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  First cycle...too big?

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Author Topic:   First cycle...too big?

Cool Novice

Posts: 44
Registered: Feb 2000

posted August 19, 2000 03:35 AM

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I don't think you can go too big on your first cycle, or any cycle for that matter. I just figured it would capture your attention, and get ya to look it over.

It will run 12 weeks total. I will also be using 50mg clomid EOD during the cycle, 50mg ED week 12, 100mg ED week 13, 50mg ED week 14, and 50mg EOD week 15. I will also have nolva on hand just in case. This is my first cycle, and I'm 5'11", 175#'s.

For the test, I will be using either Sust, Enanthate, or Aratest. For deca, I will be using Nora200mg/ml.

Weeks 1-3 750mg test, 4-10 500mg test, 11-12 250mg test. Weeks 1-5 30mg dbol/day tappered down to 15mg/day (50mg if I use ref-b, tappered down to 25mg). Weeks 5-7 600mg deca, 8-10 400mg deca, 11-12 200mg deca.

I might add 300mg/week of Ultragan weeks 10-12.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 216
From:Sustville, DecAmerica aka Illinois
Registered: May 2000

posted August 19, 2000 03:53 AM

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looks good but i would add the ultragan for six to eight weeks if i was gonna add it. but i don't think you need to. but it would make your vascularity show towards the end

"I want you all to go fucking crazy!" Ozzy Osbourne, Augest 6th when I went to Ozzfest

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Cool Novice

Posts: 14
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 19, 2000 05:30 AM

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Hey Bro,
I disagree with your thinking on just about every aspect of your cycle....hehehe. For starters, every guy has their opinion on clomid. At some boards you'll get flamed for saying u are planning on taking clomid every other day. Other boards they praise it. Ive researched clomid alot and have come to the conclusion, 50mg eod is a waste. Clomid is only effective for a 2 week period to begin with. Second, clomid will restart your natural test temp while your gear shuts it down again, starts it up, shuts it down, starts it up.....whats the point. The only advantage i see is if you are that worried about your testes. You must remember clomid can affect your results negatively. In simple terms, clomid is a weaker form of nolva and we all know nolva can affect gains. Running a cycle for 12 weeks for a first cycle is pointless. Keep your first cycle simple but hard. Running sust for 12 weeks is really running it for 16 weeks. So technically an 8 week cycle involving sust is really a 12 week cycle of test. I suggest you go with sust and dbol over sust and deca. Deca is a great base drug but for a first cycle, you can see some great gains by starting off with dbol and tapering it down for 5 weeks. As you come off the dbol the sust will be really kicking in. Also, dont taper the sust down since it is self tapering. You still might want to start the first week hard and heavy at 750mg. Every week after that Id suggest you go 500mg a week, and if u want maybe do week 8 at 250mg.
If you wanna throw Deca in, start at 200mg taper up to 400mg for middle weeks and then back down.
Keep Bangin'

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Cool Novice

Posts: 44
Registered: Feb 2000

posted August 19, 2000 02:01 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 243
From:Asheville, NC
Registered: Apr 2000

posted August 19, 2000 02:06 PM

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For your size and weight, and the fact this is your first cycle, I would lower the doses, you dont need that much.

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Posts: 3661
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 19, 2000 02:08 PM

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That is a lot of Deca, but it may be okay since it is rumored that Nor200 is underdosed.

There is a huge difference between enanthate, aratest and Sustenon 250!

Sust is the most potent followed by aratest and finally enathate.

I would estimate that 500mg of Sust equals out to 700-1000mg of Sust (When active test present in your system is considered). For example test enanthate is active over a 2-3 week period. Sust is active from the first couple days (because of the prop and phenylprop) and goes lasts a few weeks (because of the longer lasting esters).

That means that 1000mg over 2-3 weeks is not as much as 1000mg that is immediately active such as in Sust and aratest (along with the long lasting esters. This is the reason that people who have been using high dosages of ethanate can get the same results with less Sust.

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