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  You want controversy I'll give you controversy

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Author Topic:   You want controversy I'll give you controversy

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 82
From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 06:30 AM

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How many times have you heard some of the pro's or mods on this board say "if you are going to give a newbie advice relate it to your own experience and not something you read in a book"?

Unfortunately coming from Northern Ireland that is one of the only ways I can get advice is from books and the net, as there are really no experts on bodybuilding over here. To make things even worse, anyone even suspected of dealing in drugs over here witout the concent of the terrorists usually ends up with a bullet in the back of their head.

Ok then, who would you think would be the best people to give advice on steroids and competition bodybuilding?

Someone who has been there before maybe, like a pro or ex-pro. I tried just that, asking around for advice, but most of my questions where met with denial and bullshit.

So now I'm feeling a bit pissed off and am going to blow of some steam.

If you have the money and you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team. These are the guy's who really know what is been used in top international bodybuilding and they are who the Pro's turn to for advice.

Charles Glass
Chad Nicholls
Scott Abel
Gary Strydom

This message will self distruct when the mods read it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Pittsburgh PA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 21, 2000 06:53 AM

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I'm not really sure what you're bitching about, but that last line was funny as hell.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 07:11 AM

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I guess what I'm bitching about is, so many of you guy's who are asking for advice don't realise that it is there, on your back door step.

While here you have to be increadle careful who you talk to in the gym about steroids or drugs, because you don't know what organisation the person you talk to could be in.
In other words I don't want my knees caps blown out the front of my legs by a semi automatic pistol.

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Cool Novice

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posted September 21, 2000 07:13 AM

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So are you saying, that as a newbie, you asked newbie questions and got shot down for it?

If so, then I am sorry to hear about that bro. People tend to forget that there are parts of the world where information is scarce and hard to come by. Perhaps, what you could try is to structure your questions in such a way that it won't attract flames. For instance, you could preface your questions with a explanation of why you are asking. This will allow your readers to know and see that the information that you seek may be basic, but difficult for you to find.

Hope this helps you bro. And thanx for the post. It certainly opened my eyes a little and reminded me that there are things I take for granted.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Pittsburgh PA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 21, 2000 07:19 AM

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So then don't ask anyone anything at your gym. You have all the info you could ever need right at your fingertips anyways. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, getting flamed is alot better than getting rolled into a ditch (in Ireland).

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
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posted September 21, 2000 07:38 AM

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Thanks guy's but I am not talking about anyone on this board flaming me.

When I say Pro's I mean Pro bodybuilders, some have given me little bits of advice where as others have got the angry head with me.

My point is that most of the Pro's that you see at the Olyimpia would like you to believe that they did it all by themselves with no help from anyone. That is total and utter bullshit, they have all been advised by someone who has at least competed in a top bodybuilding event themselves.

It amazes me how fast they are at giving advice on diet and training, but ask one question about drugs and they will avoid you like the plague. If the pro's never asked the same questions you guys are asking on this board they would never be where they are today.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 07:55 AM

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Well lets see if I got this straight, You have been trying to get professional bodybuilders to give you free advice?lol. They will sell it to you, they are trying to make money and do not have time to help you or me. Heres what you should do, go to my webpage, and go to Lee Labrada's link. he will send you weekly tips for free and any questions you have I will personally answer. My page is: www.webspawner.com/users/jdisbodybuilding/

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 08:02 AM

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No Jdimukes I have payed some Pro bodybuilders money and asked for steroid advice before.
I even told them before I sent the money that I would be asking questions about drugs, but only got back advice on Diet and training.

Talk about feeling scammed. However I will not mention any of their names.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 08:12 AM

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I'm sorry to hear that bro. Paul Borreson(misspelled) writes a coulum for pump magizine is supposed to have a service and I know he'll talk with you about gear. If you have any questions somebody here will know the answers, drop me an e-mail if you think I can help you.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 08:24 AM

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I have read some of Paul's columns and I think he knows a lot of stuff.

Why else would so many Pro's be trying to blacken his name and call him crazy. Maybe because he is not afraid to tell the truth and that is something most pro's do not like hearing, that most of their muscle is as much, if not more of a result of huge amounts of steroids than actual genetics and hard work.

One pro I talked to confirmed that all the pro's are taking 1000's of mg's of testosterone per week and I didn't even have to pay them to tell me that.

On the other hand others have advised me not to listed to Paul incase I end up in hospital.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 08:34 AM

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JD one other thing I have not been able to open your web site it keeps come up "error not found"

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 08:51 AM

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well Bro I agree with you that they are a bit tight lipped when it comes to reciting their drug programs, please remember what your asking them is to give details of their crimes, as gear is illegal in most, but not all, countries. Ask an American BB about what he's taking and if he answers he's admitting to a felony, at the very least. Even if its not illegal, your asking him the secret of his success. What athlete, while still competing freely gives up their secrets? Keep this in mind, but I still do agree with you!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 82
From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 09:00 AM

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Yoda this is the thing, I did not ask them what they where using I asked them what I should use. Now maybe some of them took that as me inferring that they used steroids and that I wanted to know their cycle, but I didn't.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 09:17 AM

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I am having problems right now with the host of my webpage, I will post it agian if it gets fixed or I will build a new one by the end of the day and e-mail you with the addy.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 09:39 AM

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Pick a mod or vet and lay out what your goals are, where you are presently (height, weight, etc.) any medical conditions etc and ask them for advice on what to do and how...

I am not experienced so this is all I have to offer.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 09:58 AM

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Yoda when you say the Pro's are a little tight lipped, I would say most of them are as tight as a ducks arse. i.e. water proof.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 01:26 PM

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Hahahaha!!!! So True Bro. And if I gave you the wrong impression, I'm in total agreement with you!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:College Station, TX, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 21, 2000 02:27 PM

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Bro, I agree that most of 'em won't talk about their stuff, and even won't give advice about what you should do, but that's their choice...pro bodybuilders do that for $$, and Met-Rx ain't gonna endorse 'em if they're giving away their juice sectrets...we do it for the love of it...no matter what they say in FLEX...f*ck 'em--you've found the right place for info...good luck!

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
"Get BIG, or get the f*ck out," "Smoke it 'til your fingers burn," "The world IS mine!!"

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 21, 2000 02:50 PM

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No Yoda I did not get the wrong impression. You are right, they don't like admiting to anything, as they would like everyone to think they are snow fucking white.

Do any of them have a guilty consience, when they see their face in a magazine advertising some bullshit supplement that costs as much as a months supply of steroids. Usually saying things like yes I gained 20 lb's of pure muscle to win the Nationals using mega fat gain 6,000,000.

Great work if you can find it, getting payed to lie.

Damn I don't know why I'm in such bad humor these day's. It must be the progesterone effect of the Deca I'm using. Testosterone never makes me moody, in fact I'm usually in good humor on Test, but once I add that damn Deca.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 21, 2000 02:55 PM

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The webpage should be fixed: www.webspawner.com/users/jdisbodybuilding/

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Cool Novice

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posted September 21, 2000 05:46 PM

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The Pro's are not in this for their health. (no pun intended) They are in this to make money on something they are good at (i.e. bodybuilding) And they would be out of the freakin' minds to tell you what they take, because it's against the law. What purpose would it serve to them to tell you anything? Being a "nice guy" to you could put them in jail. It's not worth it to them.
That's why we have this board, to help everyone out. There isn't alot of bragging on this board, it's just a great way to exchange idea's and to relate what you know to other people who are searching for that infomation. I have every book on gear I can find, but I have learned more from this board in the last six months, than in ANY book.

And as for the your proposed capping....Do you you want me to talk to Gerry and Martin for you? LOL!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 82
From:Northern Ireland
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 22, 2000 04:50 AM

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That is true for American Bodybuilders, but not for British or Irish Bodybuilders as it is legal to possess steroids here for your own personal use, but illegal to supply.

Believe it or not, but the one Pro who told me more than any of the rest was actually an American.

What I was trying to say is that most of the pro's you see competing were created, they didn't just work things out by themselves.

It's like an exclusive club, if you don't have the money or are not a friend of a friend then you don't get in.

The drug secrets of the pro's have been passed down from one set of pro's and their personal trainers to the next.

Fenian You are right this is how a lot of them make their money and they know that if everyone knew these secrets then they would be out of a job.

We on this board can only speculate what they are really doing.

Why do you think so many pro's and personal trainers are taking the Hump with Paul Boresson? Is he right in what he says, that the pro's have always been using mega doses of steroids from the very start? From what that American Pro bodybuilder told me I believe Paul could be right.

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