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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 170
Registered: Aug 2000

posted September 28, 2000 02:18 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

YellowD's version

1) DO NOT POST ASKING FOR A GODDAMNED SOURCE!!!! Only a moron would ask this and expect a reputable source to answer. Get to know people on the board and you will get pointed in the right direction. If you make a stupid shit out of yourself, you'll NEVER get a source!

2) Before you order from a source, check these scammers lists to keep from gettin ANALY VIOLATED. Why the hell would you send your money to someone you don't trust? E-mail a mod, but don't sound like a brat and demand an answer. Elitefitness mods can KICK YOUR ASS, remember that!

2a)If you are a source....or a scammer, QUIT FUCKING POSTING on our board. We don't want your dogshit posts dirtying our quality message board. 2Thick knows where you live and will stab you with a syringe.
SCAMMER listing: (beware not all are located on these list, only those who have been reported) http://theanabolicworld.simplenet.com/scammer.htm

3) Read the info on different types of steroids and what they do. Basically, learn what the hell you're doing. If you fucking kill yourself for not researching, YOU DESERVED IT. Put something together once you have researched and finally decided what you want to use. Post your cycle on the board and ask for a critique of that cycle you put together. If you post a list of shit and ask, "WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH THIS?", you will get your salad tossed
Here are some sites you can check out to learn some info on A.S.�s: https://www.elitefitness.com/steroids/guide.html http://members.tripod.com/~absolutetruth/drugs.htm http://www.angelfire.com/pokemon/gear/ http://www.ironsup.force9.co.uk/page4.html http://www.steroid-encyclopaedia.com/

4) Still, don�t post asking anything just yet. ON this page, above the posts is a button that reads SEARCH! Use this first. Put in your keywords (i.e... sus250, deca) and read the topics that come up on the subject your looking for answers on. More then likely it probably has already been answered. Read all the post possible, so you can obtain some knowledge on the subject your interested in. TRUST ME, you'll look like less of an ass in your first post if you do.

4a) For those newbies that are less mentally inclined, we suggest you never do steroids. If you can't learn how to use a fucking search engine, we don't trust you with a needle and testosterone. May we suggest finger painting as a new entertaining hobby.

5) These are a couple of things NOT to do on this board.

DO NOT post a message asking for head!
DO NOT post stupid ass questions about the size of our cocks!

DO NOT list scammers on the board. If you do you better have a way to back it up or the source will put a cap in your ass! EMAIL A MONITOR FIRST, with the details!

DO NOT ask STUPID questions!

6) Things to do on this board.


DO EMAIL a moderator when in doubt.

You can find their email address on the top left hand corner.

DO make friends here.

DO enjoy this board.

DO check out HEATHER DARLING's Website at http://www.heatherdarling.com. YOU WILL BECOME ADDICTED TO IT!!

Everyone here will admit to that. I KNOW I WILL! Search for your question first or check out Heather's website before posting.

There are 10,000+ posts on this board. Very possible your question about ball shrinkage has been answered already.

DO Read a couple of pages of the board to get some knowledge of the board and on A.S.'s.

7)where to get syringes and how to inject yourself.. good information provided by 2Thick. (if you're going to stab yourself, do it right!) : http://www.angelfire.com/biz5/syringes

8) Last but not least: As long as you don't make a complete ass out of yourself within the first few days, welcome to ELITE FITNESS BOARD. It is the best you will find around, and it has the most knowledgeable people here. Don't bother about introducing yourself as long as you know what you're doing. There's so many fucking newbies we can't keep them straight so just go ahead and act like a non-newbie and make your MARK!!!

Disclaimer: The thoughts and ideals presented in the preceeded literature does not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of YellowD98 nor that of Elitefitness or any members thereof. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. Any unauthorized copy or reproduction of this post without the consent of its author is strictly prohibited.

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Posts: 2200
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Apr 2000

posted September 28, 2000 02:21 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

thank God, was looking for this guy!


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Cool Novice

Posts: 11
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 28, 2000 02:23 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Do you get to see Heathers' dick for the 12 bucks?

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