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  Need some info from you OLDER vets

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Author Topic:   Need some info from you OLDER vets


Posts: 2
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 05, 2000 11:45 PM

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I'm new at this so hang with me a minute. I've been reading boards and doing research for about two months now. I'm 50yrs old, have been lifting on and off for many years, been back at it hard for over two years now. I have never done a cycle but am ready to start. I'm in the process of going to one of those Longevity Dr for a script.

I'm thinking Deca because of an injury (Rotator Cuff Tendinitis). I've been working on the injury for about 8 months now. Yes I want to get the size of a mountain but not on this one cycle. I'm eating 6 to 8 meals a day, good clean food, high protein. I'm 5'10" 187# with a 33" waist.

Can any of you OLDER vets give me some ideas or cautions for my age? I'm going to pick the Dr's brain but I thought I might get some real insite here.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted September 06, 2000 01:49 AM

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Not old, but I think deca would be a good drug of choice, especially if you aren't looking to make "huge" gains, and you want to keep it safe.
After you experiment with the deca, you can see what to expect, and what to improve/change in the future or next cycle.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 06, 2000 04:30 AM

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Hey fart - the problem with these longetivity Docs is that what they think is an effective dose and what we know works, is worlds apart. Most won't give you enough to make a lot of difference. Yeh, you will feel better with 200 mg. of test every couple weeks, but I bet you want to reverse the effects of aging, not just slow them down. You are a possible for a GH regime also, if your doc is really enlightened - GH is the shit for old guys. Tell him you want optimum test and GH levels, not minimal acceptable. If he won't do it, shop around. Check out www.drnadler.com if you want to talk to a really cool doctor on this stuff.
BTW, I believe in breaking out the heavy artillary for us older guys - we need it more than the young guys on here.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 06, 2000 10:12 AM

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i agree with ironmaster, i checked out dr. nadlers site he has some good info, rumor is he may help with advice on "supplement" usage, shoot him an e-mail ask him your qustions. dr nadler is a body builder himself and has been around the game for a long time.

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posted September 06, 2000 10:20 AM

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Hey old fart, I work with a variety of older lifters and find on thing in common. They forget they are older! I am not saying to start doing your squats out of a walker but somethings must change. You must use your brain to lift now. Even with a minimal dosage of gear you will not recover as well as the younger groups will so you must start tricking your body a little to get it to respond. I have a 56 year old uncle with the same problems, been lifting for years! I hope to have him ready to step on stage again next summer. Email me and I can help you will your lifting routines and make some suggestions.

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iron mover

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posted September 06, 2000 10:37 AM

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Hey,fart i am 53 & i am waiting for my script from Dr. Skruggs my "therapy will consist of TestCyp:150mg every/4 days Deca:150mg. every/days (these are preloads) also Halo5/per day. My web tv can't use hushmail so I can't email you but I can receive it if you need some info & if I can I'll answer on the Elite board. IRON MOVER

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From: South Carolina
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posted September 06, 2000 10:37 AM

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Old Fart, this is truely Ironic. I have had men in my family, those not involved in bodybuilding who are single in their 50's , and all they want to do is chase young pussy, so they come to me and say. "TS, turn me into a monster".
Although, I agree with their end desire, I think their path and yours should be more prudent. I have got a buddy of mine who competed at last years USA'S at the age of 48 in the mens OPEN Heavyweight devision.
He placed 4th, but not to bad considering the youth and strength of the competitors at that lvl in the NPC. Anyway, I digress I know for a fact that your interest in this issue will wind up being the best thing you ever did. Two recomendations for ya.
Dont dismiss a hormone replacement therapist, and actual PHD over self-administration. I have had the opportunity to follow my uncles progress, although his limited to his drug choices, obviously, they go to great extent to periodically check his health, bp,liver,kidnesy,prostate to make sure everything is in working order.
Now, if your relativly secure with your health, want a little more varitey in drug choices, and want to savea ton of money, then you can explore self-adiminstration. Two things, I would advise you not hit the deca by itself, I have heard of impotence becoming a problem in men over 30 using deca by itself. I say, dont toss the deca, just add in some testosterone. 250mg of sustanon in conjunction with 200mg of nandralone, at your age would send you body into a time warp right back to your early thirties.
I have watched the progress of a couple older men in my gym, both of whom have assumed test replacement in one form or the other. Both, at the age of 50 are doing their first compition after 1 year of replacement. Good luck

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Antwerp, Belgium
Registered: Apr 2000

posted September 06, 2000 04:14 PM

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As T.S. says, Deca will give you temporarely impotence if taken alone. Also watch out for your prostate, high blood pressure, eventually depending on dose and roid, gyno. There is no cure for Progesterone problems.


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Posts: 2
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 06, 2000 10:24 PM

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Guys, you are amazing!
This is exactly what I was looking for, I knew I could find some insight here.

I'm waiting on my copy of blood test and GH levels now (hope to have them tomorrow). Talked to the Doc today, he has a copy of my blood work. He told me I was REAL low but didn't give me the figures (my copy is being mailed to me).

The Doc is talking about some kind of test cream custom made for my test levels (?) and being on it for the rest of my life? He didn't balk about the Deca but said he was thinking 50mg a week? He said don't listen to those bodybuilders, 50 is a lot (I don't think so but he is going to give me the script anyway). He said after I got the stuff, he wanted blood work again after 4 weeks of use. He said after we did this, we would talk about GH.

I think I see where this is going already and I like what I'm hearing here better. I'm going to run this out and see what all the Doc has to say (like the idea of the second blood work) - - - - then!

I'm getting pumped just talking about it....I could be on a cycle within the next two weeks!!!

Thanks again for all your input and I'll keep you posted.

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