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Author Topic:   ritilin

Cool Novice

Posts: 17
Registered: May 2000

posted September 04, 2000 11:51 PM

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has anyone evr heard of ritilin being used for weight loss purposes and what the dosage would be?

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The Bull

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posted September 04, 2000 11:54 PM

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Nope....just a good way to screw your body up...

What you lookin' at!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 04, 2000 11:57 PM

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methylphenidate can be utilized to help loose weight as it is similiar to amphetamines and will decrease your appetite. there isnt a magic pill to weight loss though and you should look at your diet and activity level before you try using stimulants

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Sustville, DecAmerica aka Illinois
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posted September 05, 2000 12:09 AM

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I'm gonna have to warn you against this one. You better be one mentally strong mother before starting on that journey, it'll fuck with your head, and eat your muscle. You won't be "you" anymore. You'll lose your sense of humor and the ability to be happy. don't touch the stuff. the docs and teachers used to shove that stuff down my throat when I was little. and even into high school. and you know when I stopped being a problem child, when I finally got my "own" head back. I settled down when i got off that shit. obviously they wrongfully thought i was hyperactive when i was probably just being a normal kid. but i'm off now and i've never felt better, sorry for the rant, but don't touch it

LUVS2JUICE, you're my hero

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posted September 05, 2000 12:13 AM

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Unity66 is correct in his point, but I used it before as a study aid before finals a couple of years ago and lost a great deal of fat as a side effect. I used one in the morning and then another 5 hours later. I couldn't tell you what the dosages were because they were given to me loosely. But it is basically equally effective as clenbuterol, ECA, or anything else the first few times you use it. I didn't feel the same effects when I tried it a month later.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 05, 2000 12:17 AM

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Wow cantgetlayed! I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wouldn't put my kid on ANY drugs until after puberty, unless they have something more serious than behavior probs. Did ritalin make you more able to concentrate? I know adults that take it by choice.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 05, 2000 12:22 AM

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It's just a variation of crystal meth. Kids should not be taking it....this I agree. I don't understand the drug companies sometimes. But if I didn't get random drug tests at work, I would be on it for sure. It really helps you concentrate. For example, I learned HTML in one afternoon when I was bored because of ritalin.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted September 05, 2000 03:36 AM

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CANT, your situation is becoming the norm these days. There are even schools that want all the kids on Ritalin, they recommend it to all the kids and try to remove children from the classes whose parents won't allow it. Schools want little controllable drones these days, and they have found a way of doing it pharmacologically.
ADD has been shown to be a real disorder, by various metabolic tests, especially using brain imaging instrumentation, BUT very few kids are actually tested this way. Fucking psychologists are making questionnaires to diagnose these and other horseshit "syndromes". If you want a real laugh do a search for "Oppositional Defiance Disorder". This "syndrome" essentially takes the definition of a child and turns it into a disorder. FUCK, I was eat up with this shit as a kid, and nobody caught it.
Sorry for the rant, but this topic boils my nuts.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Louisville, Ky. United States
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posted September 05, 2000 12:06 PM

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Ritalin can be beneficial for those who acctually have ADD or ADHD. Too often parents, teachers, and doctors prescribe medicine to children because they are just being kids and they have lazy ass parents that don't push them and want a quick fix. If you have a person that really has ADD then it is much different. I have it and am taking something called ADDERALL which is similar to Ritalin but is longer acting. If you have ADD it doesn't have the same Methamphetamine properties. The medicines have helped me but you had better have a serious problem if you are using them. Other wise my diagnosis is you are a fucking idiot for using them.

That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 05, 2000 12:13 PM

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Curious is exactly correct. If you have ever been around a child that is 'really" ADD or ADHD then you will understand. You cannot concentrate..you will sit and stare at the walls etc. When the medication is used correctly it can take a failing child and turn them into a winner.....I "unfortunately" have many years of experience with this type of behavior...I do not believe in giving medication for when it is not necessary...for some it is.....if you have further questions please e-mail me I will be glad to try and help you ....!!!

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