Topic: Best for dropping bodyfat
Posts: 3 From:NY,NY Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 27, 2000 10:09 PM |
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Whats the best stuff to use for dropping body fat? I heard hgh was good for this, but it seems expensive...whats the best alternative? Thanks.
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 486 From:Canada Registered: Mar 2000
posted August 27, 2000 10:14 PM |
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1. Diet 2. Cardio 3. DNP 4. Clen/T3 5. Clen 6. E/C/AHGH apparently works well too although I have no experience with it.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 255 From: Registered: Apr 2000
posted August 27, 2000 10:14 PM |
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nothings gonna take off excess adipose tissue except diet and exercise.......everthing else merely helps to achieve these goals
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 243 From:Honolulu, Hawaii Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 27, 2000 10:34 PM |
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quote: Originally posted by Anabolicum Mister: 1. Diet 2. Cardio 3. DNP 4. Clen/T3 5. Clen 6. E/C/A
------------------ >|===|--- Take care, P.A.
Posts: 4 From:CANCUN , QROO, MEXICO Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:22 PM |
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Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 1057 From:CHICAGO,IL Registered: Mar 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:28 PM |
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Diet and e/c/a. Clen is ok. Stay away from dnp and the thyroids (t3&t4)
Posts: 1 From: Registered: Jul 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:29 PM |
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Anabolicum is right those should drop good amounts of bodyfat i'm starting all that stuff tnis week with the exception of dnp..probably do winter when i'm outta school.
Cool Novice

Posts: 27 From: Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:39 PM |
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REY try DNP. Works very well, if you can handle it.
Cool Novice

Posts: 16 From:CA Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:48 PM |
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Nothing will drop body fat like DNP but like the other's have said diet and excersise is the only thing that will keep the wieght off. I lost about 12 pounds in a one week DNP cycle, but it wasn't fun and my stupid impatient ass took it in the middle of summer(I sweated my ass off for 7 days). Other than the sweating i didn't get any other severe side effects. The reason was i researched it extensively(even though i ignored the little bit about doing it during the winter time)I took mass quantities of anti-oxidants and everything available for superhydrating myself including drinking over 2 gallons of water a day. I wouldn't think about doing DNP unless you are ready to devote an entire week to being sedantary in front of a fan in an air-conditioned enviroment. Other than when your working out and on these occasions you will be sweatin like a freak. Great to do if you are a student and ya get a winter break.If anyone is thinkin about doin DNP i have an essay with a bunch of must read info and it also dispells a few false rumor's about DNP. Rojo
Pro Bodybuilder
Posts: 414 From: Registered: Feb 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:51 PM |
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Elite Bodybuilder
Posts: 1057 From:CHICAGO,IL Registered: Mar 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:53 PM |
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rojo, Did you feel like shit in the gym?
Cool Novice

Posts: 27 From: Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:53 PM |
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I agree 100% with you Rojo.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 225 From:Antioch, CA, United States Registered: Apr 2000
posted August 27, 2000 11:55 PM |
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it depends on the person if you will become very lethargic or not. I suprisingly didn't. My workouts suffer more taking MD6 than with taking DNP. The stuff is pretty cool and works great. Its no worse than taking the juice in my opinion.
Cool Novice

Posts: 16 From:CA Registered: Aug 2000
posted August 28, 2000 12:26 AM |
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Sorry can't post the essay it is 175K in word format. To The Saint-I didn't feel like shit as in feeling weak, my strength was 100%. But i didn't really enjoy myself while i was there. A couple times i got real light headed and had to take a few extra minutes in between sets and i was sweatin all over the damn place but I would say i was able to put in about 75% of my usual effort into the workout. Which was pretty good i guess for the amount of weight i lost.
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 208 From:College Station, TX--USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted August 28, 2000 01:10 AM |
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Drop me an e-mail bro, I entered my last show 2 weeks ago at 150, 3% bodyfat, and I did the sh*t naturally...I'm 19, but it was my 3rd show and the best I've EVER looked!------------------ GIG 'EM, Badkins21 $$ [email protected], and whenever I get it up...a site on Elite Fitness
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 216 From:TX Registered: Jun 2000
posted August 28, 2000 02:34 AM |
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DNP bro.... start low to see how your body reacts though.john
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 108 From:NY Registered: Mar 2000
posted August 28, 2000 11:54 AM |
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i took DNP, with Tyramine and pure yohimbe HCl. dropped 7 lbs in 10 days. i can email dnp info to you. also i have a friend who has done an anabolic diet experiment with good results. read below :********************************************* On my current cycle I am doing 2cc's of aratest and 1 ccs of nor twice a week. Then a third day during the week I do 3ccs of straight t50. I have really cut my calories to see if what I have read and was told was true. What I am referring to is the fat burning abilities of anabolic gear. I have to say I am suprised in the results that I have had so far. I am not eating "clean", but I have been watching my carbs at night only and eating about only 2000-3000 cals a day. With ZERO cardio, My muscle mass has not gone up not a great deal (5-6 lbs) but my fat levels have been dropping extrememly fast at a consistent level. I am in my 5th week, and will soon start the eq and winny, and keep the prop all the way through. I have always been told you will not grow if you dont get at least 5000 calories during a cycle. To an extent this is true. Most people dont know, but the reason you need so many calories is that the body uses them for energy. If you want to build muscle very quickly, you have to provide the body with that many cals to so the body has enough fuel and energy to make the muscle you are trying to build. It is kinda like a car without gas, no matter how fast or far you can drive a car with half a tank of is still only half a tank of gas. Your body is very similar. No matter if you bump up to 2000mg of test a week, you are not going to grow that much without sufficient calories because the body will not have the energy to build the muscle you are trying to put on. Now, along with the muscle will come a large amount of fat. I read somewhere BigDawg saying that he hears all the time people put on 25-30 lbs a cycle. Sure, my first cycle I did the same thing. But, out of that 25-30 lbs how much of that do you think is real muscle? If I had to guess, I would say maybe 20%, at the most. So if you think about it, you may actually only put on 5-8 lbs of PURE solid muslce. Once the water is gone, and you lose all the fat you put on, that is usually what you are left with. Most people just kinda grumble and say, "Hell thats not worth it." I would have to disagree. I will take 7 lbs 3 times a year of lean muscle mass any time. Why do you think it takes pros so long to get to the elite of bodybuilders? They dont put on 20 pounds a cycle, they take thier time and build quality muscle slowly. Sure in the off season they bulk up a lot, but what do they always down. During my current cycle, I have dropped down to 195 right now, which is not huge at 5'10. The thing is I guarantee you I have more muscle mass than most of 220 pounders at the gym, and I am just as strong as them too. Plus they look bigger next to me, but I look BIGGER muscle wise than they do. Why, I honestly believe that gear is a real fat burning tool. It keeps your body anabolic, and as long as you are eating all throughout the day and keeping the cals low you are gonna burn a shit load of fat. Yes you can drop weight anytime by cutting your cals and increasing meals, but not as fast as I am burning fat right now. No damn way. I saw my ex girlfriend for the first time in alomost two months yesterday and she was amazed (hehehehe, serves the ***** right for moving out!!!), but anyway she said damn you are skinny, but your arms and shoulders are huge. Many people I have not seen in a while have been saying the same thing. The crazy thing is that the only difference between this cycle and and the rest I have done is that I am just taking in about half the cals I need, thats it. In five weeks I have dropped a lot of wieght, but I can actually see all the muscle mass I am putting on. It is amazing how much fat I have lost without doing any cardio at all. So will I put on 20 pounds on during this cycle, no. I dont want to. I would love to have a good 7 or 8 lbs while reducing my fat levels like they are right now. If anyone has ever experienced this or tried this I would love to hear how it worked out for you. I just cant believe how much fat I have lost, and I am not doing a damn thing different but not taking in bulking amounts of calories. I am still growing, maybe not at an astonishing rate, but still growing and looking better every week as the gut has gone down to goes down 32 (It was a 36 about 3 months ago), hopefully a 30 by week twelve. I will take a ripped 200 lbs over a fat 220 anyday of the week, especially during summertime. I have surely been bigger before, but I dont think I have ever been happier than now with the way I look. I took my first insulin shot today also, so we will see how that adds into the mix. I know that primo and anavar are great for doing this, but I did not know that test and decca alone worked the same way. I do get my gear at a good price, so experimenting like this is not that big of a money loss if it doesnt work out. That is why I would figure I would experiment with this and see what happens. Just wanted to let all the bros out there know that maybe there are other ways of taking this stuff and having it work without loading the bodies with lots of fat on a cycle, nobody wants that. Will let you know the progress as time goes by. Oh, and B**** once again thanks for the insulin help, went well without a glitch....peace.