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  5 months cycle

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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 21, 2000 12:50 AM

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20 years 2nd cycle weighting at 210lbs, hoping to get up to 245 lbs

I�ve decided to do a 5months cycle here it is
Month 1 & 2 are intended to add mass then the 3rd is to have a rest from the androgens and in the fourth the A bombs are added to get some more mass and the fifth is to taper down from A bombs

Month 1: 800mg testo, 400mg deca and 40mg Dball

Month 2: 600mg testo, 400mg deca

Month 3: 400mgs of Equipoise

Month 4: 400mg Equipoise, one A-Bomb per day

Month 5: 400mg Equipoise

Clomid EOD then the usual 100mg per day at the end for two weeks then one week at 50mg ED

How do you guys like it, do you thing any change would make it better?

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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 21, 2000 01:34 AM

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Cool Novice

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posted August 21, 2000 03:29 AM

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Your kidding us....! You cant do a 5 month cycle it will f*ck you up.

I think you need to sit down and do some research.

The longest cycle you should do would be about 10 weeks followed by 10 weeks off.

If you choose to ignore me and do you 5 month cycle you may end up dead or with seriouse health problems and your test lesvels will never be right.


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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 21, 2000 03:34 AM

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im pretty sure theres some 20 week cyclers outhere that don�t post their cycles very often you guys wanna share your experiences?�?�?�?�?�?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Key Stone State
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posted August 21, 2000 06:40 AM

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Ok, I can say I would not do this, especially for a second cycle. I will bump this up for you to see if you get further responses.

Expect the unexpected.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 21, 2000 06:44 AM

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I would cut it down from 5 months to 4 months. Then, get rid of the a-bombs they are absolute shit, they just generate water gains and make you look like the Michelin Man. Use 3 months to add mass and 1 month to diet. Clomid use looks about right.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Pierrefonds, QC, Canada
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posted August 21, 2000 07:20 AM

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M!KAIA 5 month cycle will not kill anyone! Where did you get that idea from?? When I did my first cycle I was on for almost 2 years! I did take little breaks but not that much. I did not die. I was not fucked up. I ended my steroid usuage with 2mothes of Winstrol V and trimmed down to 212 at 8% fat. From a Beefy 230lbs. This was 3 years ago. I have a full set of hair, never got acne. Im not saying it was okay to go that long, Im just saying that it wont kill you.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 21, 2000 12:19 PM

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Steel One..!
OK it wont kill i may have been a little O.T.T. But still the strain your putting on you liver kidneys etc you may be ok now but what about later on in life.

Did you know you can live with only about 20% of your liver actually working which is not my point is you may have damaged your liver and not realize how much damage you have done untill later on in life.

My point is its wise to have respect for A/S I know a guy at my gym who was into his big cycles he was in hospital about 4 months ago with liver failer. He is lucky they found a doner.

He may be an exception but im playing it VERY safe and my longest will be 12 weeks and i have to wait another 3 weeks till i can do it as my last cycle was 4 weeks.

Im just telling the bloke a 5 month cycle is stupid thats all ask any of the MOD's im sure they will say the same.

Also your gonna screw your natural test levels up doing a cycle that long. you should do a cycle then stop let your body get back to normal by takeing time off then do it again your body cant cope with large amounts of A/S for a long time your balls will shut themselfs down and you may have all sorts of problems later on and may end up having to take pills when you are old to replace the test levels that you should have but dont have because you abused your body with huge long cycles when you where young.

I wanna get old and stay fit but I dunno about you its a free world and you can do what you want to your body Im just telling you what i think


No Flames Intended


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 21, 2000 12:25 PM

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lol, nonono month 4 is all wrong, Anadrol IV for the duration of those 30 days. Your a moron, Ill be sure to inquire about your liver biopsy. lol, what a chuckle.

Nono, actually if your this stupid, please e-mail E2, the man will point you to the Auxillary drugs your going to need to maintain relative health. His got the science down when in this area.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 21, 2000 12:28 PM

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Plain and simply put, go back to the old drawing board and try again. You are not gonna get any good support for this type of cycle.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 21, 2000 12:59 PM

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abombs no more than 2wks max. don't think i would take that much clomid either. the shit will bring you down emotionally. why do you want to do 5 months straight?? why not look into 2 strong 8-10wks cycles and bridge with a little slin or eq in between. your body will need to rest.

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posted August 21, 2000 01:13 PM

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Good luck.

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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 22, 2000 03:12 PM

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yeah maybe 20 weeks is a lot maybe if I cut it to 15 weeks will be better and im also going to drop the A bombs cause its very true that my gains will be off just water.

Week 1-4: 800mg test, 400mg Deca, 40mg Dball

week 5-9: 400mg Equipose

week 10-14: 800mg tests, 400mg deca

week 15: 400mg equipose

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Cool Novice

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posted August 22, 2000 05:57 PM

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Can you send me a picture of your tits when you get off that cycle. You will be in such metabolic lag you are gonna have bad gyno, if you are lucky and don't, you won't be able to get it up for months.

And using Anadrol on your second cycle, you are one desperate kid. Take it easy. The size will come, but don't make up for your lack of training and diet by pumping your ass so full of gear

A.C.E. & A.C.S.M. Personal Trainer

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posted August 22, 2000 08:14 PM

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shit whats wrong w/a long cycle, i like it kid has ambition-- as long as he knowledgable of his body---go ahead and get jacked! use a-boms at beginning to bulk or around the end only if you will have a strict diet----how about a-boms 4th month 2on 1off schedule then 5th month winny/eq.


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posted August 22, 2000 09:34 PM

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I could be wrong but shutting down natural test production for that long of a period of time will make it hard to come back on again. I do know people that cycle all year but they cycle the test products like normal. They either do Primo, or whinny, and then do a heavy cycle then go back to the Primo or whinny again. Liver is taking a beating during this time.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 22, 2000 09:42 PM

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I wouldn't do it.

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posted August 22, 2000 10:14 PM

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I'm with @Large, I can't believe that everyone is flaming this guy..he is merely bridging two strong cycles with too high a bridging dose of 400mgs..Think about it, he could gain 20-30lbs on each of the two cycles
and attempt to maintain it with EQ. I'd bet this kind of cycling is popular with wrestlers who need to remain jacked all the time. At the end of this 5 month cycle, he could be up 50 or even 60lbs..how much will you gain in the next 5 months? I'm not saying that I condone this or feel that it's healthy, I'm just pointing out that this cycle has some real merit to it which this kid has figured out.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 22, 2000 11:03 PM

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Here is a quote on a year cycle from the steriod encyclopeadia.com:
We will now present a theory of steriod use that we will not advise you to try. This method of using steriods will damage your health in the long run, as well as being extremely expensive. The only good thing about this method is that you will get big, very big...
If you're planning to be a bodybuilder on an international level, you probably have to do something like this. This is how one year with this method would look like:
week 1-6 -100 mg/ml deca per day.
week 6-12 -200 mg/ml Cypionate per day
week 12-18 one inject primo-depot per day
week 18-24 one inject Omnadren per day
week 24-30 one inject Winny 50mg/ml a day + insulin
week 30-36 2 Anadrol a day, 3 inject Enanthate per week + insulin
week 36-42 50mg/ml Equipose per day + insulin
week 42-48 one inject of Testoviron per day.
week 48-52 off
You have to inject in as many different muscles as possible, that includes biceps, outer thighs, glutes and side deltoid.
Now the flames begin!

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Jim Layhoe

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posted August 22, 2000 11:05 PM

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Ouch joko

JIM LAYHOE [email protected]

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posted August 23, 2000 12:32 AM

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Where's E2 for this one?

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posted August 23, 2000 12:56 AM

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Why does everyone think that this will put too much strain on his liver? Science has proven that people can stay on 100mg of test per week for years with no real adverse side effects. If you do two or three month cycles and then bridge with something like anavar, primo, deca or eq you go go for a long time with few side effects. Some people can do 100mg of dbol a day with no liver damage and some people can't use 17aa roids at all. As long as you get check-ups and use clomid and/or HCG it CAN be safe to bridge cycles. I have not done this yet but since I am on test treatment from my doc I will start to bridge cycles to keep my test levels up year round.

This guy should probably just use lower doses to bridge or pick something else like primo or anavar that won't suppress the hpta at low dosages.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 23, 2000 01:09 AM

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My 2 cents...OK man, you're only 20 years old, take some of the experienced guys advice on this board, read all the posts, even 30-40 year olds with years of juice experience aren't doing that heavy a cycle! Just think about that, you're logic is right, but the examples aren't there to support it! Good luck if you do it, but remember, 20 is damn young, I'm 19 myself, and I want to be in this game for the long haul!

Badkins21 $$
[email protected]
www.angelfire.com/pa2/badkins, and whenever I get it up...a site on Elite Fitness

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posted August 23, 2000 08:40 AM

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Hey Bro, nice form of a cycle. I use sort of the same thing in the mass season. Just one suggestion, between your stcking you are on 400mg of eq. Back down to 1-200mg. I know everyone will start raving about how that isn't enough to grow!!! The thing is it isn't suppose to make you grow....just retain higher levels of nitrogen in the muscles and therefore deter a catabolic state while you jack your test levels up.

Also, I hope you do not use clomid througout this cycle. Considering its length, use it only during you eq only times. You'll find it to be very effective in this type of stack. I also suggest you get some herbal kidney & liver protection. They are pretty cheap and I use the ones from www.doctorstrust.com You will like their prices....One last thing, get some of the herb maca and use it after you use your clomid. (2weeks 50mg ED, 2 weeks MACA) It was suggested that it is a natural version of clomid. I used it this time after a cycle and was considerablly happy.

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posted August 23, 2000 10:22 AM

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you can stay on for 5 months but i wouldnt after a while your body learns how to break down the gear and it becomes ineffective.

i would do 12 weeks deca+sust as a base and then do say 1st 4 weeks 1 anapolon 50 a day with it 2nd month 10 dbol a day and 3rd month 1 amp parabolin every 3 days .

that would work well. 1 clomid every night. 50mg

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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 23, 2000 03:40 PM

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All right Im gonna do the 5 months one y wrote in my very first post.
also my 5th month will be tapered every week like it's shown below:

Month 1: 800mg testo, 400mg deca and 40mg Dball

Month 2: 600mg testo, 400mg deca

Month 3: 400mgs of Equipoise, T3, clen

Month 4: 400mg DECA, one A-Bomb per day

Month 5: 400mg Equipoise (1st week)
300mg EQ (2nd week)
200mg EQ (3rd week)
100mg Eq (4th week)

However im gonna add some clenbuterol and T3 to get some cuts in month 3 where the EQ comes in. Im also gonna be using some milk thistle, evening primrose oil, flax seed oil to help the liver go through it.

I live in mexico, so medics are somewhat ok with it, thats why im gonna have my body checked every month.

My diet will be at least 6000 cals on week days (good clean food) and i'll try to overfeed my body on weekends with whatever i find (fast food).

However my third month, where t3 & clen goes in im gonna cut to some 3500-4000 cals and do a little bit of cardio to burn some fat.

I wanna compete next summer at at least 220lbs on stage. i think this will do the trick.

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posted August 23, 2000 03:48 PM

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I would leave the EQ in month 4, that would be when the EQ kicks in and mates better than deca with anadrol..keep us posted and be careful. I, for one, would be very interested in your results.

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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 23, 2000 03:56 PM

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Krusher... do you think it would be better to leave the EQ???? i'd switched to DECA because, since it goes all the way from month 3, i thought that the body would get used to it and therefore it wouldnt help a lot to add mass.

Anyone else with krusher ??????

thanks a lot

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 23, 2000 04:31 PM

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I'm reading your cycle to run the deca for the first 2 months, then EQ for the last 3, is that correct? If so, I stand by my suggestion..you would have a fairly good chance of seeing some gyno with deca and anadrol together.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 23, 2000 04:45 PM

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I'm not gonna make any cycle suggestions here, what I will say is this, people have done far worse than that for far longer periods of time, you guys gotta be kidding me. I agree the a-bombs are crap, and let me say this, those of you who have done 1 cycle or 2 cycles for 6-8 weeks total need not be commenting on this, you have no clue. It is a little long for a first cycle, it is not the end of the world and with the proper supps he will be fine.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 23, 2000 04:50 PM

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Im 31 and I love long cycles. There is no point in the two steps forward, one step back cycle theory that most people use. You have to bridge cycles to keep you gains. I was able to get my wife pregnant after four months on, on month off, six months on. So getting natural test levels back shouldnt be a problem.

Your liver will be fine. The anadrol or dbol are the only liver toxic drugs in your cycle. Deca, Eq, and test are easy on the body - dont worry.

Dosages are fine. Im planning a total of 2500mg per week combined for my next cycle. I wont come off for the whole year. Ill switch drugs every month or two to let my receptors rest in between heavy bursts of androgens.

Good luck bro. Email me if you have questions. I have done a few long cycles.

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Posts: 8
From:Torreon, MEXICO
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 23, 2000 05:02 PM

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Thanks to everyone
KRUSHER: thanks for pointing me the posibility of gyno from deca-A bomb stack your right, thanks.

So far, ive heard a lot of people saying that A-bombs shouldnt be there, that all gains will be water, which makes my think . i've thought about it and probably another androgen would stack better in that 4th month (but still, i havent dropped the idea of those A-bombs in my stack just as it is now).
Maybe TESTO, DBALL or both or maybe methandriol (Denkadiol) which may work good as well. theres still some time to decide about that 4th month

Some more suggestions people?

thanks you've been helping a lot

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Posts: 1518
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Apr 2000

posted August 23, 2000 05:16 PM

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Arthus, contrary to most people in this thread I don't think that 4 or 5 months is that bad. Provided you dont treat it like a 10 week cycle and just extend it.

I am not going to try to help on this one, because I am still trying to learn about these bigger cycles as well. I will bump hopefully George is reading this, he said he put someone on a two year cycle that was mapped out for him perfectly. No gyno, no excessive harm to the kid, taking all the right supplements. Put on a crazy amount of weight and then leaned it all up. I guess thats what the couple of benjamins get you, a great long cycle without getting the boobs to go with it.


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