along with being a biochem nerd, I did mucho research on the subject while in college.

Here is the skinny. Bjarki and few others are pretty accurate. I think people need to realize that the term Cardio is very general in its application. For a normal person who doesn't engage in any performance activities(ie..bodybuilding, pro or amateur sports)walking around throughout his/her house is cardio-respiratory in nature.(aerobic metabolism)

When you start to deal with people who work at higher intensity levels, the fuel substrate utilized is changed.(anaerobic metabolism)

I'm not going to break down the krebs cycle here, but the higher the intensity of the movement being utilized, the higher the elevation in BMR after cessation. IN English this means that you will burn more kcal's at rest after you have finished your exercise.

In the old Days of Kenneth Cooper and the "more cardio is best approach", high intensity movement was looked at as dangerous in nature.

Sadly a lot of misinformation has been perpetuated over the years about long hours of low to moderate intensity cardio being best for "fat burning" and cardio-vascular health. In is entirely incorrect. How many times have we heard that because low intensity aerobics utilizes fat as it primary energy source(it does), that we will become progressively leaner the more we do? Too many times I may add.

High intensity aerobic work for brief short stints combined with regular intense weight training is absolutely the "BEST APPROACH" for maintaining muscularity, minimizing fat accrual,and having a healthy ticker(anti-aging benefit number 1).(of course a good diet that minimizes sugar, alcohol and high glycemic starches is also worth mentioning..;-)

There are far too many bodybuilders who say aerobics are bad yada..yada. If you are looking at it from a long term perspective, you better minimize damage to your arteries and arteriole walls. Just in case you don't know, AAS "can"(not will before people jump on me) influence cardiopulmonary plaque buildup.(especially long term high dosage use)

I'm not trying to scare anyone with that comment. I'm just saying that you should maintain a sensible approach when "on".

A hypothetical weekly schedule for a bodybuilder looking to maintain maximum muscularity while at the same time burning fat would be:

3-4 days of training with weights(IMO on or not)
2-3 days a week of NO MORE THAN 15 MINUTES on a stationary bike performing intervals(Fartlek)
(Intervals are a set time at max intensity, followed by the same time interval of lowest intensity so that you ramp up and down 5 times or so...follow that up with a 4-5 minute cooldown)

I think the stationary bike is the best option over a stair stepper or treadmill/track because of the low impact on joints/soft tissues.

I think any of the options would work equally well depending on the physical condition of the person performing.

I hope this is helpful. I'm not trying to start controversy here. Just looking to add some information to the cogent thoughts above.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 01:57 PM

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Tony Delk:

Thanks for shining some light on this. Good post. I appreciate your time in posting it.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 29, 2000 03:57 PM

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TD......very impressive, thanks for the response.


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Cool Novice

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posted September 29, 2000 06:21 PM

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Good post TD

Bjaarki...I just got really frustrated to see your blanket statement that "cardio does not burn fat." That's just too general a statement to make, cause it does burn fat. I agree that most people in our country like to think of 30 minutes of 3.0mph jogging as cardio, which is useless. Weight training is MUCH better for burning fat than that kind of cardio.

This is the experience I am coming from: for around 8 years I was a competitive track athlete (1989-1997). I was a sprinter. I did very little weight training at all. My body was incredibly lean and rather muscular as well (not big muscular, but not sickly skinny). After I gave that part of my life up, I almost never ran for two years - strictly lifted weights. I gained fat, a considerable amount along with my muscle. As soon as added cardio to the mix in my workouts, I dropped right back down to the low bodyfat levels of before along with my new muscular development.

For me, the cardio cranks up the fat burning when I want to get lean. It no doubt works for me, but then again I probably have a higher BMR than the average guy because of my years as a sprinter. Now that I've added ******s to my training, I don't do nearly as much cardio as before - I just don't need to.
My bodyweight is up 40lbs from my days as a sprinter.


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posted September 29, 2000 06:46 PM

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I firmly believe that one day time will prove me right when I say that lifting is superior to cardio for fat loss. Cardio, except for low-intensty, will waste some muscle. Cardio is, however, awfully good for you and your heart. One thing about cardio and AS. Heart muscle can and often does respond to the anabolic effects of AS. I would avoid cardio like the plague during a bulk cycle, and catch up on it on the break between bulking and cutting cycles. Also during a bulk cycle, I'd get an ACE-inhibitor to keep down blood pressure, since your heart will grow against the increased resistance. An enlarged heart is not a good thing. Stay huge. Peace!

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posted September 29, 2000 11:44 PM

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I keep cardio in my program all year round. Cardio burns fat....with gear it helps me build muscle, my calves have benefitted big time....I have grown better adding cardio to my workouts.

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posted September 29, 2000 11:56 PM

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the problem with cardio on a bulking cycle is not really that it takes away from ur gains just that it can enlarge ur heart! thats the scary part bro.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 30, 2000 09:22 AM

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Cardio should be done in set doses. I've read above where some say cardio waste muscle. If you train for a marathon, yes, you will waste muscle. If you are a hard gainer it will slow your progress. Those are just a few "if's". If you are doing all the right things for muscle building, eating, sleeping, and training, 2-3 days of empty stomach cardio in 30 minute sessions will NOT waste muscle. Does anyone know Arnold jogged 4 miles to get his cardio? I know i'm going to hear this about genetics and roids so spare me, I know he can be an exception to every rule. The point is it has its place.

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posted September 30, 2000 10:43 AM

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no cardio for me until early next spring....winter (for me) is bulking time anyway.

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posted September 30, 2000 11:29 AM

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We're still freinds, bro. I won't retract my statement, in that there's nothing magical about cardio that burns fat, but you can believe whatever you want to believe. You seem to be basing your argument on an anecdote, however (your own experience with running, weights, etc.), like Pauly and a few of the others brothers. That's always a dangerous game to play when trying to find your way to truth. There were so many other uncontrolled influences at play in your weight loss when you added cardio back in, that I won't even bother trying to identify them.

Curous, Tony Delk, some of the other brothers seem to be in general, if not perfect, agreement with me that cardio is good for cardiovascular health, but is not superior to any other form of exercise, particularly weights, as a fatloss procedure. That's all I'm saying. The exercise on an empty stomach thing seems effective, but you can get good results that way with weights, too, so long as eat right away afterward.

Anyway, I think I know where you're coming from, djdeisel, and I'm sorry if I pissed you off. Let's just agree to disagree, bro, and, like Ranger says, "It's all good!"

Be well and lift heavy, bro. Shana Tovah to all my Jewish brothers.


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Cool Novice

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posted September 30, 2000 11:40 AM

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I agree with bjaarki how many 230 pounders that are competitive bodybuilders do you see running on a treadmill?not many,the fact is that lifting will raise your heart rate increasing your fat burning.cardio is great for loosing weight and also creates a catabolic state if you are doing too much.

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Curious II

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posted September 30, 2000 11:50 AM

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There are two types of enlarged hearts. One is due to high blood pressure, disease,etc. It is caused by thickening of the the walls of the heart that causes the heart to enlarge. This is a bad thing. Then there is enlargement due to cardiovascular exercise. The chambers of the heart and the heart in general gets larger...it is a muscle. This increases stroke volume and cardiac output. This lowers heart rate and is very good for your heart. These two should not be confused.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 32
From:Truth or Consequences, NM
Registered: Aug 2000

posted September 30, 2000 02:40 PM

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Not pissed Bjaarki, I like to discuss these things. This is the stuff on the boards that helps people to see both sides of an approach. It sure beats stupid-ass posts like "WILL I GAIN 32LBS OF MUSCLE ON DECA 200mg/week?"

My track/cardio approach to things will always be hard for me to give up. I'm one of those guys that marvels at Michael Johnson and Mo Greene.

It's all good.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Mar 2000

posted September 30, 2000 03:06 PM

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i do 3 thirty min cardio sessions a week moderate on a tredmill 3.8 mph on the days i dont train when im bulking stops me becoming a fat basterd. dont effect my gains.

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the captain

Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:st. louis,mo
Registered: Jun 2000

posted September 30, 2000 04:19 PM

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-----pain is temporary pride is forever-----

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted October 01, 2000 10:13 PM

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Tony Delk, Bjaarki, djdiesel....thanks for the replies..this turned out to be a very informative post. And it's good to see you two agree to disagree.......and IT IS ALL GOOD! Thanks again, bros.....I feel like I've got a better understanding of this now.


Combine desire with safety and intelligence and you WILL REACH YOUR GOALS!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:rome italy
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 02, 2000 07:31 PM

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i 've burned a lot of fat just walking. yes that's right. if you don't want to train your cardiovascular sistem walking alone (maybe on the tredmill) is perfect and won't waste your muscles. I don't agree that it is effective only in the morning. At empty stomach it is more effective cause you're laking of glycogen, but if you do it after lifting than it is the same thing. And even if you do it on your non lifting days it 'll take 10 to 15 minutes to start burnig fat but than it will ( if it is low intensity). So in my view just walk walk walk

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Mr. T

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 795
Registered: Jan 2000

posted October 02, 2000 07:45 PM

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Dont know about you guys but my BF gets lower when I step up cardio. And I always eat junk. BTW, when you work out in the mornings on an empty stomach the first thing you burn is your own muscles since they are the best source or protein. Only after that do you burn the fat. Cardio definatly works for me, and I dont need a study to figure that out-

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