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Cool Novice

Posts: 22
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 19, 2000 05:30 PM

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just a random thought here guys...10 years ago boards and the web didnt really exist like today. So much knowledge and experience is being shared now through these hi-tec means. True, the some feds maybe reading this too..but they see how we try to help eachother any way we can..do you see crack boards? like the newest way to smoke crack? of course not...this is all a bonding thing about the pursuit to be as big as you can while DOING IT AS SAFE as possible. feds should concentrate on sidewalk drug pushers and shit like that...if this board was started 10 years ago alot of things may be different...sorry to ramble..just my thoughts.....peace

lifes too short to be small

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Cool Novice

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posted August 19, 2000 05:35 PM

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I agree. Indeed, it makes perfect sense that the Feds should view it this way, which is exactly why they do the opposite.

The drug policies of the US have always been the product of hysteria and politics. Alcohol kills many thousands a year directly or indirectly, but it is legal and socially condoned. Tobacco has no real benefit, is known to cause death with extended use, and remains legal.

But it is steroids which draws all the attention despite not being deadly even when horribly abused.

Makes perfect sense.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Archdale, NC, USA
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posted August 19, 2000 05:40 PM

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I agree w/ everything u said except steroids not being deadly even when horribly abused. If u horribly abuse alot of things it could kill you. Go eat a whole bottle of tylenol and see what happens. Go drink about 10 gallons of water w/out stopping.... too much of anything is bad for u dude.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 19, 2000 05:46 PM

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I agree, but the tobacco and alcohol industries have some strong lobbies and contribute millions into campaign funds and such.

We did outlaw alcohol once. There was such an uproar and crime wave to provide it to those who wanted it, that the states finally repealled that constitutional amendment.

We should form a lobby and get the rulings reversed on steroids.


Chestys Homeworld

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Cool Novice

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posted August 19, 2000 05:55 PM

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I readily admit that one could kill himself using steroids -- but you'd almost have to try. There is abundant evidence of abuse (see the intake of the typical pros) for years without large numbers of them dropping dead.

As for the tobacco and alcohol lobbies, that is my point exactly. Our drug policies have no basis in science or fact. Rather, they are based on the politics of money and national hysteria.

The power of hysteria is strong. Consider the Firestone tire recall. A grand total of about 50 people have died -- about the same number that drown in backyard pool accidents every year. Yet people are rushing madly to change those tires...

[This message has been edited by intensity (edited August 19, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 19, 2000 05:56 PM

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I have to agree with Chesty. Its about time America takes back our BILL OF RIGHTS!
How can they classify AS the same as heroin & cocaine? Last time I checked NO human body produces those narcotics naturally!

All I wanna here is, WHY are anabolic steroids illeagal? Are they trying to protect us? If this is the case, either ban alcohol & smokes or make steroids legal & let the people make the decision if they wanna juice or not!


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 19, 2000 06:06 PM

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I think an interview I saw a few years ago summed it up best.

Republican and Democratic Senator's were asked the same question about Hillary Clinton's medical bill that was introduced into congress.

It went something like this: To the Republican, why don't you like this bill?

Response, "It removes individual freedoms to make choices, we feel the elderly American people should be able to chose the doctor they see, wether or not they use generic or name brand medicine, they should not have to be told what to do, who to see and how much they can spend".

The counter by the Democratic Senator was something like this: "We need (gov) to make those choices for them. They cannot be trusted to make the right decisions, they need us to tell them what to do."

In a nutshell this Senator told the whole damn country what the govt's role is in our personal lives. We cannot be trusted, we must be told what to do and watched closely to prevent us from stepping over the lines.

When the govt no longer trusts its citizens, the citizens can no longer trust the govt.

I love this country and will die for it and her people at will, commanded or not. But there comes a point when your faith in your beliefs is challenged.

Chestys Homeworld

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Cool Novice

Posts: 22
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posted August 19, 2000 08:07 PM

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i have seen many nite time news specials like 20/20 totally degrade steroid use all together. It always shows the worst, but possible, outcomes of usage. like roid rage and liver problems..which with proper knowledge can be avoided or limited. bad news spreads hell of a lot faster than good news. like the above post says alcohol was illegal for a while, but they brought it back. what solid information could have made them change their minds about that? car wrecks, assaults, liver problems? probably they were so fuckin scrawny they couldnt get laid with out alcohol.....still rambling sorry..DRUGS+IGNORANCE=PROBLEMS......peace

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted August 19, 2000 08:16 PM

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Ace Frehley


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posted August 19, 2000 08:29 PM

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Well, it all comes down to the green dudes. The taxes made off alcohol are staggering. Another thing that helped booze was there were so many people that did it. Steroids on the other hand are not so popular because they are not consumed sitting on the couch in front of the tv. Btw, this is a very interesting post.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 19, 2000 09:23 PM

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If our government were consistent, steroids would be legal for use for those older than 21 years. We have decided as a society -- and rightly so IMO -- that if you are an adult and you want to kill yourself slowly by smoking or get hammered every weekend, be my guest sio long as your actions hurt no one but yourself. Comparing the benefit/risk ratio of steroids to cigarettes makes our policy on the former look very silly.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 19, 2000 09:48 PM

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Since I'm only 19, hope things can change some time in my life...but all the guys/girls on this board should be DOING STUFF TO REACH THIS GOAL...write your congressman, call him/her, e-mail everyone in the Senate/House, etc. It all sounds cheesy, but if enough people put forth effort, results will be seen!

Badkins21 $$
[email protected]
www.angelfire.com/pa2/badkins, and whenever I get it up...a site on Elite Fitness

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Cool Novice

Posts: 22
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posted August 20, 2000 12:49 AM

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...it was harder to find beer when i was 17 that it is now for me to find gear...craziness..thanks for the input fellas..keep them coming

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Jim Layhoe

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posted August 20, 2000 12:59 AM

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They have "crack boards" hahaha,

but honestly the media is the key, educate
the media and the Gov. always follows.

Now about that crack...hahaha.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 20, 2000 02:02 AM

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The current problem with steriods, and believe me, I am not wanting to offend anybody, is that some yoyo pushed them in schools.

Americans tend to look the other way on most shit, but when you involve someones kids, who are not mature enough to make the big decisions, that's where the politics come into play.

Maybe, if AS hadn't been so readily available to high school kids we wouldn't have the current problem that we do with them.

Just a thought.

Peace bros.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 20, 2000 02:42 AM

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Availability is one thing, but "proper" use of AS is another. If more people were educated instead of pushed into AS I feel the publicity wouldn't be as bad.

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Pharm Animal

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posted August 20, 2000 02:44 AM

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Originally posted by chestyII:
The counter by the Democratic Senator was something like this: "We need (gov) to make those choices for them. They cannot be trusted to make the right decisions, they need us to tell them what to do."

this is very scary for me, as it should be for all of you! this thinking in the government is exactly what will turn this country into a socialist one...i'm shitting my pants

Take care,

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Cool Novice

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posted August 20, 2000 01:35 PM

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Here is a relevant quote for this discussion.

"It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."

US Supreeme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, 1950.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 20, 2000 02:38 PM

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If gear was legal what would make us any different than all the other shmos out there?
Then everyone would be big! I like the fact that it's against the law and that there is a social stigma associated with steriod use.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 20, 2000 04:24 PM

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I like the thread you started, bro. IMO, though, there's far less hysteria, or even concern, about gear than you think, or than some of the bros who've posted to your thread think. I'm pretty sure the feds could care less about most gear use. You start dealing, start flouting the laws in an egregious way then, sure, you get the Man's notice. But, you keep it lowkey, personal use, all that jazz ... I doubt very much if the DEA, the FBI or anybody else gives a shit.

All this paranoia by some of the bros is just a way that they blow up their own importance. Makes 'em feel bad ass, like some kind of renegade or something. The Man doesn't see it that way, doesn't care much about purely personal use of most drugs, for that matter, much less AS, which has no criminal underground, no national security issues, no morbid addiction profile, etc.. Plus, everyone knows that an awful lot of cops themselves use gear. The Man's not going to poison that well!

Just keep it cool, bros, stop all the paranoid fantasies, and you'll be alright. My $.02.


"'Til the weard of the world, stands, unforgotten,
high under Heaven, the hero's name." - Hrolf Krakki's Saga (Iceland)


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:syosset, NY, USA
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posted August 20, 2000 05:10 PM

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you guys are all right...just imagine alcohol, weed, crack boards...thats funny..but all of these points are very valid...but i think that before they just sold it to the public...they would have doctors only give you certain ammount each day and you would take it infront of them or something (not a regular doctor because they are moron an AS doctor)

just my 2 cents

"its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog"

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Future One

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posted August 20, 2000 06:59 PM

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I agree with Zeacky, if the stuff was legal, every dumbass kid would be huge, even as we speak there's too many people using, so having muscle is not a big deal now a days, I see some pretty big frikkin' guys walk around, and nobody could care less!

(If you only get to go around once, then you might as well
go around with REALLY BIG ARMS...)

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el ass-o wipe-o

Cool Novice

Posts: 26
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posted August 20, 2000 10:22 PM

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after reading all of these posts i got lost in what the frist dud e was asking.. ha ha..
i think everyone in here has some cool and valid points.
my question or point is why would u want gear to b legal? other than the fact of staying out of the pokey or just getting meseed with by the fuzz. i would rather it and body building stay an underground thing. i know it's blown uo huge over the past 10 years, but wouldn't it suck if everywhere u looked people were getting more like u? getting bigger and stronger? i mean sure it might b good for somepeople, but i think it would take the flame out from under your ass to bet huge and ripped, to freak people out just by looking at them. thats what seperates us from them. thats what pushes me. not to make people fearful of me, but to make them question me and my motives for what i do.

plus if it was legal u know the price would b so crazy!!! look at andro products, and that stuff doesn't work 1/4 as well.

here's some thing to ponder. how the hell do people think it's not as rampid in sports as it most obviously is. case in point...the nba. have u seen the size of these mothfuckers. my god!! huge vascular musclemen running and and down a court. the last time i checked cardio doesn't put 2 inches on yout arms, make u thicker meaner and more aggresive on the court. take a player from 20 10 years ago and one from today, maybe i'm wrong. maybe GATORADE is some serious shit?


...and i break u over my knee, like so!!!

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el ass-o wipe-o

Cool Novice

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posted August 20, 2000 10:29 PM

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god i can't spell for horse dicks!!!

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Stew Meat

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posted August 20, 2000 11:44 PM

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Even is steroids are legal its not going to make much difference a in people getting "as big as you are." People that would take steroids are taking them already. They are not hard to obtain. And the people that are saying that they are scared that they wouldn't be the biggest guy anymore are not bodybuilders. If you were you would know that it takes a lot more than gear to succeed. Some punk taking steroids is not going to be 'bigger' than I am even though I don't cycle gear because he doesn't have the grit. Steroids are not some way to cheat, they are an aid. They are really only effective after results from natural bodybuilding subside.

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el ass-o wipe-o

Cool Novice

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posted August 21, 2000 03:09 AM

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hey bro i'm not trying to test your manhood here. grit and determination don't mean shit if u don't have the gene's brother. and thats crank or no crank. i have no doubts your a huge strong man, but i bet i know a handfull of dudes gear or no that r bigger and badder than u, and they eat like shit, train like a little girl and never sleep. and u know what? i feel cheated, cause i eat, train and sleep perfect and they still have better bodies. shawn ray's a perfect example. and where the hell is he now? i didn't mean to rain on your parade man, sorry just thought your high horse needed a break...you're ridin' him pretty hard.

i don't use the "tools" but i find it interesting as hell and i come in here to learn the most i can so i have all the info when the time comes.

thanks bro. u made me think.


...and i break u over my knee, like so!!!

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jersey boy

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posted August 21, 2000 03:12 AM

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Ignorance is bliss, someday the naysayers will see the BIG picture. (no pun intended)

get big or get out

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el ass-o wipe-o

Cool Novice

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posted August 21, 2000 03:15 AM

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hey i'm big.....just not freakin huge....yet!!


...and i break u over my knee, like so!!!

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Bill Smith


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posted August 21, 2000 03:59 AM

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Right on.

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