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  Stanozolol tabs questions again.

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Author Topic:   Stanozolol tabs questions again.


Posts: 9
Registered: Apr 2000

posted September 10, 2000 10:31 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

I ask a question about Stanozolol tabs about a week ago and got one good response. Now I have another question. I have increased the dosage to 20 mg a day and have been on them for about 2 weeks now and am starting to notice good results. My question is after I quit taking stanozolol in about 8 more weeks is there anything I should do like maybe take Clomid, Clomid is something I am not familiar with (is it a drug or some sort of cleansing formula) and what does it do? Or should I do nothing for about 8 weeks and start back again on the Stanozolol. The only noticeable side affects on stanozolol so far is some small acne developing here and there which is not a big proble....yet. I use that teenage crap for acne and it seems to work just fine. I am pretty old LOL to be taking acne medicine but what the hell. I feel younger so it must be working on something.
I looked back through your old postings on here so I wouldn't ask the same dumb question that somebody else might have asked in the past but did not find anything on Stanozolol.
Thanks for your time in advance. Any info will be greatly appreciated.


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 466
From:almere, the Netherlands
Registered: Feb 2000

posted September 10, 2000 12:40 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Clomid is used to bring your natural testosteron production back up after the cycle. Stanozolol will probably not shut it down completely, but still it is a good idea to use it after your cycle. You can use the search on this board for more info on clomid.

I understand that you are planning to use the stano for 10 weeks ? make that 8 weeks MAX. This because stano is hard on the liver. Therefor i think it is a good idea to use Milkthistle (again you can use the search for more info) and please do NOT drink alcohol.

After the 8 weeks rest, you can start another cycle like this one.

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