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  "To Gain and Maintain".An ultimate Cycle for retention?

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Author Topic:   "To Gain and Maintain".An ultimate Cycle for retention?

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 57
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 20, 2000 01:50 AM

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Hey Bros..

I've been studying AAS intensely for about 4 years now. Although I haven't used every drug available, I've used a good bit.

For my livelyhood, I can't get "too huge" and I need to keep sides to a minimum. What I'm looking for is about 12-15 pounds of solid skeletal muscle without the usual rise in BP, disturbed sleeping patterns/night sweats, terrible acne and hair loss.

Basically a cycle one could use once per year and still maintain excellent health with minimum risk. I'm proposing a cycle I think will do this for "most" people.

Before I start, this cycle won't help a Pro or a hardcore heavy dose dependant user. But for a lot of folks looking for physique augmentation and increased musculature it should do wonders.

I don't plan on starting this cycle until November. When I do, I'd like to create a "diary" so many of you can avoid the pitfalls I undoubtably will run into. Without further adieu.

Week 1:
300mgs of TProp(100mgs at 3x per week0
400mgs of Deca

Week 2:
300mgs of TProp(same)
300mgs of Deca
Nizoral Shampoo daily, Spironolactone nightly application.

Week 3:
300mgs of TProp(same)
200mgs of Deca
Nizoral same, Spiro same

Week 4:
200mgs of Deca
150mgs of Winny(50 EOD, 1 Inject in Delt, other two in each tricep)
Flutamide with Minoxidil EOD(for daily use)Spiro at night, Niz for shampoo

Week 5:
Same Deca
Same Winny(rotating Delt)
Same with Niz, Flutamide and Spiro

Week 6:
Same Deca
Same Winny
Same Hair loss prevention.

Week 7
300mgs of Primo
Same Winny
Flutamide and Minoxidil day and night

Week 8:
300mgs of Primo
Same Winny
F&M same-- day and night

Week 9:
300mgs of Primo
Same Winny
F&M same-- daily and nightly

Week 10:
200mgs of Primo
20mgs of Anavar(daily)
F&M same daily and nightly

Week 11:
Same Primo
Same Anavar
F&M same

Week 12:
Same Primo
Same Anavar
F&M same add in Tacrolimus at full dropper EOD.

Week 13:
10mgs of Anavar in AM
100mgs of Clomid
Adipokinetix 2x a day EOD(M,W,F)
Vitamin C 8 gms per (4gms AM, 4gms PM)
Glutacene(20gms per day w/training)
Creatine(5gms per day)
Flutamide/Minoxidil and Tacrolimus(for hair regrowth)

Week 14:

Week 15:

Use Tac for the next 4-8 weeks as well.(depending how much hair has been lost and how susceptible one is)
Note Some individuals may be susceptible to Estrogenic sides...if so use Clomid at 50mgs EOD throughout the cycle as added protection)

Training should be very intense from Week 4 until Week 12.(insert your favorite paradigm as the routine..don't overdo it. I "think" 3-4 days per week is max(even on gear). You don't grow in the gym.(some prolly do.;-)

At Week 13 cut kcals by 15%. Increase Water and EFA's.(the adipo should help with hunger)It depends on your phenotype as to which way to go with the diet. Some can get lean eating a carb based diet, others like myself do better on lowered carbs.

By Week 16-17 you should have normal test back up and running and thereby ensuring your gains are kept.

I invite criticism or other information that would help make this cycle more optimal. I'll explain in more detail as to why I tapered the way i did if someone asks, but for me the bottom line is restoring HTPA. That is the ticket if you want to "grow and show" for long term planning.



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Cool Novice

Posts: 36
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 20, 2000 01:57 AM

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VERY INTERESTING and well thought-out. I'm wondering about the drop in cal in week thirteen. Is this just a drop in carbs? What kind of protein/carb/fat ratio will you be trying to keep during the cycle and immediately afterwards? Assuming the "normal" level of calories you're eating now, how many cals will you be going up on cycle and how many weeks after the cycle will you be getting back to this "normal" level.
Thanks man,

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 57
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 20, 2000 02:13 AM

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Originally posted by moondog:
VERY INTERESTING and well thought-out. I'm wondering about the drop in cal in week thirteen. Is this just a drop in carbs?

Could be. It depends on the person's mode of getting shredded/lean. For me the answer to your question is yes. I'm trying for ultimate leaness while at the same time preserving as much muscle as possible.

What kind of protein/carb/fat ratio will you be trying to keep during the cycle and immediately afterwards?

Very good question and one I'm still trying to decide on. During the heart of the cycle I will be eating about 15-20% over maintenance but very clean. I usually zig zag my carbs. Meaning I'll go two days in a row with 3-4 gms of carbs per pound of body weight and then drop drastically for a day or two.

I find this really confuses my body from storing carbs as fat and topping off liver glycogen. My EFA consumption is always high. I always have 2-3 tbspns of Udo's Oil daily. I try to carb up around my workouts so that my muscle glycogen stores are always full.

Assuming the "normal" level of calories you're eating now, how many cals will you be going up on cycle and how many weeks after the cycle will you be getting back to this "normal" level.
Thanks man,

I'm currently 6-1 206 pounds at 6.5%. I'm eating 6x a day. Haven't been counting kcals exactly lately, but estimate it to be about 2850-3400 kcals a day.(So when on take the high end * .15. This summer I have been using my own modified low carb diet. I carb up at night every 3rd day. Has really done the job for me.

I'll prolly be at normal kcals(like I am now)around Week 17-18. I always try and give it 4-6 weeks of solid dieting.

Thanks for reply.


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Cool Novice

Posts: 36
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 20, 2000 02:33 AM

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I've never tried a cycle like the one you are proposing. The only thing close to a "cutting" cycle I ever do is trailing a test-based stack with winny. When I'm on, I basically eat whatever I want and try to get 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. I hate clen and ECAs because I'm prone to anxiety attacks and clen just makes them worse.
My next cycle will most likely consist of 1g of test, tapered down to 250mg by week 8, 40mg of dbol tapered down to 20mg by week 5 and most likely either 300mg Equ or 400 mg deca for 8 weeks and maybe a moderate to low dose of winny from week 6-10. I need to give the whole thing more thought.
Anyway, my bodyfat is high right now (6'1'', 248, 18-20%) Does it make any sense to try to restrict my carbs while on a cycle like that or is that foolish?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 57
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 20, 2000 06:19 PM

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Bumpin her up...

Just trying to see if anyone else wants to comment?


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Anabolicum Mister

Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Mar 2000

posted August 20, 2000 07:25 PM

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Hey bro,

Just curious as to why you are waiting until week 2 to start your hairloss protection agents. Especially since the T-prop is so quick acting. I also prefer to take nizoral 3 days on 1 off or EOD. Taking it ED tends to dry out my scalp. Maybe you don't have the same problem. I would also use the spironolactone in the morning and at night since it is cheap enough - at least while you're not using the flutamide.

Your dosages of AS are quite low, especially after week 3. For myself, I would be worried that I would be below a growth threshold. If you find you stop gaining any weight after week 5 or so, you might want to up some of the dosages. However, you are only looking for a little over a pound a week so you might be alright with what you have.

Overall, I'd say it looks like a well thought out cycle. It looks good on paper so I hope it works just as well for you in practice. I look forward to your updates!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 189
From:Central NJ
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 20, 2000 07:42 PM

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Interesting thread. Bump this for more comments by vets.


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 72
From:College Station, TX--USA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 20, 2000 08:02 PM

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Man, I think after 4 years of research, you know your sh*t...that looks like a very well-planned, well-thoughtout cycle. Diet will be the key, though, just make sure you're eating enough good meats, eggs, etc. If I were you, too, I'd add in some pharmaceutical grade ephedrine since Adipokinetix doesn't have that in it...but that's about the only comment I have on the actual ingredients of your mix...

...my 2 cents...

**Definitely try and keep that diary, it would really help us "somewhat newbies" out to see what happens...

Badkins21 $$
[email protected]
www.angelfire.com/pa2/badkins, and whenever I get it up...a site on Elite Fitness

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 57
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 20, 2000 09:09 PM

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Thanks for the info bros.

AM...I think you're right. I should go a bit heavier on the hair loss protection with the Prop.(initial phase)

You're correct in assuming I only want 1 pound per week of pure skeletal muscle. Is there anything you might add before I go on this cycle to make it more productive?

Anybody ever got anything from adding in HMB while "on"?


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 301
Registered: May 2000

posted August 20, 2000 09:20 PM

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I think clomid is a bad choice for anti-e protection... but if youve had good luck with it before, I guess you should go with it! Another note on clomid is that a lot of recent research shows that long term use may be detrimental to the HPTA, actually making the full swing start up of testosterone production harder. I still say starting near the end and running it a few weeks past the "clean" point is more efficiant.
Armidex is a way better choice for anti-e. Plus it'll keep your blood pressure down, and shouldnt interfere with the AS (from what most people say).
As for AS choices, they seem to be right on point! I dont use orals, myself, but thats a personal choice. I hope you do keep us updated on how it goes!

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