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  Started my first cycle today!

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Author Topic:   Started my first cycle today!

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 227
From:Las Vegas, NV USA
Registered: Feb 2000

posted September 08, 2000 08:06 PM

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I finally got all my shit and started today on an E2 cycle.
I'm 6'2" 250lbs. 13% bf. 43yrs old.
I shot 500mgs of Sust. and 400mg of Deca today.
My cycle consists of:
Sust Deca D-bol
750 400 6-day
500 400 6-day
500 400 5-day
500 400 4-day
500 400 4-day
500 400
500 300
250 200

Sustanon shots every 3-days
Deca shots once a week
D-bol every 4-hrs.
50mg clomid eod through-out the cycle.
1-week after last shot,100mgs. clomid ed for 2-weeks. Then 50mgs. ed for 2-weeks.
Supplements are: 160mgs. milk thistle 3xday.
1500mg vitamin C
B-complex vitamin
3-tabs multi-vitamin
400iu vitamin E
2500iu Beta-carotene
3-tabs, 3xday of Omega Stak (omega 3,6,9 GLA)
Glutamine powder 3xday
protein powder 25g with every meal.
MRP shake twice a day.

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Posts: 9
From:Manhattan Beach, CA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 08, 2000 08:08 PM

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Happy Growing Bro

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 227
From:Las Vegas, NV USA
Registered: Feb 2000

posted September 08, 2000 08:22 PM

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Oh yeah,
18 amps Nile Sustanon
30ml Decanandrolen 200
200 Pink Thai D-bol

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 379
From:Central NJ
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 08, 2000 09:04 PM

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Why the dbol, and why the taper on the sust?

Just wondering, maybe you know something I don't.

Good luck, man.


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posted September 08, 2000 09:35 PM

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Bjaarki,why not,maybe you are the guy who know something we don't know.

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posted September 08, 2000 09:45 PM

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I am sure you will grow on this cycle.

The only objection would be the high dosages.

The test is not a big deal since it amplifies gains with higher dosages (until you hit a certain, although high, dosage).

The Deca would be my biggest concern considering 400mg/week would be the maximum dosage I would use. I personally would use a diamond pattern with the deca since you will get a nice kick from the d-bol.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Las Vegas, NV USA
Registered: Feb 2000

posted September 09, 2000 05:15 PM

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The d-bol is to kick start the cycle.
Practically every web site I've found on steriod profiles say usual dosages for Deca is 400-600mg a week.

I've been reading this board for almost a year and the thing I get most is "YOUR FIRST CYCLE IS YOUR BEST"

Here is few archives that Involve E2 and 2thick, that made me go this way: www.elitefitness.com/ubb/Archives/Forum1/04-2000/009260.html www.elitefitness.com/ubb/Archives/Forum1/05-2000/011403.html www.elitefitness.com/ubb/Archives/Forum1/04-2000/008481.html

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Central NJ
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 09, 2000 08:14 PM

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Quenepo, no, I'm sure I don't know a thing that you bros don't know, quite seriously. The only reason I asked about the dianabol is that Jocko is an older guy, 43 years old, and I've often heard that dbol is contraindicated for older guys because of the water retention problem, effect on blood pressure, etc..

I asked about the taper on the sust because I've usually read that sust is self tapering, because of the different half lifes of the four different test esters. I've always thought you just start and stop sust at the same dose, while Jocko's using a taper, or rather a reverse pyramid type setup.

Those are the reasons why I asked Jocko about these two features of his cycle. Looks like he's been reading up a lot, though, so I'm not concerned, just curious.


[This message has been edited by Bjaarki (edited September 09, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:fresno, ca, usa
Registered: May 2000

posted September 09, 2000 08:39 PM

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I was wondering the same as B.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 227
From:Las Vegas, NV USA
Registered: Feb 2000

posted September 10, 2000 12:25 AM

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I'm shooting Sustanon every 3-days @ 1cc 250mgs, so if you look at it without the 7-day week calender, where is the taper?
Sustanon every 3-days for the whole cycle for 8-weeks. Your body doesn't know if it is Monday or Wednesday or the 5th or 6th of the month.
Furthermore i've read over and over that you should always taper at the end of a cycle, to prevent a crash.( Except for Sust.)
This is my first cycle, I want gains, I want strength, I want it done right.

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Cool Novice

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posted September 10, 2000 08:30 AM

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Sounds good Bro. Sust. is self tapering, but the way you want to do it will work just fine.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Central NJ
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 10, 2000 10:45 AM

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Okay, I get the idea with the sust. What about the dbol, though? I've had some pretty experienced vets tell me that dbol is a no no for older guys, because of the water retention and hypertension thing. You're already a pretty big guy, it seems, and big guys like you are often hypertenstion risks. How's your BP?

Also, are you just going to do the sust/dbol cycle and quit there, or bridge into a cutting cycle?

Again, man, I'm not trying to flame you (I hope that's clear!), just trying to learn a little here, and to understand your goals. If you want to take this discussion off the board, you can email me.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 227
From:Las Vegas, NV USA
Registered: Feb 2000

posted September 10, 2000 02:42 PM

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No I don't think your flaming me, thanks for your replies.
In all honesty since your post, that is the first time I've heard d-bol is hard on us older guys. And 43 is not old, man. My bp is 110/78. My wife is a nurse, gives my shots (they don't hurt at all).My cycle is Sust-Deca-D-bol.
As far as bridging, no. I plan on doing another bulk cycle in January and a cutting cycle in May.
Remember now this is my first cycle. I train hard Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. One body part a week. I eat every 2-3 hrs.

Let me give you an e-mail sent/replied by E2:
When taking your sustanon, it's best to take the shots every three days or so to keep the propinate levels pretty much the same. So you might wanna take 500mg on your first shot then 3-days later 250mg. You know this whole concept of weeks is screwed up, don't really base your cycle on weeks, I know it's convienient but it never really works out for inj. times. Take your sust every 3-days or so. Your Deca, has a half life of eight days, so you take 400mg now and in 8-days only 200mg remains active in your system, I'm sure you can see the build-up. So I usually inject Deca every 8-days, or you can make it 7 if you want, it makes it convienient for the week schedule thing.
I wish E2 would reply to this post to answer your questions on the D-bol, and age.

[This message has been edited by jocko (edited September 10, 2000).]

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Posts: 3898
Registered: Oct 1999

posted September 10, 2000 04:23 PM

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Bjaarki is right, if you have a pre-existing BP problem you shouldn't be taking dbol, well for that matter you shouldnt' be taking steroids at all, at least until you get your BP back down to normal. The dbol will put your BP through the roof and it will cause water retention. Now i'm assuming that you're in top phyiscal shape, that's why you're turning to steroids. So your body should easily handle the added stress. If however you're out of shape then i not only woulnd't take the dbol but i wouldn't take steroids at all.

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 379
From:Central NJ
Registered: Jul 2000

posted September 10, 2000 05:32 PM

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Thanks, E2. I didn't mean to put a scare into Jocko, and he's told us his BP is normal, so maybe there's no cause for concern.

I still wonder about the dianabol, though, at least for a guy in Jocko's position. Sust, deca and dbol sound like a hell of a lot of ammunition for a first cycle, especially for a guy in his 40's, and at 250 pounds this guy is already a very big dude (how much water weight do you want to pick up, Jocko?) though I know that a lot of the bros, including you, E2, I think, favor a strong stack like this. 2Thick would probably give Jocko a different read, but he hasn't chimed in on this thread yet.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to find out about this subject. Thanks for the back&forth, Jocko. Be well, and lift heavy, brothers.


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