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  Hemogenin users...

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bad brains

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 677
Registered: Jan 2000

posted August 27, 2000 09:11 PM

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This is for bro's who used it, I have used a bunch of different types of gear except a-bombs, I have done a lot of research, but I would like to hear real life experiences with anadrol or hemogenin (same thing)...do you get gyno everytime? Even with low doses as 1 tab a day? Gains?...

I against I.........H.R.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 27, 2000 09:15 PM

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I got awesome gains on 1 tab a day.Stack it with Test.No side effects.Oh yeah,by the way take your clomid EOD.t will also act as an anti estrogen


[This message has been edited by BIG HURT (edited August 27, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 27, 2000 09:23 PM

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everyone is different. i had one friend pissed blood from 1-2tabs a day, had another, friend stack 1tab/day with test, and made awesome gains with no side effect...

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Archdale, NC, USA
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posted August 27, 2000 09:28 PM

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does clomid/hcg help u keep gains w/ anadrol?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 27, 2000 09:38 PM

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liek what others had to say,

I have made good gains on as much as 3 tabs per day with no gyno and not anti-estrogen. Remember just because everyone says to use certain things ( novadex,clomid etc) doent mean that you the individual have to use it. I would get to know how your body reacts to compounds you may be fine with 1/2 a tab per day to start.

If you havent used anadrol before start with 1/2 per day for 4 weeks. Stack it with a good injectable ( deca,sustanon even equipoise) you will make excellent gains

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Cool Novice

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From:bakersfield, CALIFORNIA
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posted August 27, 2000 09:48 PM

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i'm using it right now by it's self, and yes i'm going to loose all the gains but i'm just trying it out.
i gained almost 10lbs just in the first couple of days but i drank water like you wouldn't believe.

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Jay Z

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posted August 27, 2000 09:52 PM

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stack 1 a-bomb with deca for 4 weeks. the deca at 400mg a week will help you keep the gains you made.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 27, 2000 09:56 PM

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i too have never used a-bombs and have some hemos on their way for my winter blitzgrieg....dont stack deca or fina with a-bombs because you could run into progesterinic probs..

thought that this would be helpfull seeming as how ppl are stocking up on winter gear...and like me havent used oxy yet..

taken without permission from BIGDAWG:

Sup bros, im going to give my opinion on anadrol here. I have used this one during my last cycle and I am now ready to give an opinion. All my bodybuilding life I have heard that Anadrol will make you HUGE, but you will lose the gains instantly, usually as fast as you got them. For this reason, I stayed away from this drug..who wants to lose everything and feel like shit ? not me. Well, on my last cycle I also decided it was time to get stronger. I got me some a50's in the blister packs and started out at one a day. I gained weight fast and strength as well. All of my lifts went up very quick and I was very happy with the progress. I went up to 2 tabs a day and tapered back down using d bol after my last week of anadrol. This worked well for me, i did not lose much weight if any. This was also when my test was beginning to kick in so everything worked out well.
After I got off the a-bombs i was curious as to why so many people lose everything once they are off. I found out that there are many misconceptions about this drug. I hope we can clear some up with this thread.
The most important one to know is, Anadrol DOES NOT comvert to estrogen!! taking Nolvadex will not help the gyno you may get as a side effect. Anadrol acts a cross reactor with our friend (yeah right)the progesterone receptor. The same one deca is rumored to attach to. This does not mean Anadrol converts to progesterone, it just mimicks it and clings to a non-androgen receptor. This can cause gyno as tissue in the breast will build up where these receptors are located. What will the solution to this problem be? RU 486 is a progesterone antagonist so that may help. but that presents another problem..
As we all know, anadrol give size very fast. The main reason for this is an increase in intermuscular fat. progesterone will increase the amount of fat inside your muscle. This will yeild size and possibly strength gains. This would also explain why it leaves us so fast as well. As i was researching this on Medline and a few other areas, i stumbled across somthing Duchaine has written. He said that due to the progesterone effect, anadrol works VERY well in women. He said at low doses (25MG) a day he has seen fantastic results. This drug will most likely work better for women than men due to these properties.
As for strength, it is the best out. The intermuscular fat give you energy to lift more and train harder. Your gains will be limited to what happens within the muscle. I wonder as i eat a whole lot of fat while bulking if that has something to do with me keeping a lot of my gains? Duchaine mentioned that you could use Winny along with androl because winny would most likely cross out the progesterone effect, but then he made the point that youd basicly just have d bol left over! good point.I have heard that many people think deca converts to progesterone also, This makes me think as well that we might consider stacking winny or RU486 with DECA if we are getting gyno type problems from it.
In conclusion, powerlifters will get great results from this drug. I have personally known a lot of them who love it. As for bodybuilding, i'll use it again now that i understand why it does what it does. Also due to the fact that i kept mostly everything from it , im not upset with it. I would not advise stacking anadrol with deca as it might be a double dose of progesterone. I still need to look at deca closer though. Women get great results and keep more than men do. The only problem is, they may grow a pee pee if too much is used I would not go over 25mg for a female dose.
Please note, the brown bottle syntex A-bombs are counterfeit. The ones with 2902 on one side and syntex on the other. They DO have active ingrediant. I have heard that they are rated at about 37mg's each. The blister pack (20 tabs) anapolon are for real. They come out of mexico and are made for the hospitals there. These are not cheap..i've seen them anywhere from $85-100 per 20 tabs ! The price depends on availability. These were the ones I had and they were good. These are also supposed to have less side effects than the older versions of anadrol. Well, i hope you learned something new about the "king" and understand a little more of why it does what it does. peace bros

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 28, 2000 12:18 AM

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50-100 mg /dayA50 w 50mg proviron/day (4-6 weeks) you'll get strong and hard and the weight you put on will be quality muscle .
Add test and deca . you cant go wrong .

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 28, 2000 12:37 AM

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What about hemogenin version of anadrol-50 from Brazil?
Anyone get the real deal when they bought this stuff?

The strong will survive

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 28, 2000 04:38 PM

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why do people recommend that others should stack deca with anadrol???

curious as to how many are out there sporting a nice pair of tits soley through the practice of using these two drugs simultaneously


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Posts: 2
From:Honokaa, HI 96727
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 28, 2000 08:45 PM

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I took hemo with sus250 and made trememdous gains. I gained a total of 22 lbs lost 7 lbs when I went off the cycle. I took clomid for two weeks 100, 50, 50, two weeks after my last sus shot. My strength skyrocketed. It has been 4 months since that cycle and I probably lost only 3-5% of my stength.


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