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  cutting up with winstrol?? Help me out!!

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Author Topic:   cutting up with winstrol?? Help me out!!


Posts: 2
From:Austin, TX, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 02, 2000 11:13 PM

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Hey bros,
This is my first post here, even though I have been coming to this site for over a year now. Here is the deal, I am a 21 year old rugby player and I have been working out for over 3 years now. I used to be extremely overweight (aprox. 310 lbs @ 6'2") I am now at about 230 and have been the same size for about a year and a half. I have been successful with mild clen usage and eca in the past, but I am now at a point of discouragement since I have not even changed in my performance or physique in the last year or so. My ultimate goal is to shred down to a solid 210 or so. I would also like to improve my performance and stamina in rugby. My goal is not to get any bigger than I already am as I do have a substantial amount of muscle mass and a large body frame. Mainly the clen and eca are not doing it for me anymore. I am interested in trying out Winstrol for a cycle. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Here are my current physique specs.
Ht. 6'2"
Wt. 230
body fat% (aprox) 15-18%
waste(in.) 38"

Will Winstrol help me reach my goals? I feel my motivation slipping away due to the fact that (even though I bust my ass 2 hours a day with 30 minutes to an hour of cardio 4 times a week) I am starting to feel weaker (less stamina) and I am getting nowhere!
I truly appreciate this site and everyone's dedication to improve their performance and I look forward to reading your comments.

Thanks for reading this long-ass post!

Keep on Ruckin!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 880
From:Boston, MA
Registered: Jan 2000

posted September 02, 2000 11:36 PM

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I think winny is just what you're looking for. I put my friend on 100mg/eod for 8 weeks and he shed 17lbs of bodyfat. He didn't lose any strength, but didn't get any stronger. It's all about the diet man. Keep a strict diet and do winny at 50-100mg/eod and there is no reason why you can't reach your goal.

Get Juiced and Stay Loyal

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Posts: 2
From:Austin, TX, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted September 02, 2000 11:41 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

thanks Diana,
I am glad to hear that! I am not rally looking to get stronger or bigger, that sounds just like what I am looking for. Anyone else have advice or personal experience? Just want to know if this is the right one. I am fully prepared to use it, just don't want to throw my money away!!

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