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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 494
Registered: Feb 2000

posted August 29, 2000 11:07 PM

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This was sent to us by one of the readers and it is funny as hell. Everyone tends to think that E.A.S. mogul Bill
Phillips created the current format of bullshit hype that made his company and the likes of Muscle-Tech and everyone
else who seemingly copied his formula very, very rich. However, as you can see in the circa 1963 article, Weider was
ahead of his time and proved once again to be ahead of his time. Enjoy

Weider's Muscle Builder Magazine
June-July, 1963

Recenty there has been much talk in bodybuilding circles about so-called "miracle" tissue-buiding drugs. Because of
the nature of these drugs and the lack of information, the Weider Research Clinic has decided to publish the results of
their study of tissue-building materials.

The Truth About Tissue Drugs

by Jon Twichell
Research Editor

"I hear you can gain 40 or 50 pounds in a couple of months!"

"And I hear all the champs really use it, and that's why they won their titles."

My buddy tells me there's a guy he knows that weighs 260, all muscle!!" How true are these claims ? Well, bodybuilders,
unfortunately they are all false. Tissue drugs will not give you fantastic physiques overnight, and they are extremely dangerous
to use. The Weider Research Clinic has found that these drugs are definately not suitable for bodybuilding use.

You Aren't Going to Become Mr. America Overnight

The first claim that we shall give you the real results on is how much you can actually gain with these drugs.

Several medical studies have been made and reported in leading medical journals. In 1959 The American Journal of
Meidcine reported a team study done by Marquette University and a local Veterans Center. They reported a mean weight
gain of 9 pounds over a space of six months. In 1961 a study reported in the American Journal of Gastroenterology (it was
conducted by the New York Medical College) reported an average weight gain of 6.4 pounds in 2 months. Further, a study
reported in the February 1962 issue of the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey stated that the average weight gain of
a controlled hospital group was less than 4 pounds in a month for the entire group!

Tissue drugs are medially designed to be given to those who are underwieght, those whose bodies need and can put on more
weight than a bodybuilder or even an average person. If these results show such a small weight gain, why should a bodybuilder
even consider them, when his system is in much better order and he can gain up to 14 pounds in the next two weeks with
Weider Crash-Weight ? Actuall true reports of 20 or 30 pound weight gains over the period of several months are just about
nonexistant, while we have many fully docuemented reports of gains with Crash-Weight of 10-15-20 pounds in just 2 weeks !

These Drugs are Dangerous Hormones

About 1935 science became aware of a male hormone called androgen, which takes control of a boy's body at puberty and
guides it on to adulthood. This hormone is responsible for the growth of the sex organs, body hair and other characteristics that
signal approaching adulthood. They also are resonsible for the teenager's loss of smooth contours and gaining of solid muscle

Researchers were aware that the hormone's anabolic (bodybuilding) effects could be of extreme value, provided they could be
separated from the androgenic (body-changing) effect of the hormone. The first drugs tested produced some weight gain, but
the sexual side-effects of the drug were much too pronounced. Continued experimentation led finally to the drugs in use today,
Dianabol, Niverar, Durabolin, and all the rest. These drugs do not contain as much sex hormones, but they do contain
enough to easily upset the sexual balances of the body.

Furthermore, the effect of the drugs is this: they artificially alter the nitorgen balance, thereby making the body use more protein
than normal in tissue growth. Drugs similar to these that have been used extensively in raising livestock have recently been
banned because of their possible cancer causing characteristics. Whether there is any parallel we cannot say, but certainly these
drugs bear further investigation.

Tissue drugs are available by prescription only, because of their nature. Misuse of them can have serious consequences . . . as
far as we are concerned, they were not developed for bodybuilders and should not be used by bodybuilers.

The Champs Don't Use These Drugs

As far as the Weider research Clinic has investigated, only one bodybuilder of any measure of fame has ever used these drugs,
and this report is only hearsay. At the moment we are trying to verify it. Other than this possible instance, not one physique
star has ever taken these pills or advised anyone to take them. Steve Reeves never needed pills to become the most
famous bodybuilder of all time, Clarence Ross, Art Harris, Leo Robert or any other physique star needed them, so why should
you ? Leroy Colbert feels very strongly on this point. He says, "The bodybuilder should follow as natural a diet as possible at all
times. Drugs were invented to cure the ills created by man's poor living!"

There is no necessity to follow artificial means to grow a strong, natural body. The two are not compatible. Take the advice of
the champions: "Natural ways are the best!"

Who Needs Another Inch on His Waist?

There is yet another factor to consider in the use of these drugs. They cannot be used selectively. That is, they affect the
entire muscular system equally, and not certain muscles that you may want to develop. you may add an inch to your arms, but
you'll add an inch to your neck also, and while you may add an inch or two to your chest, you'll also add it to your waist and

Selective development is possible through correct exercise and sensible nutrition. By following the Weider System and eating
properly you can build the physique of your dreams without possibly upsetting the vital hormone and digestive systems
of your body.

If You Want More Weight,
Use Weider Crash-Weight

In our own research, once again the natural way has proven the best. In clinic conducted experiments, one subject gained 5
pounds in 5 weeks with one of the tissue drugs. Yet this same person gained 9 pounds in 8 days with Weider Crash
Weight-Ganing Formula #7! Another of our subjects, who has been very slim after suffering an auto accident, tried three of
the various tissue drugs at different times, and gained not once ounce. The natural nutrients contained in our Crash-Weight
formula are the best proteins and carbohydrates money can buy . . . our formula represents a true break-through in
weight-gaining natrually and safely.

Therefore, if you want to gain muscular weight quickly and safely, if you don not want to run the risk of upsetting your internal
metabolism, if you want the natural, proven way, go Weider. Crash Weight-Gaining Formula #7 will give you the weight you
desire without dangerous side-effects, and it will give you more weight in less time. Combined with the Weider System and
your Weider barbell-dumbbell set, there is no finer way to that Mr. America physique.

Once again, the Weider Research Clinic says this: Tissue-building drugs are dangerous . . . they cannot be obtained without a
perscription, and no competant doctor will give you a perscription unless you are in need of a specific medicine. These pills, do
not give you fabulous gains, but rather less than you can gain with natural nutrition. We advise all bodybuilders who want
to gain weight safely and naturally to order Weider Crash Weight-Gaining Formula #7 . . . it'll be the best muscle buiding
investment you ever made!

- MB

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sour jerk

Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 429
From:bklyn ny usa
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 29, 2000 11:24 PM

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where can I get some weider crash formula?


ps.what kind of a name is
"weider crash formula"?

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 855
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 29, 2000 11:28 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 83
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 29, 2000 11:43 PM

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shit i better go and re order my cybergenics its again lol

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Cool Novice

Posts: 14
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 30, 2000 12:41 AM

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Damn, I just got back from GNC and the guy said they didn't have any... So I had to get the next best thing, 3 cases of super mega maxigain 5500! Mr. O, here I come!

<cartman>Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals, I'm living proof. Beefcake!!! Beefcaaaaake!!!</cartman>


[This message has been edited by Twiggy (edited August 30, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 51
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 30, 2000 12:44 AM

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Great post bro! To the top.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 269
From:Asheville, NC
Registered: Apr 2000

posted August 30, 2000 02:17 AM

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that is definetely the biggest crock of shit.
funny how the introduce their product, steriods are bad for you, you can now gain more weight and look better with crash weight gaining by Us!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 270
From:Bakersfield CA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 30, 2000 03:14 AM

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Weider Crash-Weight? Who the hell would use some shit with a name like that??

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 270
From:Bakersfield CA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 30, 2000 04:00 AM

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where'd you find the article?

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Posts: 6
From:Ontario, Canada
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 30, 2000 06:39 AM

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This article is all part of Weider's campaign to get bodybuilding recognized as an Olympic sport. He has to convince the Olympic committee that bodybuilding is not a bunch of people using banned drugs to get big or they will never approve it. In a recent article in the National Post (a national newspaper in Canada) he was quoted as saying that only one of the top ten at the Mr Olympia used steroids and he wasn't in the top five.

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 491
From:Louisville, Ky. United States
Registered: Apr 2000

posted August 30, 2000 01:47 PM

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That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 769
From:Antwerp, Belgium
Registered: Apr 2000

posted August 30, 2000 02:03 PM

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Well Joe Weider has fooled a lot of people for more then 20 years.
And it has made him very, very rich.
But to believe anything he says today or in his books he publishes today, is very foolish. I too was convinced by some of his articles, whaw, was i a fool.

Great article you gave us (for laughs).


Don't look back, life is too short

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 270
From:Bakersfield CA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 30, 2000 05:21 PM

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Gain 9 pounds in 8 days? Doesn't that sound like the Cell-Tech advertisement?

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Cool Novice

Posts: 16
From:Toronto, Ont
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 30, 2000 05:24 PM

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Funny you say that but that Cell-tech is not too bad (for a natural product), awesome pumps, worth the money!

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