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  Seeing cuts from propinate?

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Author Topic:   Seeing cuts from propinate?
Crunch It !
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 33
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 18, 2000 12:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Crunch It !   Click Here to Email Crunch It !     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was at the gym the yesterday and my buddies and alot of people are saying your gettin huge and you look like your cuttin up too. What are you taking? Has anyone ever got similar results from pro. , I know some people put it in their cutting cycles, but isn't test just test. I don't know how test is cutting me up but I love it, PRopinate is the way to go, I love this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

OFF topic- there's this asshole powerlifter as he says at my gym. He presses as much as I do, I curl more than him, military press more, but don't squat as much. Does this make me a powerlifter??
Also this guy rocks more than a chair when he curls and also has a SPRING LOADED CHEST.
WTF!!! I see him mumbling shit and looking at me after I do my sets. He basically follows the same routine as me but he gets there a half hour after I do. He's real starting to piss me off. Should I say something or just get him back and piss him off more by pressing more weight than him.
He gets 325 5 times on fb, I've went from 275 8 times to 325 6 times in 2 weeks with pro. He then proceeded to press 365 once then another with his buddy's help. Do you guys think I can hit 370 tom. I'm trying to pshych myself up. or if someone does the same amount of weight and reps give me a target at what you maxed out at. I want to do it clean no SPOT! THAT"S CHEATING. All reps should be clean or they don't count.
Sorry for venting but this guy pisses me off, I want to hit him but I don't want to get kicked out so I guess this was the best way. Thanx

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Pharm Animal
Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 112
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 18, 2000 12:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pharm Animal   Click Here to Email Pharm Animal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
just keep doin what you're doin...jealousy is a BITCH...not responding to him is the best way to get back at him...cause it shows that he DOESN'T REALLY MATTER!

Take care,

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