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  Dr Marks opinion on clomid

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Author Topic:   Dr Marks opinion on clomid
Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Vancuver, B.C., Canada
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posted August 17, 2000 09:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for champion   Click Here to Email champion     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
I don't know if any of you have ever been to his site but he is really against the use of clomid post cycle. Go to enter forum, steroid board and check out his gyno/clomid posts and post your thoughts on this thread. http://www.directweb.net/steroids/

This is just one of his posts:

Regarding Clomid: Understand that full recovery must be made following a steroid cycle. After the recovery has been made, one can endeavor upon a new anabolic cycle and thereby train the body to accept a new "internal reference point". From cycle to cycle, new gains can be made - Higher highs - FOR LIFE!

With that said, you can understand that complete recovery is required following the cessation of an anabolic cycle, before we can begin a new one. [What goes up must come down] For recovery to be made the balls have to start producing testosterone - and the liver has to start processing "free testosterone". And for this to happen, they rely upon a signal sent from the pituitary gland in the brain.

The pituitary gland must rely upon a signal sent from the hypothalamus in the brain. And the hypothalamus will rely upon signals it gets from other parts of the brain unknown, as well as what it detects is present in the blood.

During the cycle, the hypothalamus realizes there is too much testosterone - Thus, no more is made down in the balls. It doesn't matter if you inject with 100mg or 4000mg of test, that hypothalamus is off. That is why we "get on hard, and fast" in a steroid cycle. The hypothalamus is off no matter what - therefore we feel its best to give a body a hefty dose of testosterone since the hypothalamus will but off just the same - regardless if its been given 100mg or 4000mg. [Naturally we dont do the 4000mg of testosterone because there are too many other side effects associated with that..]

The hypothalamus will not start "coming around" until after it figures out there is no more testosterone in the blood. Clomid however, makes it "think" there is still too much testosterone in the blood, and wont allow its renewed production until the clomid is gone. Because clomid impeads natural testosterone recovery, we adopt other strategies - Suprahypothalamic strategies (stimulating the brain) - rather than stimulating the balls with clomid.

Heres another one

Institute of Integrated Health Technology / Steroids / Clomid & Nolvadex

Dr Mark
User ID: 1112324 Jul 19th 1:34 AM
Estrogens cause a decline in LH, FSH and testosterone, (Endocrinology 1988; 122:1842-1846). They also decrease the LHRH pulse generator, (Endocrinology 1972; 90:771-777). These effects are mediated by estrogens action at both the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. (Progesterones and androgens do as well � email for citations).

Its interesting that triphenylethylene drugs such as tamoxifen and clomiphene act like partial estrogen agonists in the epithelial cells of the uterus, and as estrogen antagonists in other uterine cells, (stoma and myometrium). When administered with estrogen, uterine growth promoting effects are inhibited. Tamoxifen with progresterone will induce cytodifferentiation of oviduct tubular gland cells. The mechanisms for these strange variations are not well understood.

Although they compete with estrogen (estradiol) for binding to specific estrogen receptor sites, the biological activity is more complicated and cannot be described in terms of this effect alone. For example, premenopausal women undergoing breast tumor regression often undergo no alteration in menstrual cycle at all, (Cancer Treat Rep 1976; 60:1445-1450). As previously mentioned, tamoxifen exerts some estrogen agonist effects such as the stimulation of vaginal and uteral epithelium � occasionally to the point of dysplasia or neoplasia. In breast cancer patients, tumor flare up following treatment has been noted, (Br J Surg 1977; 64:900-901). Vaginal cellular maturity (karyopyknotic index) is elevated with tamoxifen use, as well as uteral wall stimulation � the longer the endometrium is stimulated, the greater the risk of cancer - As shown by the association of endometrial carcinoma with the use of estrogens after menopause, (N Engl J Med 1979; 300:9-13).

Estrogenic stimulated prolactin synthesis is inhibited by tamoxifen, and no agonistic effect is seen with the drug alone, (J Biol Chem 1983; 258:4741-4745; J Biol Chem 1983; 258:4734-4740). It has been hypothesized that the drug mechanism is indirect and does not involve the estrogen receptor at all.

Tomoxifen antiestrogen binding sites (TABS) have been characterized in human mammary carcinoma, and other nontarget tissues. They have been noted in human breast cancer as well. They physiological functions of TABSs have not been defined, and although it is tempting to suggest that they are antiestrogen receptors, in general, the data do not support this hypothesis, (Cancer Res 1983; 43:3094-3100).

There is no or minimal change in levels of gonadotropin or prolactin in premenopausal women treated with tamoxifen, (Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1983; 70:189-192). However, estrogen, (estradiol) and progesterone concentrations increase, (University of Wisconsin Press, 1986; 191-219). [Estrogen production is likely a result of its action on the ovary].

It is a funny thing the action of tamoxifen�. On one hand it inhibits some estrogenic activity by unknown mechanisms, on the other hand it acts as an estrogen agonist on the uterine wall � To the point of neoplasia in some long-term use patients. [Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, of Seattle, Washington, came up with a safe alternative for prostmenapausal women seeking estrogen replacement therapy � Using a balance of all estrogen derivatives, progesterone and pregnalone. Over time many dealing with women�s health issues discovered that the �ratio� of one hormone to another is an extremely important consideration regarding long term health.]

What ever the effect of tamoxifen on the female uterus, we have not seen cancers develop in any of the men taking arimidex over time.

Dr Mark
User ID: 1112324 Jul 19th 2:57 PM

Clomid, (clomiphene citrate), is both a weak estrogen and an antiestrogen... but it does not BLOCK the formation of estrogen. It merely "competes" for estrogen activity at the breast tissue...

Basically, clomid does NOTHING to stop testosterones from making estrogen. It simply tends to block its attachement at the breast. Interestingly enough however, clomid will paradoxically cause gynecomastia upon withdrawl (Lee)!

So basically you get worse gyno - and you dont stop the formation of estrogen... If you dont do anything to stop estrogen formation, the extra extrogen will cause "bloating" and it will act to SHUT-DOWN the natural production of testosterone - Making it harder to recover after an anabolic steroid treatment cycle.....

[There are several other side-effects associated with high estrogen levels such as inhibition of immune function and short stature in youth...]

Lee PA. The occurance of gynecomastia upon withdrawal of clomidphene citrate treatment for idiopathic oligospermia. Fertil Steril 1980; 34:285-266.

Dr Mark
User ID: 1112324 Jul 19th 3:05 PM
The aforementioned studies documented what they found was rebound-gyno following clomid usage. I think one thing that happens is that since clomid, (which is like fake LH to the balls), artificially elevates testosterone, the eventual low test/estrogen ratio following its cessation leads to the purported gyno.

Although clomid compells the balls into the production of donkey chokers - The hypothalamus and pituitary gland remain turned off during its use. So in the long run, clomid is simply delaying the inevitable. Why delay recovery? The sooner you recover, the sooner you can hit the next cycle. Moreover, there are better approaches to stimulating the balls and the brain to begin to produce natural testosterone again!
Ice Man
User ID: 0032624 Jul 24th 8:29 AM
Ok, Doc, I hear what you're saying, now how about a translation for those of us that didn't do so well in chem class. Should we be taking Clomid EOD during a test cycle or not? What should be doing?
Dr Mark
User ID: 1112324 Jul 24th 10:15 AM
Clomid causes (rebound) gyno - (Lee. Clomid does NOT prevent the production of estrogen. Estrogen causes bloating, and turns off the natural production of testosterone, (among other things).

Although clomid will have some small and TEMPORARY effect at the balls, ultimately clomid delays recovery of natural testosterone at the brain. [Remember - its your brain that has to tell the balls to make testosterone].

The sooner you can recover from a cycle, the sooner you can get back on to a new cycle and thereby achieve higher goals.

There are much better strategies to prevent estrogens, and to prime the natural production of testosterone again. Clomid does not "prime" the brain. A successful strategy would be to prime the production of testosterone at the level of the hypothalamus (brain).
Ice Man
User ID: 0032624 Jul 24th 8:21 PM
Dr. Mark,

I'm clear that there are better avenues than Clomid and stimulating the brain into telling the gonads to produce makes tons of sense to me. So I guess the question is what product does this? I did not see the answer in the thread. Thank you for some great information.
Dr Mark
User ID: 1112324 Jul 26th 5:29 PM
Clomid does not stimulate the hypothalamus. Ultimately the brain will have to decide when you truly recover the natural production of testosterone. And you cant begin a new cycle until you have fully recovered.

Clomid delays the ultimate recovery at the brain (hypothalamus). Neurotransmitters carry signals to the hypothalamus telling it whats going on. We call this the suprahypothalamic level of stimulation. If you can stimulate the hypothalamus, then you are truly getting to the root of the problem.

I have a whole section about suprahypothalamic stimulation in the physicians text: Anabolic Strategies and Treatment Applications.

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posted August 17, 2000 09:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Hmm let's see here. BB's have been using clomid for years and they all think it works and one guy thinks it doesn't. That's it I am quitting now. Not a flame toward you, Champion, I just think it is funny how everyone is always trying to disprove something or another. There are too many people that have tried it and say it works for it not to. Peace...Mav

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Pharm Animal
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posted August 17, 2000 09:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pharm Animal   Click Here to Email Pharm Animal     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
that's true maverick, but it's good to understand the scientific basis of any standpoint as far as anabolic medications are concerned....i think this post was good for argument's sake, on a biochemical level of course...

practically speaking, i would never be caught post-cycle without clomid!

Take care,

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posted August 17, 2000 10:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Sorry Mav this guy is not alone..(You Clomidians can get your flame throwers lit up any time now).. I have never talked to anyone in the medical field of hormone therapy who thinks clomid does what BB's claim it does. And frankly no one I knew ever used it until recent years. BB's have no clinical studies to back their claim. NONE. It is just something they do because they think it works.

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posted August 17, 2000 10:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for champion   Click Here to Email champion     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Maverick, I'm not agreeing with Dr Mark I just figured I'd put up a topic that might get a whole bunch of different views. Personally I do not agree with his views on clomid, but they are interesting.

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posted August 17, 2000 10:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
I know champion. I wasn't saying you were. We appreciate the info. Guys if it doesn't work then how come there are all kinds of stories about people who have cycled before without it and have lost all their gains. Then they say they started using it and are able to keep more of their gains. I see shit like this alot on this board and many others. How come there are so many places such as elitefitness's anabolic database that say that clomid has been shown to stimulate the hypothalamus which in turn produces more testosterone? I am not arguing and I am by no means any type of expert but it just seems to me that there is so much data out there that suggests it does. But, come to think of it I have never seen any type of case studies showing test levels before and after clomid use so who knows. Peace...Mav

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posted August 17, 2000 10:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Mav, if there really is a study somewhere showing this, I am really interested in where I might find it. Who did the research and who paid for it? Tomorrow I will talk to my doc (he's been supplying no no I mean helping athletes for 15 years with AAS )and I will ask him about it again. (He has insisted it doesn't work.) If you can please direct me to the place where I might read the findings of these studies I will be in your debt.

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posted August 17, 2000 10:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Ulter, you must have read my post wrong. Here is what I said:

Originally posted by Maverik:
But, come to think of it I have never seen any type of case studies showing test levels before and after clomid use so who knows.

If I knew of one I would definitely share it though. Peace...Mav

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posted August 17, 2000 10:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for natedawg     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Dr. Mark seems to have Clomid and HCG mixed up. HCG is like an artificial Leutenizing Hormone (LH). LH acts on the balls to stimulate test production, as does HCG. And HCG will eventually shut down LH and testosterone.
Clomid has no action on the balls. It does have action at the brain. It acts as an estrogen antagonist at the brain- meaning it blocks estrogen from the Hypothalamus or Pituitary (I'm not sure which, maybe both). So, it does increase real LH, which then increases testosterone.
I'm not going to spend my time citing studies, but I know that there are many study abstracts on Medline that show Clomid increasing LH, test, and FSH in males. (I know this because I was trying to get my doctor to prescribe Clomid for low test. And the lazy asshole wouldn't even read the abstracts I brought him.)
As far as the rebound gyno from Clomid, I'm just theorizing that the Clomid raised test, and when it was stopped, the high test caused gyno. Also remember that in that study those men taking the Clomid did so for a reason- probably for low test levels. So their hormones were all screwed up to begin with.
And I have no uterus, so I don't know what that post about tomoxifene (Nolvadex) has to do with me or any male.

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posted August 17, 2000 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Here I sit with egg on my face for I did not read the last line of your post. Forgive me I will be more attentive in the future.

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posted August 17, 2000 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
natedawg if you don't know you better ax somebody.

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posted August 17, 2000 11:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message        UIN: 35077339   Reply w/Quote
I have personally and clinically experianced that clomid DOES raise testosterone levels if they are depressed (it wont raise normal levels higher). I had to have a semen analysis done (which I forgot about and was mid cycle), and took it even though the cycle had just ended. My test levels were soooo low (I dont have the papers laying around so I cant quote specific numbers). I took the test before I started taking clomid. After using it for 4 weeks, my test levels were up to normal range. Youre going to say "How do you know that your test levels hadnt returned to normal on its own?"
Well, thats because I was still below readable levels for FSH and LH, meaning that my HPT was still being supressed. For my test to have come back naturally, the HPT would have at least partially recovered from suppression.
Clomid can be a mixed blessing (and I think this is the point of the article, and has been misinterpereted).
Continuing clomid past the point where your natural levels have been restimulated will cause a kind of negative loop effect. Your body sees the clomids influence as a kind of "extra" testosterone, and continues to supress the HPT. As for Dr. Marks comment about "stimulating the brain not the balls", well thats asinine.
Clomid stimulates the testicles to begin producing again. If you get off the clomid before the negative loop occurs, the HPT will come back around.
This is mainly of importance in fertility issues! All WE are concerned with is getting test production back to keep gains, and to hell with the HPT and FSH/LH.
My FSH/LH levels took 7 + months to return, but my test levels were back in a fraction of that time.
I really dont like these doctors that purport to have some kind of theory based only on anecdotal evidence, and text book summation. We've used clomid for longer than these guys have been doctors (if indeed they are). They never have any actual studies using the groups they are publishing their "research" to. How tamoxifen effects tumors in breast tissue does NOT have much of any bearing on how it will reduce or prevent gyno.
Ive never found clomid to be useful as an anti-e, but it is useful as a post cycle test restorer... but not used long-term! This is also why Ive never used clomid DURING a cycle. Its self defeating, and just because your testicles havent shrunk much, doesnt mean you testosterone level hasnt been (or wont be) suppressed... but whatever.
I just wonder, is this guy trying to sell something? Or will he be in the near future? I bet the answer is Yes...

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posted August 17, 2000 11:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for natedawg     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Check this out. This is what I tried to show my doctor. It will be long and real entertaining :) , but I think it is proof positive that Dr. Mark is confused.

1 : Fertil Steril 1997 Apr;67(4):783-5
Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a male runner is reversed by clomiphene citrate.
Burge MR, Lanzi RA, Skarda ST, Eaton RP
University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Department of Medicine/Endocrinology-5ACC, Albuquerque 87131, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of estrogen antagonist therapy on the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis in a young male runner with significant morbidity attributable to idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. DESIGN: An uncontrolled case study. SETTING: The outpatient endocrinology clinic of a university tertiary referral center. PATIENT(S): A 29-year-old male who has run 50 to 90 miles per week since 15 years of age and who presented with a pelvic stress fracture, markedly decreased bone mineral density, and symptomatic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. INTERVENTION(S): Clomiphene citrate (CC) at doses up to 50 mg two times per day over a 5-month period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and T before and after CC therapy, as well as clinical indicators of gonadal function. RESULT(S): Barely detectable levels of LH and FSH associated with hypogonadal levels of T were restored to the normal range with CC therapy. The patient experienced improved erectile function, increased testicular size and sexual hair growth, and an improved sense of well being. CONCLUSION(S): Exercise-induced hypogonadotropic hypogonadism exists as a clinical entity among male endurance athletes, and CC may provide a safe and effective treatment option for males with debilitating hypogonadism related to endurance exercise.

1 : Fertil Steril 1980 Jun;33(6):618-23
Clomiphene treatment of the idiopathic hypofertile male: high-dose, alternate-day therapy.
Ross LS, Kandel GL, Prinz LM, Auletta F
Increasing reports suggest that clomiphene citrate (clomid) is useful in the treatment of idiopathic hypofertile males. Recent studies have advocated low-dose, cyclic therapy (25 mg daily for 25 days, 5 days' rest) and, although significant clinical responses have been reported, the hormone response has been erratic. This study of 53 patients, given high-dose, alternate-day therapy (100 mg three times/week), shows an over-all positive response rate of 66% and a pregnancy rate of 26%. Significant gonadotropin and testosterone surges were seen in the responders, but a selective lack of a follicle-stimulating hormone surge was noted in a small group of nonresponders. Clomiphene given in this dosage seems to be safe for periods of up to 15 months and appears to be a rational and useful agent for the treatment of this patient group.

1 : Nephron 1993;63(4):390-4
Effect of clomiphene citrate on hormonal profile in male hemodialysis and kidney transplant patients.
Martin-Malo A, Benito P, Castillo D, Espinosa M, Burdiel LG, Perez R, Aljama P
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of clomiphene citrate (CC) therapy in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis of male uremic subjects. Thirty-four patients on hemodialysis (HD) and 8 successful kidney transplant subjects (RT) were evaluated. Nine healthy males were used as controls (C). At baseline, zinc, testosterone (TEST), prolactin (PRL), FSH, LH and estradiol plasma concentrations were measured. All subjects were treated with CC (100 mg/day) for a week. The aforementioned parameters were determined again on the seventh day of CC therapy, and 3 days after drug withdrawal. Following CC, there was a rise in FSH, LH and TEST levels in all subjects (p < 0.05); it is interesting to stress that TEST became normal in HD. In addition, we observed a decrease of PRL after CC only in HD patients (p < 0.01). In summary, CC was able to partially correct most of the hormonal disturbances of the gonadal axis in uremic patients.

1 : Acta Med Acad Sci Hung 1978;35(2):159-65
Steroid levels in the serum and seminal plasma during clomiphene therapy in hypofertile men.
Sas M, Falkay G, Szollosi J
The serum and seminal plasma concentrations of androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and 17beta-oestradiol were investigated in hypo- and oligospermic males during clomiphene-citrate, administration. A significant increase was demonstrated in the serum testosterone, dihydrosterone and 17beta-oestradiol values, mainly in the first month of therapy. The steroid increase in the ejaculate was less pronounced. Measuring of 17beta-oestradiol in serum appears to be a useful parameter for estimating the stimulative effect of clomiphene citrate.

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posted August 18, 2000 01:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TonyDelk   Click Here to Email TonyDelk     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote

Here is my take on Dr. Mark based on my above average understanding of biochemistry.(and my in depth conversations with BR and another illustrious mind in the field of AAS)

Clomid is better officially known as a "selective estrogen receptor modulator". What does that mean?

In lay terms it means its mode of action is not as simple as blocking the estrogen receptor. Estrogen receptors require not only hormones but activation of specific regions known as AF-1 and AF-2. AF-1 and AF-2 are both activated differently from one another.

Simply put, clomid is an estrogen receptor antagonist in cells that depend on activation of AF-2. Conversely, Clomid acts as an estrogen in cells which will activate AF-1.

OK..Enough with the biochem. What does this mean to bodybuilders? It means Clomid is "antiestrogenic" in:

A)Breast Tissue(a good thing to prevent gyno)
B)Fat Tissue(again good to prevent unwanted fat accumulation/build up)
C)Hypothalamus(Uhh..Oh Dr Mark)

It also means that Clomid is "estrogenic" in

A)Bone tissue(desirable especially in people prone to osteoporosis/arthritis)
B)Blood lipid profile(which may be the best effect overall from Clomid supplementation long term for bodybuilders desiring to live long after they are done "looking good". ;-)

Clomid(clomiphene)has been found more effective in a number of studies for increasing leutinizing hormone production.(if you don't believe me, peruse the anals of Pub Med in your spare time) Of course this stuff is worthless while on high dose AAS(one is inhibited).

As Androgen levels return to normal however, a dose of 50mgs a day of clomid is beneficial if estrogen levels are not completely out of whack.(there are many factors that effect this...type of drugs used, genetic factors..etc)If they are completely out of whack, a dose of 100mgs a day(your average post cycle clomid stack used by millions of bodybuilders)is "usually" effective in restoring natural test.

Essentially if you are going to be using high dose androgens/aromitizables it is very preferable to have an aromatase inhibitor like Anastrozole or Aminoglutethimide to use along with Clomid.

I hope this clears things up a bit. Just to add one more thing, I think Dr. Mark has an agenda as he is about to release a book about using and how to get the most out of them while on and off.

Also --everyone's favorite biochemist of the Digital World(ANARCHY IN THE USA)has completely attacked everything that has come from Dr Mark's mouth. And I have yet to see Dr. Mark respond in a way that would quash the retorts. In other words, IMO, Dr. Mark has not a fucking clue as to what he is talking about.

I hope he does and I encourage other views as well. It makes this board a better place.

Once again I think it comes down to "real world experience"(which sadly has far more bodybuilder's in unmonitored environments as case studies)than it does monitored control groups.

Hey, I know clomid works for me. It may not for you however. But I "know" that science tells me it will work.(for most people I presume it will as well)


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posted August 18, 2000 08:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lthrnk   Click Here to Email Lthrnk     Edit/Delete Message        UIN: 84861003   Reply w/Quote
great post and thanks to all great reading and also something to think about

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posted August 18, 2000 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jarabbit   Click Here to Email jarabbit     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote

Thanks Tonydelk that was reassuring to my confused mind. You must admit though that Dr. Mark does make a convincing argument.

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posted August 18, 2000 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for chestyII   Click Here to Email chestyII     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
He never answered any of the questions asked him by the readers in the thread. He just re-stated quotes from the article. This makes me question the validity of the study and whether or not he knows what he is talking about.


Chestys Homeworld

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posted August 18, 2000 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steelheart   Click Here to Email Steelheart     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Instead of clomid, would a shot of hcg or something like that be better?

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posted August 18, 2000 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ulter   Click Here to Email ulter     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
YES. 2 shots, 2 weeks and your done. And HCG has been clinically proven.

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posted August 18, 2000 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
I will add the old, no longer used, site where Dr Mark is discussing "Estrogen blocking". We may not forget that Clomid is used for keeping gains, getting natural test levels back to normal and gyno prevention. Not everyone is talking about the same while discussing Clomid.


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posted August 18, 2000 06:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Maverik   Click Here to Email Maverik     Edit/Delete Message          Reply w/Quote
Good info fellas. Some of you make me feel like a newbie. Glad to hear that there is a little bit of proof backing its use. Peace...Mav

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