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  Cytochrome 450

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Author Topic:   Cytochrome 450

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 637
Registered: Oct 1999

posted August 26, 2000 11:04 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Just thought I'd ask, but just about every
book or journal I've read dealing with
anti-estrogens devotes a rather large portion
to explaining that the enzymatic inhibitor
(i.e RU-486, tamoxifen, etc) blocks the
binding of Cytochrome 450. One book wrote
very briefly that this compound was an essential component in biosynthetic reaction (anabolism). Does anyone else know anything
further about this compound or issue?

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 364
Registered: May 2000

posted August 26, 2000 11:46 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Cytochrome aids in the metabolism of drugs including steroids. Its a component in formation of the cell membrane and works in some way in the liver in the processing of drugs and the interacton of them with your system. There are some issues in how it handles aromatase, but I cant think of it off hand.
Basically its just saying what we know. That enzymatic inhibitors like tamoxifen (blocks estrogen) and R.U. 486 (blocks progesterone) block their repsective targets (estrogen or progesterone) and do it at the expense of Cytochrome P-450 and P-448. This reduces anabolism by affecting aromatase. Which is saying that by reducing estrogen too much you are reducing the effects of testosterone to a degree. As we know, tamoxifen (Nolvadex) can interfere with gains. Its becasue your body needs the estrogen AND the testosterone to work anabolic miracles.
Im guessing that the cytochrome binding takes place in the liver (but Im not positive).
Id say that its essential in biosynthetic reaction due to its role in the cell membrane, probobly having to do with allowing drugs across the plane of the cell membrane to then meet with receptor sites on the cell...
Id say its nothing new that we dont know, its just an explaination of the issue of the reduced effect of gear while using anti-e's.

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