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  Opinions on a female cycle

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Author Topic:   Opinions on a female cycle

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1081
Registered: Mar 2000

posted August 29, 2000 11:36 PM

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I need alittle help. Tried the womans board, but noone is over there. My girlfriend has been working out for about a year. She's
5'2" 110lbs. She wants to try a first cycle.
What type of gear would you suggest and at what dosages.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 11:42 PM

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Hey Saint whats up Brother...just talked to Ulter...when are we gonna hook up? Here is a thought:
A good solid mass stack
Anavar 10mg/day
Primo 100mg/week
Deca 50mg week

If she eats clean shes looking at 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass.


**Can you smell what the Chef is Cooking?**

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lil papa pump

Cool Novice

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posted August 29, 2000 11:45 PM

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somethimg very mild at a very low dose for a short period of time. ive seen a lot of pretty girls fuck themselves up. clen is always a good option for women, no andro side-effects. just an opinion though.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 11:48 PM

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Chef, Good stack, but I was thinking along the lines of one a/s to start a first cycle.
Winny,primo,deca or something like that.
She doesn't want a mustache.lol
E-mail me and let me know.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 11:52 PM

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By Trevor Smith

In the past few months I have been asked by numerous people to post information for the
women. Basically I have been asked to suggest cycles and program geared specifically for
them. To be honest, I have held off on dealing with this topic for one reason: I DON�T

Well that is not entirely true, I feel that there are many safe compounds out there that
women can benefit from, however it is the fact that I see entirely too many "men" that used
to look like women walking around parading as bodybuilders that causes me to be
apprehensive in dealing with this topic

I honestly don�t know why some women take it to a level of damn near changing their sex for
the sake of a trophy. I find this faction of women's bodybuilding extremely disturbing and I
am not the only one as evident by the fact that the sport all but died last year...to me it is

Whew! Now that I got that out of my system let�s address the concerns and needs of those
tight bodied level headed women that just want to get a little more tone and need the
chemical assistance to combat some of natures road blocks.

In terms of a cycle for Women, they should be concerned only that they need to control the
fat deposits and keep the body tight and hard and to do this we have to some-how change
the ration of androgen to estrogen in their bodies without suppressing estrogen�as that
could cause big problems�and without adding the harsh androgens�which can also cause big

Well than what are we to do? Before you think this task impossible you must understand that
there are certain compounds out there that will not have much of a negative impact on women
if used correctly and once we know what they are we can put together a safe and effective

First the YES compounds:








And now for the NO compounds:



Now I know some of you out there are shaking your head saying I don�t know what the fuck I
am talking about because you know so and so who uses deca and a little test and she is hot
and sexy and doesn�t look like a man�.yadda..yadda..yadda� This may very well be the case,
but when it comes to women I believe in making a blanking statement that errors on the side

So let�s stick with the YES compounds and put together a six week course that will increase
lean tissue and decrease bodyfat�especially in the hip and thigh region that plague almost all
women (which is due to hip structure)

I really will not touch upon training and diet here because it shouldn�t be all that different in
terms of a mans�sans certain different vitamin and mineral requirements which can be
compensated for with a good multi-pak)

Training should be balls to the wall, short and intense as all hell

Whether in an "Off-Season"�don�t you just love the pig female bodybuilders that go up to
215lbs. of androgen bloat and claim "I�m in the Off-Season and bulking up"�.next time you
hear one of them say that ask them if they stand when they pee as well---mode or not, ALL
EACH SESSION. This will help keep the metabolic rate high and chip away at that stubborn
fat and cellulite that women are pre-disposed to.

Nutrition should be akin to a male bodybuilder something like 1.5 grams per pound of
bodyweight during the 6 week course. (then it should drop down a bit during the off time)

6 week course as follows:

Weeks 1-6: 100mg of Primobolan Depot and 50mg of Winstrol V

60-80mcg of Clenbuterol per day on a 5 on 2 off schedule

25mcg of Cytomel divided into 2 12.5mcg doses one upon waking and one 5 hours later on a 5
on 2 off schedule

5mg of Anavar per day taken as 2 2.5mg tabs�One in morning and One at night

2i.u. of G.H. taken before bed on a 5 on 2 off schedule

As you can see, this course is pretty much entirely anabolic and the doses are quite safe.
There should be NO virilization symptoms at all and yet one should get substantially hard and
add muscle if training, nutrition and cardio are all done correctly.

If you would like further information on One to One coaching regarding the above
information please feel free to contact me. And remember, ladies, please keep in mind that
you are quite beautiful when you add muscularity to femininity and sensuality�but don�t go
overboard�you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you feel the need to put on lots of
size and look like a freak take some money and go see a shrink�.There are bigger problems
you are neglecting to confront and they will not be fixed by wearing a "MAN SUIT"

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 12:03 AM

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This would be the only cycle I would give my women. I wouldn't want to fuck a roid chick. For a stronger effect, you could add T3 and/or Clenbuterol.

Anavar 15mg daily for 6 weeks
Primobolan 50mg - 100mg weekly for 8 weeks

"I make one fuckin mistake..."
(The guy who injected Anabolic Steroids in the right side of his sphincter)

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 603
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posted August 30, 2000 12:05 AM

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Your holiness,

I just put this out on the boards last week and the one thing that everyone had in common was Oxandrolone (anavar). Warlobo on this board, Twisted Steel on xman's they all said anavar. For a 1 AS cycle. I'm going to watch this post with great interest, as you know.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 65
From:north hollywood, ca, united states
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 30, 2000 12:09 AM

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(DURABOLIN). NOT DECA it remains to long in the system for a female. Hope it helps.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 12:36 PM

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Thanks for the help bros. Juiceseeker, Great info--thanks.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 25
From:scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 30, 2000 12:50 PM

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Thanks "Juiceseeker" it was nice to hear your option on- female cycle . It's always good to hear a males perspective.

Sometines us women get in way over our heads without even realizing it.

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Mr. T

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 02:09 PM

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Hey Saint, I was in the same boat looking for a cycle for my wife. Most women I talked to told me primo, 50mgs pyramiding up to 100mgs for a couple weeks and then back down. My wife was willing but I got scared. Their simply is not enough literture on the effects of AS on women to make me feel comfortable giving it to her. Not worth the risk if you ask me-

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 02:19 PM

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I know what you mean Mr.T. I don't want her to look like Chyna from the WWF LOL,but
Have you seen some of the girls on our womens board? YEEEEEEOW

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 02:31 PM

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I don't know if you can believe the rumors about the stars but my wife was told Sarah Jessica Parker was on anavar a few years back.

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Mr. T

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 02:47 PM

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HAHA-Chyna does look a little scary. My wife is 36-24-36 so I just asked myself: How much better can she look? Is that five pounds of muscle worth possible long term health defects? Not to mention problems with periods and the possibility that AS can screw with a womens reproductive abilities. I love the way the fitness chicks look but I love my wife more. Good luck Saint-

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 02:55 PM

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Well, my girlfriend finished up about 3 weeks ago on 100mg primo/50mg deca/ plus clen and t3 and her voice still started squeeking towards the end. It hasn't gone away yet, but I suspect it will get better. Although, it may be just a bit deeper in pitch, which i don't mind.

So, just because it is supposed to be safe and not cause side effects doesn't mean it won't. Your girl better be ready to deal with the side effects when they hit and sooner or later they will.

BTW, she also hasn't had a period in 2 1/2 months. Go figure.


Chestys Homeworld

[This message has been edited by chestyII (edited August 30, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 03:42 PM

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saint you scared me for a minute bro, thought maybe your estrogen was too high. saint you have helped me 100 times already and i am greatful, my only opinion on this is to really think it through, i really don't believe a/s is for women. make sure your girl really wants this and do alot of research first. if she has plans of competing then thats a way to go but just too look good, i don't think its worth it, i'm willing to bet she looks great already.and don't forget to tell her about the addiction. thats something no of us can deny.........good luck bro


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 04:12 PM

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What addiction? That's bull.. I've quit at least a dozen times.

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Posts: 1261
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posted August 30, 2000 05:21 PM

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One thing about the A. board is that I can cut to the point. So here it is. One fricking year of training ain�t shit.

That being said, never start a women out on her first cycle with a stack. They do not need it. You do not know her INDIVIDUAL tolerances to that specific roid. Every women responds differently, and in some cases there is a DRAMATIC difference.

Sides WILL occur, I have never seen a women use roids in any appreciable amount that did not get some side effects. It will happen and you better prepare them for this. We can take steps to MANAGE the sides. 90% of this management is in the way of dosing. Some sides become permanent, other dissipate over time.

You need to set a solid goal for what she is trying to do. This is so important because the long term success better out weigh the long term sides. Most every time I hear as a goal, �loose 15 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle.� Well guess what, it don't work like that. If you want to drop the fat while helping to preserve the muscle that's one thing. If you want to build muscle, well, that's another.

One other point I would like to make is that in general women are some 10x's more sensitive to roids than men. Let me put that into perspective. Lets say you do a first cycle with just 500mg of sust per week, a little 'ol two amps. Well, what would happen if you took TWENTY amps of sust in one week? You getting my point? What do you figure your sides would be like?

Do some home work on the women's board. And yes it may take some time for a reply, not every board get 1000+ posts a day � but it WILL be answered. And just remember, you fuck up JUST once and your lady will pay for the rest of her life. She is trusting you with a huge responsibility, don't take it lightly - not that you are, and it's good your asking questions, just making sure you understand the pitfalls.



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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 06:14 PM

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Warlobo, That really pisses me off, ya fucker. hahaha j/k I really appreciate the responses. How about some clambutteroil.
You're right about her wanting to tighten up the hip area. She does her cardio, eats right, works out 3 times a week with me. She has alot of intensity, but can't get that hip area tightened. Do you think some clen would be a safe alternative?

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Posts: 1261
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posted August 30, 2000 06:25 PM

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Now I would go along with that. And I know what your talking about with the hip/glute/upper leg area. This is just a royal pain in the ass for some women.

The clen for two weeks, then e/c/a for two weeks. Cycle this way and just tell her to keep lifting. And lift just like a man would big and heavy! Well, as heavy as a women can. You build that muscle and things will change. I also am a bigger fan of doing cardio longer and not so often. So in my book three one hour sessions are better than six 30 min sessions. The last 15-20 min of the 60 min cardio is killer for getting to that fat.

Glad I didn't piss you off - not trying too, I just get worked up at times - and I'm off right now! Hehehe, maybe I'm getting trigger happy thinking about my next cycle.... Damn this down time!



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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 06:34 PM

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Thanks Lobo, I'm heading down to baskin and robbins now-----that REALLY pisses her off.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 30, 2000 06:42 PM

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ARggggghhhhhh.. I HATE it when my boyfriend does that!!!! Last night it was 2 quarter pounders with cheese. I almost started drooling.

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